Chapter 87

"The first voice of a human soul in this wretched world is crying, where the psyche misses the divinity of where it has come from. If we must endure the destiny ordained to our anointing with due regard to the Creator in order to return to our eternal prize, are those like tears not imperative in the game for the eternal Crown?"


Princess' Residential Chambers,

Crowning and Imperial Castle,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Saturnday of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

The fair and dark swirls that were the shadows of water danced upon the adorned walls of the Princess' Dorm, when the light of the sun's rays pranced indoors to touch the bath that had been drawn for Imogen.

The tub was in the shape of a cockle shell made of stained cerulean glass, filled to the very brim with bubbling water that glistened in the light.