Drive To ' Blue Moon '

Delun Chen smiled and asked " Were you surprised or not ? ".

Hira Samrat replied " Yeah ".

" I found her when she was chasing by a group of bag snatchers. She told me that she was run away from her marriage and came to our ' S City ' " Delun Chen said.

" My gosh " Hira Samrat exclaimed.

Delun Chen continued " Yeah , it's a long story . I'll tell you later ".

Hira Samrat said " No , tell me now ".

Delun Chen explained everything to Hira Samrat. In the end he asked " By the way, When do you plan to come home ? ".

Hira Samrat said " Hmm, I'll be back in a month. Del, listen to me.Take care of Niha until I return to ' S City '. Don't forget to Inform me if something happens to her ".

Delun Chen said " Okay. Rest assured ".

Hira Samrat said " okay , I have to go now. See you later ".

Delun Chen said " Yeah , take care Bye ". Later he hung up the mobile and went to his home.


Next day morning ;

Wang Lei lives in ' Aspen Villa '. He specially designed his villa with the best quality infrastructure to live with his future wife. He choose his villa a little far from the city to avoid the pollution. It will take about an hour journey to his office. But he likes to stay here because the atmosphere is quite and peaceful unlike in the city. There are about twenty villas in the area where he is living. The People living in his area are quite wealthy families. Every villa has a unique name. He named his villa as ' Aspen Villa '. Everyone knows that Lei's company CEO is living in the ' Aspen Villa '.

Wang Lei woke up at dawn and went for a morning exercise. He returned to his villa after doing exercise. Kai Heng was already waiting for him in the entrance hall. He greeted Wang Lei. Wang Lei looked at him and went straight to his room.

He took a shower and wore a Navy Blue coloured suit. It was well fitted to his tall figure. He is looking handsome. He is looking like an arrogant and capable boss with sharp eyes. Twenty minutes later he came downstairs. His black and silky hair was bouncing when he was walking , which makes him more attractive. He sat on the dining table. A male servant served the breakfast on the table. After finishing his breakfast , he went directly to the company with Kai Heng. In the car Kai Heng explained him about today's schedule.

At the Lei's Company -

Kai Heng came into the CEO office with some files in his hands. Wang Lei was signing some documents at that point. Kai Heng placed the files infront of Wang Lei and said " Young master , you have to attend a video conference with foreign delegates ".

Wang Lei looked at his watch and said " Let's go ".

The video conference lasted for two hours. After finishing the video conference Wang Lei went back to his office. Kai Heng followed him. Wang Lei seated in his chair and started reading the documents.

Kai Heng Stood infront of him and said " Young Mater , it's time for lunch ".

" Later " Wang Lei said as he was working on his PC.

Kai Heng said " Ok young master ". Then he left the CEO office.


Niha Bharadwaj didn't wake up until Ten in the morning. She woke up the door knocking sound and went to open the door. A servant stood at the door and said " Good morning Madam. What do you want for breakfast ".

Niha Bharadwaj rubbed her eyes and ordered " oats porridge , boiled eggs and one Cappuccino ".

The servant took the order and left. Niha Bharadwaj freshened up. Fifteen minutes later a servant brought the Breakfast to Niha's room. She finished her breakfast and called Delun Chen. After a few rings Delun Chen answered the phone.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Hi Mr.Chen. Are you busy ? ".

Delun Chen replied " Hello Miss Niha. I have some work . I'll meet you tomorrow ".

" It's ok. No issues " Niha Bharadwaj said.

Delun Chen asked " Have you had your breakfast ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Yeah ".

Delun Chen said " Ok then. I'll call you later ".

Niha Bharadwaj said goodbye and hung up the call.


In The Evening ;

Almost at eight , Kai Heng came into the CEO office and said " Young Master , Madam Lei phoned me ".

Wang Lei who was working on his PC suddenly stopped and asked " What did she say ? ".

Kai Heng said " Madam Lei arranged a date with Miss Jiang at half past eight ".

Wang Lei glanced at his assistant and started working again.

Kai Heng understood his master's gaze and said " Okay Young Master ".

Then he went out of the office and closed the door. He phoned Miss Jiang and said " Hello miss Jiang, Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you understand. Our boss is busy today , so he couldn't meet you today. He told me to postpone today's meeting. Let's meet another day ". After informing , he hung up the call and went into the office.

" Young Master, it's done " Kai Heng said.

Wang Lei closed his PC and said " Okay , Let's go ". He took the exclusive elevator and went to the parking lot. After got in the back seat of the car, He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the top button. Kai Heng got in the driver seat, He looked at his master in the rearview mirror and asked " Young Master , Where should I drive ? ".

Wang Lei Replied " Drive to Blue Moon ".

Kai Heng started driving to ' Blue Moon '. Fourty minutes later they finally arrived at the restaurant. After parking the car , they went into the restaurant. Every staff member greeted Wang Lei respectfully. But , Wang Lei ignored them and went straight into the private room.


Almost at Nine , Niha Bharadwaj's mobile started ringing. She started at the unknown number with a terrified face. Her hands started shaking because no one knew her mobile number. She took her mobile and when she was about to answer, the call has ended. Niha Bharadwaj kept staring at her mobile screen.

Five minutes later Delun Chen called her. After watching Delun's name on the screen , Niha Bharadwaj finally get relieved and answered the phone call.

Delun Chen said " Hi miss Niha, I forgot to tell you. I gave your number to Hira. She is the doctor who treated you in newyork. She wants to talk with you. Answer her call ".

Niha Bharadwaj didn't understand What was going on, but she said " Okay ".

After hanging up Delun's Call, her phone vibrated again. Niha Bharadwaj answered the phone call.

Hira Samrat said " Hi Niha , Do you remember me ? ".

" Yeah Doctor. How are you ? " Niha Bharadwaj replied politely.

Hira Samrat smiled and said " I'm good. Call me Hira ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Okay ".

Hira Samrat asked " How are you doing ? ".

" Well " Niha Bharadwaj replied.

" Have you finished your dinner ? " Hira Samrat asked Niha.

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Yeah , just now ".

Hira Samrat said " Are you feeling comfortable there ? If you're not feeling well, tell to Delun. I'll be back in a month ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " Thank you , everything is ok . By the way , are you also from china ? ".

Hira Samrat replied " Yeah , currently I'm training in Newyork. It will be completed in a month. Later I'll return to ' S City ' ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Ohh , I see ".

Hira Samrat said " Yeah , if you feel bored wander around the hotel. It's large and beautiful. I'll ask Delun to assist someone to help you ".

" No No , it's okay. I can go by myself " Niha Bharadwaj said.

Hira Samrat said " Okay then, take care. Don't run into troubles. If you have any issues , don't Forget to call me. Okay ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " Okay ".

Hira Samrat said " Okay , Good night. See you later ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Okay , Take care. Good bye ".

Then she hung up the phone and started thinking ' Huh, what a small world. How come I met them here. Hmm , I was quite Lucky to meet them. Then she stood up from the couch and went outside to wander around the hotel. All the members working in the restaurant were aware of her. Everyone is thinking that she is the girlfriend of their manager. So everyone greeted her politely.

When she was wandering around, she noticed a three woman were murmuring, giggling and continuously looking inside a private room.

When she was reaching them , she heard their voices.

first girl said ' Hey , he is the young master of Lei family '.

Second girl replied ' Wow , he is looking handsome '.

Third girl said ' Yeah , he is. Look at his style. He is awesome '.

First girl asked " Do you wanna sneak into the room '.

Third girl replied ' No , I don't dare. Although he is the most eligible bachelor in ' S City ' , he is a woman hater ".

They are talking in Chinese. Niha Bharadwaj didn't understand a single word except the last word ' Woman hater '. She saw that the door of the Private room was slightly opened. She reached them and said " Excuse me ".

The three girls were startled by the sudden call.

< End Of The Chapter 19 >