Manager Yi's strong Warning To All The Employees

Wang Lei closed the door and said " Give me five minutes ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head and sat on the couch. Wang Lei went to his bedroom and came out after five minutes.

Along the way to their office, Wang Lei didn't utter a word. He merely nodded his head whenever Niha Bharadwaj spoke and he didn't even look at her face. Niha Bharadwaj felt weird.

After arriving at her company, She looked at Wang Lei and asked " Are you sick ? ".

Wang Lei finally looked at her and said " No ".

Niha Bharadwaj nodded her head.

Later He asked " Am I looking sick ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj pressed her lips and said " No No. But You're looking a little strange today ".

Wang Lei smiled and said " Haha, I.. I just didn't sleep well last night ".

Niha Bharadwaj said " I see. But Why ? ".

Wang Lei touched his nose and said " Work, due to some work ".

Niha Bharadwaj abruptly burst out laughing.

Wang Lei glanced at her and asked " What happened ? Why are you laughing all of a sudden ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj said while laughing " Your are lying ? ".

Wang Lei gave a puzzled look and asked " Pardon ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " You have just touched your nose. Don't you know that's a sign of lying ? ".

Wang Lei looked at his watch and showed the time to Niha Bharadwaj. After watching the time , Niha Bharadwaj exclaimed " Oh my god. I'm getting late. Bye Bye ".

Wang Lei smiled and waved his hand. Later Niha Bharadwaj got down from the car and ran towards her company. She stopped at the entrance door and turned back. Wang Lei haven't left yet. He was still watching her.

She couldn't see him, But Wang Lei could clearly see her. Because it's a one way glass window. So she smiled and waved her hands. Later she went inside. Wang Lei also went to his office.

In The Afternoon ;

At ' Wei group ' Cafeteria ;

While Niha Bharadwaj was having her Lunch, Three girls ( Ju Den , Lan Xie , Mei Song ) who are working in the same company also known as gossip girls came to her and sat infront of her. Niha Bharadwaj looked at them and smiled. Later she continued her lunch.

Ju Den gave a sly look to both Lan Xie and Mei Song.

Later she asked " Isn't she the new employee of our company ? ".

Mei Song replied " Yeah, She is ".

Lan Xie said " Look at her dress ".

Mei Song replied " Yeah, it costs thousands of yuan. I think she is from a wealthy family ".

Lan Xie said " Hmm, Daily she is coming to our office in an Audi Car. She will certainly belongs to a rich family ".

Ju Den said ironically " Huh, I don't think so ".

Mei Song asked " Then ,what do you think ? ".

Ju Den replied " She must slept with an old rich man. She must be a mistress of someone ".

It was lunch time. Everyone was having their meals at company's Cafeteria. Everyone was stunned by the three girls words and they were looking in the direction of Niha Bharadwaj.

But Niha Bharadwaj didn't say anything. She didn't even raise her head. Because they're talking in Chinese. She don't know that they're talking about her. She thought they're talking casually. She was quietly eating her food

Mei Song murmured " Hey, why she is not speaking ? ".

Ju Den winked her eye and said loudly " Huh, Look at her. How shameless she is ! ".

Lan Xie said " I have never seen such a blatant girl like her ".

Ju Den said " Why did our company hire such a type of girl. Huh, Disgusting ".

At that time, the company manager who was just came to the cafeteria for lunch heard their allegations. He rushed towards them and hardly slammed on the table. Everyone was flabbergasted by the manager's action.

Niha Bharadwaj was startled for a moment. She almost scared and looked at the manager. The manager looked at Niha Bharadwaj. He smiled politely and said " Miss Niha. Could you please change your seat. I have to talk with them ".

Niha Bharadwaj took a sign of relief. She smiled and said " I have finished my lunch manager Yi . I'm leaving ".

The manager smiled and said " Okay, Thank you Miss Niha ". Then she left the Cafeteria.

After confirming that she has left the cafeteria. Manager Qiao Yi retracted his gaze towards the three girls. The Smile on his face was disappeared and his became dark.

The girls were frightened and stood from their chairs subconsciously.

Manager Yi said in a hoarse voice " You dirty punks. What the hell are you doing ? ".

His words echoed in the cafeteria.The atmosphere Became quietude all of a sudden.

Manager Yi yelled " Answer me, Have you lost your mind ? Use your bloody brain on your work not on our employees. Do you understand ? ".

Ju Den opened her mouth and said in a stuttering voice " But. Manager Yi, We.. ".

Manager Yi interrupted her and said " Enough. Don't you want to work here ? Do you want to lose your jobs ? ".

Everyone in the cafeteria was shocked by his roar. The three girls were freaked out and they lowered their heads.

He shouted " Do you know who is She ? Damn it. You were saved this time, because she don't know Chinese. Or else ? Huh ".

Later he said " I'm warning you all, Listen carefully. If you wanted to lead a happy life and you wanted to live in china, Don't dare to touch Miss Niha. Don't even dare to cause trouble for her. It doesn't mean to avoid her. Talk with her, But be in your limits. If you do so. No one can guarantee your life. Mainly, you three. Next time, I don't warn you I'll fire you directly. Do you hear me ? ".

The three girls bobbed their heads.

Then he left the cafeteria. Everyone took a deep breath. They didn't expect this. The three girls drank some water and sat on their chairs.

Mei Song said while panting " Oh My gosh. I was scared to death ".

Lan Xie replied " Yeah, I too ".

Ju Den said " But, Why did our manager behave like this ? Who is that girl ? ".

Mei Song replied " I don't know. From now on, I don't interfere in her matters. She doesn't seems like an ordinary girl ".

Lan Xie replied " Yeah, I Think Someone is behind her. It's better to stay away from her ".

Later they left the cafeteria without eating anything and went to their desks.

In The Evening ;

Manager Yi gave some files related to their company to Niha Bharadwaj to study.

After finishing her work. She took the files and came out from the company.

Wang Lei's Audi car was parked infront the Entrance.

She smiled and opened the car door. But Wang Lei was not in the car , it was Kai Heng Wang Lei's personal assistant. Niha Bharadwaj stopped and looked at him surprisingly.

Kai Heng smiled and said " Hi Madam, Got in the car. I'm Mr.Ryan's personal assistant. He told me to pick you up from your work ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and got in the car.

She asked " Where is Ryan ? ".

When he was about to answer her question, Wang Lei phoned Kai Heng. Kai Heng answered the call and said " Young Master, Madam Niha just came out from her office ".

Wang Lei replied " Okay, Give her mobile ".

Kai Heng gave mobile to Niha Bharadwaj and said " Madam, Young master Ryan is on call ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and took the phone.

She asked " Where are you ? Why didn't you come ? ".

Wang Lei smiled and replied " I have some important work at my office. It will be a little late when I finished my work ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " Okay, Try to finish your work before dinner ".

Wang Lei replied " Okay ".

Niha Bharadwaj smiled and said " Okay Then. See you ".

Wang Lei smiled and hung up the call.

Niha Bharadwaj gave Kai Heng's mobile to him and smiled. Later Kai Heng started the engine.

He saw files in Niha's hand and asked " Madam, What are those files ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj looked at the files in her hands and said " My manager gave these files to study them.I think, it's about my company ".

Then She opened the first page of the file and said " ' We Group ' subsidiary company of ' Lei Group Of Companies '. President ' Wang Lei '. So my boss name is Wang Lei. Hmm ".

Later she closed the file.

Kai Heng asked " Madam, Do you know about about your boss ? ".

Niha Bharadwaj replied " No, But I heard about him. Someone said he is known as a clod hearted CEO in China ".

Kai Heng laughed out loud.

< End Of The Chapter 36 >