He Is Looking ' Pretty Handsome '

Niha Bharadwaj said " Wait , someone is ringing the doorbell ".

Hira Samrat said " Hmm, I think that's your new neighbour. Hurry up , Go and Check ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Uff, Stop joking. Hold a second. I'll go and check ".

Niha Bharadwaj opened the door.

Hira Samrat asked " Is that your neighbour ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " No, a delivery boy ".

The delivery boy showed the food bag in his hand to Niha Bharadwaj and said " Good evening madam. Your order ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " But , I didn't place any order ".

The Delivery boy said " But , Madam the address written on it is yours ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Let me see it ".

The delivery boy showed the address to her.

Niha Bharadwaj saw the address. It's from ' The Blue Moon ' restaurant. She said " It's not mine ".

She pointed her opposite apartment and said " It's theirs. Flat no. 206 ".

The delivery boy checked the address and said " Oh , Sorry Madam. Sorry for bothering you at this hour ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " It's okay ".

And then she closed her door. The delivery boy delivered the order to Wang Lei.

Hira Samrat asked " Did you get inside the room ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Yeah. Do you want me to stay outside ? ".

Hira Samrat laughed and said " Haha , I didn't mean that ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " Then , what do you mean ? ".

Hira Samrat said " Why can't you wait till your neighbour come outside ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " No need ".

Then she added " Don't you have any work ? ".

Hira Samrat said " Yeah, I do have. I'm waiting for my Dean ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Ohh, okay then, keep waiting for your Dean. I'm going to bed ".

Hira Samrat asked " Why ? What so hurry ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Well, Because I love to sleep ".

Hira Samrat stressed the words " You... Little swine ".

Niha Bharadwaj chuckled and said " Haha, Thank you. I like Pigs " .

Hira Samrat said " Huh, ok go to bed. Have a good sleep then ".

Niha Bharadwaj said goodbye and hung up the call. Later she took shower and went to sleep.


Next Day Morning ;

Wang Lei called Kai Heng and Said " Mr.Heng, go to my office and bring all the important files to my apartment ".

Kai Heng said Okay and went to the company. Everyone in the company was amazed and asked ' Mr.Heng why do you came alone. Where is our president ? '.

Kai Heng answered " Our president is busy. He may not come to the company for a few days ".

One of them asked " Why ? Is he ok ? ".

Kai Heng raised his eyebrows and said " He is fine. First of all Focus on your work ". Then he went into Wang Lei's office and tidied all the important files in order.

Kai Heng went to Wang Lei's flat after an hour. Wang Lei was Doing some work on his PC. Kai Heng hold the files in his and asked " Young Master, where should I keep these files ".

Wang Lei replied " Keep them on my study table ".

Kai Heng kept the files on Wang Lei's study table and asked " Young Master, do you want anything else ? ".

Wang Lei closed his PC and said " Mr.Heng go to my Villa and bring my Audi car here ".

Kai Heng said " Okay young master ".

Later he went to ' Aspen Villa ' and came back after two hours.

" Give me the Car keys " Wang Lei asked Kai Heng.

Kai Heng asked " Which one Young master ? "

" The Audi " Wang Lei said.

Kai Heng gave the car keys of Audi to Wang Lei and asked " Young Master, Should I come with you ? ".

Wang Lei took the car keys and said " No need, You just wait here. I will go by myself ".

He stopped at the door and turned around. Then he added " Do one thing ".

Kai Heng asked " Okay Young Master. What is that ? ".

Wang Lei said " I want Miss Niha's room key. I mean make a duplicate one ".

Kai Heng replied " Okay Young master ".

Wang Lei said " Do it now. She is not at home. So, Make it fast ".

Kai Heng said okay. Then Wang Lei went outside. Kai Heng called a Locksmith.

After two hours ;

Wang Lei returned to his flat.

Kai Heng gave the duplicate room key of Niha Bharadwaj to Wang Lei and said " Young Master , It's ready ".

Wang Lei took the key and said " Good. Did she come ? ".

Kai Heng replied " Not yet Young Master ".

Wang Lei sat on the couch and said " Ok Mr.Heng. You may leave now. Let's call it a day ".

Kai Heng bowed his head and took a leave.

In The Evening ;

Exactly at Nine, someone was ringing the doorbell of Niha Bharadwaj while she was cooking. She put the stove on low flame and opened the door.

She saw a handsome young Man standing at her door. Wang Lei was in Home clothes but he is looking hot.

Wang Lei greeted " Hello, I'm living in your opposite apartment ".

Niha Bharadwaj aslo greeted formally " Ohh, I see. Hello ".

Wang Lei said " Well, Do you have eggs in your refrigerator ? I forgot to buy them ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " Yeah. Please wait a minute ".

Then Niha Bharadwaj went to the kitchen. She opened the fridge door and took Four eggs.

She gave the eggs to Wang Lei and said " Take these ".

Wang Lei took the eggs and he said " Thank You ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " You're welcome ".

Then she closed her door. Wang Lei went to his room. While closing the Door he looked at Niha Bharadwaj's door and smiled.

After closing the door , Niha Bharadwaj pressed her lips and patted her chest and thought ' Why I'm feeling so strange ? '.

She thought for two minutes and suddenly screamed ' Oh no , my food '.

Then She ran into the kitchen and turned off the stove. She opened the lid and checked the dish and said to herself ' Thank God , it's fine '.

She placed the dishes on the dining table and started eating .While she was eating, she lost in her thoughts

- ' What happened to me ? '.

- ' Why I'm feeling so strange ? '.

- ' Have I met him before ? '.

- ' No No, that's impossible '.

- ' Then, why I'm feeling like that ? '.

- ' He is looking handsome even in home clothes '.

- ' Wait , Huh, God. what is happening to me ? '.

- ' Uff , No way , I can't think like that '.

- ' Huh, Niha wake up. How can you think so dirty ? '.

Then she took her mobile and called Hira Samrat.

" Hi Niha , What are you doing ? " Hira Samrat answered the phone and asked.

" Hira , Something is wrong with me " Niha Bharadwaj screamed on mobile.

" What happened ? Are you ok ? " Hira Samrat startled for a second and asked.

Niha Bharadwaj replied " No, I'm not okay. I'm going crazy ".

Hira Samrat asked " What ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj checked her body temperature with her hands and said " Thank god , it's normal ".

Hira Samrat asked " What's normal ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said in a stammering voice " Hira , I... I just met my Neighbour and... and my neighbour is a boy ".

Hira Samrat asked " Did he do anything to you ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " No ".

Hira Samrat asked " Then tell me what happened exactly ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " I don't know why ? But I'm feeling very strange after meeting him ".

Hira Samrat stopped talking. Later she burst out laughing.

" Why are you laughing ? "Niha Bharadwaj asked Hira.

" No , no. I'm not. Poor girl " Hira Samrat said while laughing.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Huh, stop laughing or else I'll hang up the call right now ".

Hira Samrat replied " Okay, okay. I'll stop laughing. Answer my question first ".

Niha Bharadwaj asked " Okay. Say it ".

Hira Samrat chuckled and asked " Is he looking handsome ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj again lost in her thoughts.

Hira Samrat shouted on the other side " Niha, Hello, Niha are you there ? Why are you not talking ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said in a low voice " Hmm, He Is Looking ' Pretty Handsome ' ".

Hira Samrat exclaimed " What ?? ".

< End Of The Chapter 24 >