Persuading Your Dad !?

Next day morning in India ;

Tanvi woken up early in the morning and packed all her things in a bag. Later she got ready and went downstairs staight to the kitchen to talk with her mother.

" Mom, i have something important to talk to you " Tanvi said to Poonam Bharadwaj who was preparing breakfast.

" What's the matter ?? " Poonam turned around and asked Tanvi.

Tanvi said " Mom last night Niha's friend Diya called me... ".

" Did she say anything about Niha ?? " Poonam interrupted Tanvi and asked her out of excitement.

" Yeah, she said that Niha is in China " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" China !? What she is doing there ?? Why did she go there instead of staying in India ?? " Poonam asked Tanvi clumsily.

" I think she worried about dad. That's why she left to China " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" Niha... My poor girl !! How she is living there ?? It might be difficult for her " Poonam expressed her sorrow.

" Mom, Don't worry about her " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" How can i not worry about her Tanvi ?? " Poonam asked Tanvi.

" Come on mom, she knows everything. In addition to that, this is not the first time that she is staying in abroad. Right ?? " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" Ofcourse I agree with you Tanvi. But this time, it is entirely different. Because, you knew that she ran away from us. In the past, atleast she talked with us on phone everyday. But now it's been months since she talked with us " Poonam said to Tanvi.

" I know mom. But, what i mean is... you need not to worry about our Niha at all " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" What do you mean ?? " Poonam asked Tanvi.

" Because..." Tanvi was about to say that Niha was married to someone else. But, she stopped because she thought that it would bring more sorrow to her mother. Ofcourse every parents worry if their children get married to an unknown person that too in another country. Poonam is not an exception.

Tanvi thought for a while and said " Cause she has an elder sister. I will take care of her ".

" How ?? You're in India. Meanwhile she is in China,, far away from us. How can you take care of her ?? ". Poonam asked Tanvi.

" I can, If i were in China " Tanvi said to her mother.

" What do you mean by if you were in China !? " Poonam asked Tanvi. But, Tanvi didn't say a word. She was quietly looking at her mother to make a guess.

Observing that Tanvi didn't give answer to her question,, Poonam thought for a while and said " You are also planning to leave to China. Aren't you ?? ".

" Extraordinary !! Mom you are so smart " Tanvi smiled and said to Poonam.

" Stop it Tanvi. That's enough. I'll never allow you to go there " Poonam said to Tanvi.

" Why ?? " Tanvi asked Poonam.

" Because, I don't want to lose my another child " Poonam said to Tanvi.

Tanvi said " But mom.... ".

" I said enough. Do you want me to reiterate what i said just now ?? " Poonam asked Tanvi.

Tanvi kept quiet and looking at the floor.

After sometime she said " Mom, i didn't expect this from you ".

" What !? " Poonam asked Tanvi lubberly.

" Finally, you are behaving like dad. Huh !! " Tanvi said to Poonam dismally. Meanwhile Poonam looked at Tanvi ungainly.

Tanvi raised her head and said " Yes mom. You are also started showing partiality towards Niha like dad. We don't know how Niha is experiencing the unpleasant things there. She is definitely going through a rough patch. She didn't even call us once. Do you even think about her ?? You only care about me, so you are not letting me to go to China because I'm your own daughter. But you don't care about Niha, is it because she was not born to you ?? ".

" Tanvi you are crossing your limits. Mind your words " Poonam said to Tanvi angrily.

" No mom. Let me finish. Dad always treated her like an outsider. Ofcourse,, I know she is not my real sister. But atleast she is my cousin, dad didn't even treat her like a family member once. At present you are also doing the same. If I were in that situation, would you do the same to me ?? " Tanvi said dolefully and questioned her mother.

However, Tanvi words astonished Poonam and she said " Tanvi... You know how much I love Niha. How could you talk to me like that ?? Do you know how many sleepless nights I have spent after Niha left us ?? Every day, every minute and every second i always think about her. I never showed partiality towards Niha. In fact, i care for her more than i care for you. You surely know the reason. You have your father, mother and your brother who loves you so much. But Niha lost her parents in her childhood, so she needs more care than you. But,, your dad only care about his own children, that's why I always been her supporter. Do you know how many times I wept secretly for her ?? ".

Poonam got emotional and cried in front of Tanvi. Seeing her mother like that Tanvi hugged Poonam and patted on her back.

Later she said " Mom, please don't cry. I know how much you care for Niha ?? I'm so sorry for making you cry. I said those words deliberately. Please forgive me ".

Then she wiped off the tears on Poonam's face and said emotionally " Look mom, uncle and aunt ( Vihan and Lina ) always treated me like their own daughter. I love them so much and also it's my time to repay their kindness. I have to take care of my sister".

Later she asked " Okay. Tell me one thing, can you go there and take care of your beloved daughter ?? Will dad let you go there ?? ".

Poonam shook her head.

" That's why you must permit me to see my sister " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" Tanvi !! You have grown. I'm so happy for you. I'm letting you do whatever you want " Poonam said to Tanvi.

" Thank you,, thank you so much mom " Tanvi smiled and hugged Poonam.

Later Tanvi said " But mom, you have to do me a favor ".

" Tell me what is that ?? " Poonam asked Tanvi.

" Help me to persuade dad " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" Persuading your dad !? You know i can't do that ".

" Mom, don't look down on yourself. You can. I believe in you " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" Really !? " Poonam asked Tanvi.

" Yes mom. You don't have to do anything. Just support me while I'm talking with dad. Okay ?? " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" Alright " Poonam said to Tanvi.

" By the way, where is dad ?? " Tanvi asked Poonam.

" He went for a morning walk " Poonam replied.

" Okay. Where is Rishi ?? " Tanvi asked Poonam.

" He is still sleeping " Poonam replied.

" It is good if he is sleeping. If he knows that I'm leaving to China, he will try to make things difficult. Okay mom. I'm hungry, I'll complete my breakfast first. After that I'll talk with dad " Tanvi said to Poonam.

Poonam said okay and then she served breakfast to Tanvi. Aryan came home when Tanvi was about to complete her breakfast.

" Good morning dad " Tanvi greeted Aryan with a warm smile.

" Very good morning Tanvi. You woken up so early today. What's the matter ?? " Aryan asked Tanvi.

" Yeah dad. I'll tell you. Have a seat first " Tanvi said to Aryan.

Aryan sat opposite to Tanvi and Poonam gave him a glass of water.

" Dad, do you remember what i told you a few weeks ago ?? " Tanvi asked Aryan.

" Yeah, you talked with me about your project. I do remember " Aryan replied.

" Yes, i want to finish it in abroad " Tanvi said to Aryan.

" What !? abroad !? just forget about that " Aryan said to Tanvi.

" But dad.... "

< End Of The Chapter 81 >