You Are Adorable

" Do wherever you want in India. I'll not object you " Aryan said to Tanvi.

" But dad it's my dream to do my project in abroad. You should let me go to complete my studies " Tanvi said to Aryan.

" I see... " Aryan said and later he asked " When did you change your dream ?? ".

Tanvi put a question mark face and looked at her father unknowingly.

" Yeah. First of all you didn't tell me before that you want to do your project in abroad. I already said my opinion and also I'm not going to give you my consent " Aryan said and stood up to go to his room.

Tanvi looked at her mom and gestured Poonam to stop Aryan. Then Poonam acted quickly and went to her husband.

" What so hurry honey ?? Sit down first and listen to what Tanvi is saying " she put her hands on Aryan's shoulder and said while Aryan was trying to stood up from the chair.

Aryan was shocked and baffled, because Poonam never behaved like this before. He abstractedly sat down on the chair.

Then Tanvi immediately went to his father and asked " Daddy, I'm your little and cute princess right ?? ". Aryan nodded his head.

" You always give me whatever i ask for right ?? " Tanvi asked Aryan and he again nodded his head.

" You feel happy when I'm happy and you feel sad when I'm sad right ?? " Tanvi asked Aryan while blinking her eyes and Aryan nodded his head again.

" If you do not allow me to go and study in abroad,, I'll definitely not feel happy and also I'll never consume anything not even water. That will make you feel very sad. So you are permitting me to go and do my project in abroad right ?? Tanvi asked her dad.

Having his wife who was holding his hands on one side and his daughter who was looking so pretty and asking him very cutely on the other side, Aryan gave in and nodded his head without even saying a single word.

Tanvi felt so happy and said " Thank you dad. Thank you so much ". But Aryan didn't gain his posture.

" Go and pack your things Tanvi " Poonam said to Tanvi.

" I already packed my things " Tanvi smiled and said to Poonam.

" Okay then. Go to your room. I have something to talk to your dad. I'll come to you after talking with your dad " Poonam said to Tanvi. And Tanvi bobbed her head and went upstairs straight to her room.

After that,, Poonam sat on Aryan's lap. She looked straight into her husband's eyes and whispered in Aryan's ear " Honey do you miss our old days ?? ". Aryan felt chills and his body started trembling because it's been years since Poonam talked with him like that.

Poonam felt that his body was trembling and said in a husky voice " Answer me. Literally i do missing our old days ". Aryan was staring at his wife fondly.

Later Poonam said " See,, you have achieved so much in your business career. In addition to that our kids have also grown up. Besides we have no worries at all. So atleast now,, we should have to spend sometime together. Because,, we cannot enjoy in our old age probably ".

" Yeah,, what you said makes sense Poonam. I'm also feeling tired of my busy schedule. Let's do one thing " Aryan said to Poonam.

" What is that ?? " Poonam asked Aryan.

" Let's go out tonight and also on every Sunday I'll take the day off. So we can enjoy our time together " Aryan said to Poonam. At the same time Poonam happily nodded her head.

" Okay honey, go and freshen up. You have to drop our Tanvi off at airport " Poonam said to Aryan.

" What !? " Aryan asked Poonam clumsily.

" Yeah,, you told her that you'll drop her off at the airport by yourself " Poonam said to Aryan.

" When did i say that !? " Aryan asked Poonam.

" Ohh !!! come on Honey. You said her just a few minutes back. How could you forget so easily ?? She cried and beg you. So you gave your permission to her " Poonam said to Aryan.

" She cried !? " Aryan asked Poonam.

" Yeah bitterly " Poonam said to Aryan.

" Did i scold Tanvi ?? " Aryan asked Poonam.

" You didn't. You didn't give her permission at first. So she cried because she wanted to complete her project in abroad at any cost " Poonam said to Aryan.

" I'm so stupid. I made my daughter cry !? I shouldn't be strict to my own daughter. I will let her do whatever she wants and I'll let her go wherever she wants to go and study " Aryan said to Poonam.

" No you shouldn't do that. We must have to be strict with them,, if we don't want to spoil our children " Poonam said to Aryan.

" Yeah you are right " Aryan said to Poonam.

" Okay honey. You are getting late. Go and get ready. I'll go to Tanvi and help her in packing her luggage " Poonam said to Aryan.

When she was about to got up from Aryan's lap, he pulled her closer and kissed Poonam on her forehead and then he said " I Love you. I forgot to tell you one thing ".

Poonam was shocked, she didn't expect this kind of action from her husband.

" Thanks for taking care of me during these years. You are adorable. You know what !? your beauty didn't fade away even a little bit. You look so beautiful as you look like in your teenage " Aryan said to Poonam.

And then he again kissed Poonam and went straight to his room. Poonam was still in a daze. After sometime she came to her senses and giggled. Later she went to Tanvi's room.

Poonam went inside and coughed lightly. Tanvi who was checking her luggage turned around. She ran towards her mom and hugged her tightly. Later she said " Wow mom. You did so great today. You persuaded dad so easily. Thank you ".

" Not better than you " Poonam said to Tanvi. Meanwhile Tanvi looked at her mom strangely.

" Come let's sit and talk " Poonam said to Tanvi and then they both sat down on the bed.

" You put a great act today Tanvi. I really didn't expect this from you. Since when did you start learning how to act ?? " Poonam asked Tanvi.

Tanvi said " Actually,, Mom... ".

" Let me finish first. At first you made me cry and then later you persuaded your father for your sister " Poonam said to Tanvi who was staring at ground.

" I'm so assured for your love towards your sister. I believe in you Tanvi. No matter what happens,, you shouldn't leave your sister's hand. Do you understand what i mean ?? " Poonam said and asked Tanvi.

Tanvi looked at her mother whose eyes were filled with happiness.

" You have my word mom. I'll never leave Niha. I'll protect her and i'll always be her back " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" By the way !!! Have you contacted Niha ?? " Poonam asked Tanvi.

" No mom. I'm going to surprise her " Tanvi said to Poonam.

" Haha !! Okay let's go downstairs. Your dad is waiting for us " Poonam said to Tanvi.

Then the both went downstairs. Aryan took the luggage bag from Tanvi and put that in car's boot. Later he took the driver seat. Tanvi said goodbye to her mother and hopped into the car. Aryan started the engine and then Poonam went inside the house to complete her chores. After sometime Rishi woke up from the bed. He went downstairs and looked around for his father. But he didn't find Aryan. So, he went to the kitchen and asked Poonam who was washing the dishes " Mom,, where is dad ?? Does he left to the company ?? ".

" No he went to the airport " Poonam said to Rishi.

" Why !? " Rishi asked Poonam.

" To drop Tanvi off at the airport " Poonam said to Rishi.

" To drop her off at the airport !? But why !? Is anyone coming ?? " Rishi asked Poonam clumsily.

" No one is coming. She is leaving to China " Poonam said to Rishi.

" What !? " Rishi exclaimed with surprise.

< End Of The Chapter 82 >