Chapter 81

"There is no peace, saith the LORD, unto the wicked"

-Isaiah 48:22


The Regal Hall of Lords,

Crowning and Imperial Castle,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Saturnday of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

Regent Jehoram had barely been sanctioned submission to passive slumber that night, for his mind had been feeling like it was drowning deep down the spiralling vortex of warnings endorsed to his name.

"Judgment also will I lay to the line, and righteousness to the plummet: and the hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies, and the waters shall overflow the hiding place."

The words from Prophet Nathan Jehu had robbed his senses of their peace and had left his being as restless as a runagate seeking refuge from some fast chasing threat to his life.