Future Sister In Law

" Huh, Did you get deafness ? " Wang Lei slammed hard on the table with his hands and said.

The door of his office opened. Kai Heng came into the room , he saw Delun Chen who was in a shock and chuckled.

Delun Chen looked at Kai Heng and asked while stammering " Mr.Heng do you have any idea about what he is talking ? ".

Kai Heng didn't say anything , he closed the door and stood silently beside Delun Chen.

Delun Chen snorted and turned to Wang Lei.

He asked " Brother , Can you please make it clear for me ? I didn't get you ".

Wang Lei told everything to Delun Chen.

Delun Chen got excited and said " Ohh my goodness. Which means you first saw her in Newyork ! ".

Wang Lei nodded his head.

" Brother , Do you know what ? she was the girl I saved last time in Newyork during gang war " Delun Chen said.

" I already knew about that " Wang Lei said calmly.

Delun Chen put his hands on his waist and yelled " What !! You have already knew ? Which means you gathered her info. Am I right ? ".

" Yeah " Wang Lei replied.

Delun Chen continued " Wow brother, you're awesome. But , Shit , brother you have wasted your time. I have already told you about Niha when we met last time at Blue Moon. But you didn't Listen to me ".

Wang Lei gave a strange look to Delun Chen.

" Why are you looking at me like that. Is there anything on my face ? " Delun Chen asked Wang Lei.

" Give respect to her " Wang Lei said with a cold voice.

" What do you mean ? " Delun Chen gapped his eyes and asked.

" She is your future Sister In Law. It is not proper to call your Sister In Law by her name " Wang Lei replied.


Delun Chen was stunned.

" Brother are you serious? " He asked Wang Lei.

Wang Lei nodded his head.

Delun Chen shouted " God, you're driving me crazy. Wait, Am I dreaming ? Kai Heng please pinch my hand ".

Kai Heng pinched hardly on Delun Chen's hand. Delun Chen shouted with pain and said while rubbing his hand " Ahh, it's hurting ".

Then he added " Brother you know what ? You have wasted almost two weeks. But it's ok. No problem. You still have enough time to win her heart ".

Wang Lei interrupted him and said " I know , Cut the crap and come straight to the point ".

Delun Chen drank some water and sat on the chair.

He said " Okay, Cool down. I'll tell you everything ".

Then, He said everything he knew about Niha.

Later Wang Lei said " Del , keep this as a secret. Don't even tell to Miss Hira about this matter ".

Delun Chen asked " Are you requesting me ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Stop dreaming. I'm not requesting you. It's my order ".

Delun Chen bobbed his head and said " okay Brother. I promise you , I won't tell anyone ".

He thought for a second and said " Brother , I'm off to Shanghai in a few days. Please take good care of my Sister In Law when I'm not here ".

" Well , you don't have to worry about that. I can protect my girl. Stay there as long as you wish " Wang Lei replied.

Delun Chen chuckled and said " Aww , Your girl ! ok then , take care of your girl ".

" You can go now " Wang Lei pointed his hand towards the door and said.

Delun Chen said " Hmm, I understand. I'm leaving. Bye bye ".

Wang Lei also said good bye to him. After that Delun Chen stood from his chair and walked towards the door by humming a tune. He stopped at the door and turned back.

He looked at Wang Lei and said " Brother , Pursue my sister in law ASAP. I'll wait for your good news. I wish you a very good luck ".

Wang Lei gave a gentle smile and waved his hand. Delun Chen winked his eye and left the company.

Wang Lei looked at Kai Heng and said " Kai Heng, You have to do one thing for me ".

Kai Heng bowed his head and said " Your order Young Master ".

Wang Lei said " Well. Go and buy the apartment, opposite to her ".

Kai Heng widened his eyes and asked " Young Master are you planning to move to her opposite house ? ".

Wang Lei nodded his head and said " Go and complete all the formalities before this evening ".

Kai Heng replied " Okay young master ".

Wang Lei said " Listen, I'll move today ".

Kai Heng asked " What ? Today ? ".

Wang Lei raised his eyebrow and asked " Yeah, Is there any problem ? ".

Kai Heng replied " No , No young master. Nothing. I'll go and arrange the things ".

Then he took a leave and went to Niha Bharadwaj's community.

In the evening ;

Kai Heng called Wang Lei and said " Young Master everything was ready ".

Wang Lei said " Okay , I'm coming ".

Kai Heng asked " But , young master , it was already Nine ".

Wang Lei said " No problem , I have already started. I'll be there in fifteen minutes ".

Kai Heng said " Ok young master. I'll wait for you at the entrance ".

Later he hung up the call. He saw Niha Bharadwaj while he was entering into the elevator. She was talking with Hira Samrat on phone.

Fifteen minutes later Wang Lei arrived at the ' Rainbows community '. Kai Heng was waiting for him at the entrance.

Kai Heng opened the car door and said " Young Master , I just saw young madam ".

Wang Lei asked " Ohh, What she is doing ? ".

Kai Heng replied " I think , She just came from outside. She was talking with someone on phone. I saw her when she came out from the elevator ".

Wang Lei nodded his head , then they took the elevator and went to the eighth floor.

Kai Heng gave the room keys to Wang Lei and said " Young Master here your room keys. Do you need anything else ? ".

Wang Lei took the room keys and said " Well , from today onwards, I'll do my work from here. Bring all the documents to here ".

Kai Heng asked " Ok young master. Do you want anything else ? ".

Wang Lei said " No. Don't get caught by Niha ".

Kai Heng smiled and said " Ok young master ".

Wang Lei said " Okay, you can leave now ".

Kai Heng took the elevator and went to the parking lot. Later he drove to his home. Wang Lei stared at the door of Niha Bharadwaj for sometime and opened his apartment door and went inside.

While he was closing his door , Niha Bharadwaj opened her room door to dump the garbage. She saw the door of her opposite house being closed. She stared at the door for a minute and went to dump the garbage.

Later she came to her room and found her phone was ringing continuously. She washed her hands and answered the call. After answering the phone call. Hira Samrat asked her " Why it took so long to answer my call ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " Ohh , Do you missed me during this short time ? ".

Hira Samrat smiled and replied " Yeah , badly. I just wanted to come there right now and wanted to hangout with you. We can go for Dinner , shopping and we can go to amusement park too. Haha ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Yeah , I'm also waiting for that moment. I'm feeling alone here ".

Hira Samrat said " Hmm, Don't worry. I'll come back soon ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " Mmm , I think I have a new neighbour ".

Hira Samrat asked " Wow, that's great. You may not feel bored now ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Yeah. I think so ".

Hira Samrat asked " But be careful. By the way, your neighbour is a girl or a boy ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " I don't know. I feel better if it's a girl ".

Hira Samrat asked " Why ? ".

While they're talking Someone knocked on Niha Bharadwaj's door....

< End Of The Chapter 23>