I Met ' Niha Bharadwaj '

Niha Bharadwaj gaped her eyes and asked " What happened ? Why are you screaming? ".

Delun Chen sniffed and said " My Gosh, That's not a safe place to stay. Especially for girls. Move from that hotel immediately. Right now ".

Niha Bharadwaj blinked her eyes and said " But.. ".

Delun Chen interrupted her and said " Miss Niha I'm suggesting you to change your place. I knew about that hotel. It's not safe ".

" Okay , Okay . But where can I go now ? I am unaware of this city " Niha Bharadwaj lowered her head and replied.

Delun Chen thought for a while and said " Don't worry. I have a way ".

" What's that ? " Niha Bharadwaj raised her head and asked .

Delun Chen gave a gentle smile and said " Well, My friend owned a hotel. It's the top most luxurious hotel in ' S City '. Besides I'm managing that hotel. So you can stay there ".

" No. you're saying that is a luxurious hotel. So it must be expensive. I don't have much money. I think, I can't afford the cost. Moreover I'm jobless "Niha Bhardwaj said so.

Delun Chen smiled and said " Haha , it's okay. I'll talk with the management department. You can stay for free ".

" No , I can't stay like that " Niha Bharadwaj said.

Delun Chen said " I mean , you can stay there until you find a good house. I know you don't have enough money with you. So, You can return my money after you get a job ".

" Mr.Chen , I don't know how to thank you for your kindness " Niha Bharadwaj gave a tender smile and said.

Delun Chen gave a friendly smile and said " It's Ok. Let's go to the Wonder Hill Inn and get back your belongings ".

After that he started his car and reached the Wonder Hill inn in half an hour. Niha Bharadwaj packed her things and then they left the Inn. Delun Chen drove his car to ' Blue Moon Hotel '.

It took about an hour. Niha Bharadwaj gaped her eyes in astonishment after watching the hotel. Delun Chen parked his car and went inside the hotel with Niha Bharadwaj.

The hotel staff members greeted Delun Chen politely. ( everyone In the ' S City ' Knew about the friendly relationship between the three Nobel families. Lei family, Zhao family and Chen Family are having good relationship since decades ). They looked at Niha Bharadwaj with a surprise in their eyes but they didn't utter a single word.

Niha Bharadwaj saw their expressions, she lowered her head and followed Delun Chen. Delun Chen walked directly to the management department. Niha Bharadwaj stood behind him. He talked with the management department and turned to Niha Bharadwaj and said " Everything is done. Let's go ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head. A staff member led the way. He opened the door of room no. 205 and Niha Bharadwaj went inside the room. Niha Bharadwaj stared at the room and looking around the room. Delun Chen went inside the room and called Niha's name. Niha Bharadwaj retracted her gaze and looked at Delun Chen.

Delun Chen asked " What are you looking at? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said while stammering " Mr.Chen , I... I can't live here. Everyone can tell in a glance that it will cost thousands of yuan to stay here ".

Delun Chen laughed and said " You are thinking too much. It's nothing ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " But, If it's too high , I worried that I may not be... ".

Her last words were stopped by Delun Chen and He said " Ahh, Wait, Wait. Please relax. Stay here for a few days, I'll search a good house for you. Then you can move from here".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Mr.Chen you, you have a heart of gold . I'll work hard and return every single penny of yours ".

Delun Chen laughed and said " That's the spirit. If you want anything, feel free to call me at anytime. okay ? ". He took his visiting card from his pocket and gave to Niha Bharadwaj. Niha Bharadwaj took the card from his hand and smiled.

Delun Chen turned to the staff member and said " Take care of her. Give her whatever she wants ". The staff member nodded his head.

Later Delun Chen turned to Niha Bharadwaj and said " If you have any problems just make a call to the hotel number. There is a restaurant downstairs. If you want to eat something you can go there or else you can order to your room ".

Then he left the room with the staff member. After closing the door , Niha Bharadwaj wandered around the room for a while , it's really a larger one. Later, She took a shower and went to the bed.

When Delun Chen was leaving the hotel his mobile phone suddenly rang. After looking at the caller ID displayed on the screen, he answered the call and said " Hello Big Brother, What brings you calling me at this hour ? ".

" Explain yourself " Wang Lei speak only a single word.

Delun Chen stroke his head and asked " Explain ? What !! ".

Wang Lei Replied " I was informed about something by our management ".

Delun Chen replied " Damn it. You have already informed about that !. It's not even passed a half an hour since it had Happened".

Wang Lei replied " Yeah. Her charges will be deducted from your salary ".

Delun Chen laughed and said " Ohh, okay no problem ".

Wang Lei thought for a second and said in mocking tone " Hmm , I'm wondering whether to tell Hira or not ? ".

Delun Chen replied " Haha , Are you kidding me! No problem , you can tell to Hira. I'll get a slap on the back by her ".

Wang Lei changed his tone and asked " ohh , I see. Really ? ".

Delun Chen smiled and replied " Yeah , ofcourse. I'm damn sure about that. She knew about this girl. moreover she is Hira's friend. I met her.... ".

Wang Lei interrupted Delun Chen and said " ahh, stop it. I don't have time to hear all your bull shit. Don't cause any trouble to me. That's it ".

Delun Chen shouted " Hey, wait. Let me explain ".

Wang Lei said " I have some work ".

When Delun Chen is about to say something Wang Lei hung up the call without giving a second for him . Delun Chen looked at the screen of his mobile phone. He called back to Wang Lei, but after two rings the call was disconnected.

He sniffed and talked to himself ' Ahh, What he actually thinks of me ? I'm the young and most dynamic cop in China. But this cold hearted CEO of Lei group always piss me off and thinks I'm a punk. Damn it '.

He went to the parking lot with a gloomy face and kicked his car door. Later he got in the car and took his mobile.

He scrolled his call log and called ' my Babe '. After a few rings the call was connected.

When hearing Hira's voice on mobile , Delun Chen's anger was gone off in a second.

Delun Chen said " Hi Hira ".

" What's the Matter ? "Hira Samrat asked disdainfully.

Delun Chen said " Could you please talk to me in a gentle way ? ".

Hira Samrat replied " I'm not in a mood ".

Delun Chen said " I have some shocking news for you. Do you want to know ? ".

" What ? Are you going to get Married ? Congratulations " Hira Samrat said with mockery.

Delun Chen face changed gloomy. After a few seconds, he said ironically " Huh , Yeah , with you. Come on let's get married and... ".

Hira Samrat giggled, but she shouted " Will you please stop kidding me! ".

Delun Chen chuckled and said " Haha, Who started First ? ".

Hira Samrat said " Hmm, okay. What's the matter ? ".

Delun Chen said " You will be surprised ".

Hira Samrat said " First of all say it. Then I'll tell you whether i was surprised or not ".

Delun Chen said " Guess who I met today ! ".

" Definitely a girl " Hira Samrat replied quickly.

Delun Chen said " Genius, Don't you want to know her name ? ".

Hira Samrat face changed gloomy and said " No , I'm not interested ".

Delun Chen said " Huh, Come on Babe. You will be surprised after hearing her name ".

Hira Samrat said " Hmm, say it then ".

Delun Chen said " But , I want something in return ".

Hira Samrat rolled her eyes and asked " What do you want ? ".

Delun Chen chuckled and said " A Kiss ".

Hira Samrat exclaimed with anger " Delun Chen , Are you out of your mind ? ".

Delun Chen smiled and said " No, I'm not ".

" Instead of a kiss, I'll kick your A**. I'm going to hang up the call " Hira Samrat said angrily.

Delun Chen shouted " Hey , Wait. Calm down first. I'll tell her name ".

Hira Samrat kept Silent , she didn't speak a word. Delun Chen looked at his screen and after confirming that the phone call was not ended , he said " I met ' Niha Bharadwaj ' ".

Hira Samrat who was lying on the bed suddenly got up and exclaimed with surprise " What !!! ".

< End Of The Chapter 18 >