Who Is That Lady ??

Why are you shouting !? Keep your voice low " Poonam said to Rishi.

" I can't. How could she just leave without even saying a single word to me ?? Does she really treat me like her elder brother ?? " Rishi asked Poonam.

" Ask her " Poonam said to Rishi.

" Mom !! You...huh !! Forget it. I'm leaving " Rishi said to Poonam.

" To where ?? " Poonam asked Rishi.

" To the airport " Rishi said and then he grabbed the car keys and started his car to the airport.

At The Airport ;

" Tanvi,, i really don't want to send you to China. I'll miss you " Aryan said to Tanvi fondly.

" I know dad. I'll definitely miss you too " Tanvi said to her father.

Aryan said " I worried about you. Who will look after you there ?? Tanvi ?? Why don't you give up the idea of going there ?? How about studying here ?? If you are willing to study here, I'll arrange ... ".

Tanvi interrupted Aryan and said " Dad !! I know that you and mom care for me so much. But you shouldn't bind your beloved daughter with your love. And moreover i'm not a kid. I can take care of myself. Rest assured ".

" Whatever you say. My heart is not accepting it. It's okay, leave it " Aryan said to Tanvi gloomily.

" Dad... Don't pull a sad face like this. Cheer up. If you send me with this sad face, i may not feel good. So please smile for me. Smile smile smile " Tanvi said to her father.

Later, Aryan patted Tanvi's head and said " Okay. Don't skip your meals. If you don't feel anything good, just come back to India. Be sound and safe ".

" Sure dad. It's almost the time. I'll take my leave now " Tanvi said goodbye to her father.

After sometime the flight took off from the runway and Aryan came out from the airport.

" Dad... Where is Tanvi ?? " Rishi asked Aryan while running towards him.

" She just left " Aryan said to Rishi.

" She already left !? " Rishi said woefully. Aryan nodded his head.

" You came here all the way to see Tanvi ?? " Aryan asked Rishi.

" Yes dad. She just left without even saying goodbye to me " Rishi said to Aryan sorrowly.

" Don't feel sad. She didn't tell you because she was afraid that you might stop her going to China " Aryan said to Rishi. But Rishi was still feeling sad.

" Let's go. We have so much work to be completed in our company " Aryan said while patting Rishi's shoulder. Later they two went to their home.

" Have you met Tanvi ?? " Poonam asked Rishi who was sitting on the couch.

" No mom. She already left when i reached the airport " Rishi said to Poonam.

" You look so dull. Why ?? " Poonam asked Rishi.

" Hmm... No mom I'm okay " Rishi said to Poonam. However Poonam noticed the sadness in Rishi's voice. She came to Rishi and gave him a folded paper.

" What is this ?? " Rishi asked Poonam while taking the paper.

" Tanvi asked me to give this letter to you. Read it by yourself " Poonam said to Rishi.

Rishi opened the letter quickly and started reading it.

" Hi Rishi.. I know that you are mad at me right now. I really wanted to tell you that i'm leaving to China. But I was afraid that you would stop me. That's why I didn't tell you. My sincere apologies to you for that. And also don't argue with mom. If you do so, I'll cut your tongue and break your legs. Moreover stop hanging out with your crazy friends and help dad with his business. On top of that, I'm gonna miss you Rishi. Bye. See you soon ".

" Huh !! this little punk !! How could she think like that ?? Why would i stop her if she wants to study in China ?? " He smiled and said.

" Now you feel okay ?? " Poonam asked Rishi. He nodded his head and then he got up from the couch and went to his room.


After a long journey, Tanvi finally landed in Shanghai. Anderson went to the airport to pick her up. After watching Tanvi at the airport,, Anderson gazed at her and stood still where he was standing. Tanvi walked towards him.

" Are you Anderson ?? " Tanvi asked Anderson. But he didn't utter a word. So Tanvi waved her hand in front of Anderson's face. Then Anderson came to his senses and said " You are Tanvi right ?? Niha's elder sister. Nice to meet you ".

" Glad to meet you too " Tanvi said to Anderson with a smile.

" You both look alike. Are you guys twins ?? " Anderson asked Tanvi.

" Haha !! No No. We both look alike just because we are sisters " Tanvi answered Anderson.

" That's right. Of course you both are sisters. Indeed you look alike. Come on let's go " Anderson said and then he took luggage from Tanvi's hand and then they headed outside. Later he started his car to 'S city'.

In the car Tanvi was lost in her thoughts. Breaking the silence in the car Anderson asked " By the way, is this your first time to China ?? ".

" Yes. Not to mention China,, this is my first time leaving India, " Tanvi replied to Anderson.

" I see. You left your home just for Niha " Anderson asked Tanvi and she nodded her head.

" You are such a great sister " Anderson said to Tanvi and she smiled. They chatted until they reached 'S city'.

After that Anderson said " You have got a very long journey. I booked a room for you. So take some rest first. Later i'll take you to see Niha ".

" No no. I'm just fine. I want to meet Niha first. So please take me to her " Tanvi said to Anderson.

" What so hurry ?? You look so tired. First of all get some rest " Anderson said to Tanvi.

" I'm really fine. Please... " Tanvi said to Anderson while looking at him. Anderson observed her eagerness to meet her sister in her eyes so he said yes. Then he turned the direction of his car to the Lei company.

After some time they reached the Lei company. Anderson parked his car in the parking lot. Later they walked into the Lei company. Anderson went to the reception and asked " I want to meet miss Niha. Where is she ?? ".

" Madam Niha is in the meeting room with our CEO sir " the receptionist answered.

" How long it will take ?? " Anderson asked the receptionist.

" About 15 minutes sir. I'll let madam know about you once the meeting is done " the receptionist said to Anderson.

" Okay. Thank you " Anderson said to the receptionist.

After fifteen minutes Niha came out of the meeting room with Wang Lei. Immediately she received a phone call from the receptionist.

" Madam Anderson sir and a lady are waiting for you. They said they want to see you " the receptionist said to Niha.

" Okay I'm coming " Niha said to the receptionist.

" Where are you going ?? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" It's from the receptionist. She said that Anderson and a lady want to see me " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" Who is that lady !? " Wang Lei asked Niha.

" It might be Hira. Okay i'm going " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" What she is doing here with Anderson ?? I'll come with you " Wang Lei said to Niha.

" You ?? Why ?? " Niha asked Wang Lei.

" Nothing. Just like that. Let's go " Wang Lei said and he held Niha's hand.

" What are you doing ?? Leave my hand " Niha said to Wang Lei.

" Shh !! don't shout " Wang Lei said and then the both went downstairs.

" Hi Niha " Anderson waved his hand and said when he saw Wang Lei and Niha heading towards them. Tanvi heard that, she stood up from her seat immediately and looked towards the direction of Wang Lei and Niha.

Niha smiled and when she raised her hand to wave back to Anderson, she saw Tanvi who was looking at her. Her hand was stopped in the air. Also she stopped walking and staring at Tanvi. Wang Lei noticed that Niha was not walking. So he stopped and slowly turned his head to know where she was staring at. He was also flabbergasted.

< End Of The Chapter 83 >