Chapter 80

"What I romanticise about tall and completely grown trees is the phase when they sprout new leaves. It is a beautiful sign that heralds new beginnings, no matter how far of our lives have been spent."


Porch of Lady Veronique's Boutique,

The Grand Market Square,

Stone Streets of the City of Shillinston,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Saturnday of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

As Mister Innes' stride approached his place of employment, Lady Veronique's Boutique, he noticed that the employed dress-makers and tailors were excited as though they were in reception of a distinguished guest.

There was a spark of curiosity ignited inside him regarding who it may be.

Stepping into the warm and sun-kissed shop, he noticed a prominent seeming woman standing there with a young lad in tow.