He Saw Her Naked

Wang Lei gave a puzzled look.

Niha Bharadwaj chuckled and said " Haha, I thought You're working overtime ".

Wang Lei smiled and started his car.

He said " No, I was just worried ".

Niha Bharadwaj glanced at him and asked " For What ? ".

Wang Lei replied " This is your first working day. Besides you don't know Chinese. How can I leave you like that ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj felt warm in her heart. She was moved by Wang Lei's words.

She smiled and said " Thank you ".

Wang Lei smiled and asked " How's your first day ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Hmm, Not bad ".

Wang Lei asked " Is Everything okay ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Yeah".

Then she told what she has done in her company along the way. Wang Lei listened carefully her words. Finally, They reached their home after Forty five minutes.

After having dinner in Niha's flat, Wang Lei went to his room and opened his laptop. Niha Bharadwaj took a bath. She came out of the bathroom in a white coloured bath towel wrapped around her body. Wang Lei was stupified after watching her in a bath towel.

Niha Bharadwaj untied her long black hair. Later she took her mobile and played some music. Then, She threw her mobile on the bed and started dancing. While she was dancing her silky and long hair was bouncing. Wang Lei couldn't take his eyes off her. She was looking damn sexy. Wang Lei was allured by Niha's charm.

His heart started pounding. When he was trying to control his feelings , an awkward incident happened and it made him stifle.

While Niha Bharadwaj was dancing, suddenly the bath towel which was wrapped around her body fell down on the ground. Wang Lei saw her Naked, he widened his eyes in shock and later he retracted his gaze from her and turned his head. He put his hand on his heart to check his heart beat. He found that his heart was fluttering.

Niha Bharadwaj stopped dancing. She lowered her head and realised that she was naked. She swiftly bent down and took her towel. She wrapped herself in her towel and looked around her room like a thief.

She said to herself " What am I afraid of ? Nobody is watching me. It's my room. Come on Niha, you're in good mood today. Don't stop dancing ". Then she started dancing again.

Wang Lei listened her words and giggled.

Later he deleted that footage from his laptop. Then he went to the bathroom and took a shower.

After dancing, Niha Bharadwaj wore a night gown and lay down on her bed. Wang Lei also lay down on his bed . He again opened his laptop and started watching her. Niha Bharadwaj phoned Hira Samrat and put her mobile on speaker.

Hira Samrat answered her call after a few rings and asked " Hi Babe, How's your day ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied with a sweet voice " Awesome ".

Hira Samrat noticed the contentment in Niha's voice and asked " You sound so happy today. What's the matter ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and replied " Yup, I'm quite happy today ".

Hira Samrat asked " May I know the reason ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj put a pillow on her lap and started visualising about Wang Lei.

Hira Samrat called her name on the phone. Finally Niha Bharadwaj came to her senses and said " You know what happened today ? ".

Hira Samrat replied in a mocking tone " No, I don't. Because I'm in newyork ".

Niha Bharadwaj raised her eyebrows. She snorted and said " Huh, I don't tell you then ".

Hira Samrat laughed and said " Okay okay. I apologise. Will you tell me now ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " Hira, I was moved by his words ".

Hira Samrat asked " Whose words ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Ryan. He is being so nice to me. He is a very nice guy ".

Later she told everything that had happened today.

Hira Samrat said " I see ".

Later she added " I think, you are in love with him ".

Niha Bharadwaj was shocked and later she said " Uff, No. You are thinking too much. He is like my good friend ".

Hira Samrat said in a mocking tone " Good friend or boy friend ? Who knows ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj rolled her eyes and said " You, How can you think like that ? ".

Hira Samrat chuckled and said " Alright, Leave it. I told you to send his picture. Why are you not listening to me ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " I'm waiting for a perfect chance ".

Hira Samrat said " I'm asking only... only one single photo. Can't you do that ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " I can. I'll send you within two days. Okay ? ".

Hira Samrat replied " I will see ".

Wang Lei laughed after hearing the conversation between the two girls. Suddenly his phone Vibrated. He looked at the caller ID and answered the call.

Wang Lei said " Hello Del. What's up ? ".

Delun Chen replied " Hi Big Brother. How are you doing ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Not bad ".

Delun Chen asked " Big Brother, you sound so happy today. What's the reason ? ".

Wang Lei smiled and said " Wow, What a perfect Couple ! ".

Delun Chen rubbed his forehead and asked " whom are you referring to ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Mmm, I'm referring to an International Cop and his girlfriend who is training in newyork ".

Delun Chen exclaimed " Hira ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Yes ".

Delun Chen asked " Haha, Thank you Big Brother. But, Why did you say that now ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Because, a few minutes back , she also asked the same question as you ".

Delun Chen smiled and said " Wow. Ofcourse, i know we are made for each other ".

Later He asked " By the way. Big Brother, Did she called you ? ".

Wang Lei replied " No. She asked the same question to your sister in law ".

Delun Chen said " Ohh, Okay ".

Later he asked " Big Brother, how's my sister in law ? What she is doing ? ".

Wang Lei replied " Well. She is talking with your girlfriend ".

Delun Chen exclaimed with surprise " What !! Is she in your house ? ".

Wang Lei replied " No ".

Delun Chen asked " or else, Are you in her house ? ".

Wang Lei laughed and replied " No ".

Delun Chen scratched his head and yelled " Ahh, Then, Where are you ? What are you guys doing at this late hour ? ".

Wang Lei replied In a mocking tone " Huh, Filthy guy. I won't tell you ".

Delun Chen pleased Wang Lei. Finally Wang Lei said " She is not with me ".

Delun Chen was puzzled and asked " Oh my gosh. Then, how did you know that my sister in law is talking with my girlfriend ? ".

Wang Lei laughed and said " Guess ".

Delun Chen thought for a while and finally got the answer.

He exclaimed " Big Brother. If my guess is correct, You have being monitoring my sister in law. Haven't you ? ".

Wang Lei emphasized " Great. Genius ".

Delun Chen held his head in his hands and said " My gosh ".

Wang Lei said " Well. I'm going to sleep ".

Delun Chen didn't respond. Wang Lei smiled and he hung up the call. Few minutes later Delun Chen came to his senses and looked at his mobile screen. He found that the call was already disconnected. He thought for a while and later he went to his bed.

After talking with Hira Samrat on phone, Niha Bharadwaj went to her bed and sleeping soundly.

Next Day Morning ;

Niha Bharadwaj got ready and knocked on Wang Lei's door. Wang Lei opened his room door.

Niha Bharadwaj said " Tada, Good morning. I'm ready. Shall we start ? ".

Wang Lei didn't respond to her. He started at her blankly. He visualized last night scene after watching Niha Bharadwaj.

Niha Bharadwaj waved her hands infront his face and asked " What are you thinking about ? ".

Wang Lei retracted his gaze and replied " Me ? Nothing. Come Inside ".

Niha Bharadwaj blinked her eyes and came inside.

< End Of The Chapter 35 >