Chapter 88

"And what are scars but stories written upon a warrior's body, refusing to be forgotten?"


Princess' Residential Chambers,

Crowning and Imperial Castle,

Kingdom of Tristendyre,

The first Saturnday of the Second month,

XXI Year of Regency

Dressed in a simple cerise long dress with a maroon corset over her waist and fobs bearing pearls encircling it, Imogen awaited. There were various practises to be endured regarding the masquerading at the Coronation Ceremony the following day.

She was to be led to the Under-Ground Quarters for the rehearsals and instructions, but in order to go there, her escort was yet to arrive and collect her thereto.

The maiden that was assigned to administer to her every need was a tall, brown-haired damsel with an unusual name that Imogen had failed to remember.