I inhaled audibly as I looked down, trying to pull myself away from him. "No worries."

I slapped my lap as I stood up, "So.. I better get going. If you need some thing, I'm just a call away, kay?" I turned around to start walking.

"No.." He refused, quickly sitting himself up on the bed. "Pls stay."

I frowned, "Why?"

"I can't afford to lose you."

Shock was an understatement of what was showing on my face right now.. Like sht fck.. I don't usually cuss but this was.. Idk.. All I know was that my heart was beating abnormally.. For the first time it beated like this because of him.. It doesn't usually beat this fast..

"I can't afford to lose you.." He repeated, "especially now that I'm sick. I couldn't even stand and walk on my own. What if.. I need to use the bathroom. I have no one.. T-to assist me." He continued, stuttering throughout his sentence; bursting my bubbles with an invisible cold water splashed on my face.

Of course that's the only reason. What did you expect? That he loved you? Hell, no!

I rolled my eyes to cover my dismay. "Sure, your highness." Then I bowed, feigning to give him curtsy.

"Make yourself at home.. Do whatever you want, just don't leave me." He said, but his voice was hoarse making it sound like he was begging. "Here's my bookshelf; my chargers are there.." He pointed a black organizer, "My laptop's there, it has Netflix. The pass is written on a sticky note. If you're hungry, help yourself in the kitchen.. Anything!" He instructed before laying to bed.

He yawned and looked at me with his droopy eyes before giving me a weak smile. "Good night." He whispered and shut his eyes.

"Goodnight." I answered and I saw him nodded his head slightly against his pillow as a response.

I walked towards the bookshelf beside his bed. Nothing caught my attention so I decided to just take the book that was on his bedside table. He must be reading this one cause I saw a bookmark tucked in one of the pages.

I sat down on the single couch facing his bed. This one's helluva comfortable couch. It was so soft and fluffy to the point that it felt like you'd sank in it. I started reading the book 'Flipped'. Didn't know he was into this kind of book. I only watched the movie a million times, but haven't read i.t

I was already in the chapter 3 when the silence started to bore me. Usually, I play music in my pad so I wouldn't feel alone and lonely. I'm fine being alone, but I don't wanna feel lonely, and sometimes silence could make me feel lonely.

I closed the book and looked at him. I observed how his chest rise and fall when he breathed. His eyes were peacefully closed like he was into some sort of halcyon. His hair was messy in a sexy way while his pale lips were slightly ajar.

I took my phone and decided to capture this moment. This was the second time I watched him sleep, and I'm pretty sure this wouldn't be the last time either. I put my phone on the side table and looked at him even more..

He was so handsome and I hated it. I was starting to feel weird things just by looking at his face.. Fck. Is this attraction?

"Do you really have to face me while you sleep? Are you teasing me right now in your dream? Cause it's effing working and I hate it!" I spat at the sleeping Clarence.

I felt stupid for my sudden outburst in front of Clarence even though he couldn't hear me. I face-palmed for what I did but then I saw his lips curved into a smile, and I squealed. The fck he's awake! He's fcking awake and making fun of me right now.

"Sorry." He said, stifling his laugh. "S-sorry. Couldn't control" Then he laughed, this time he wasn't even trying to hide it. "Sorry. Seriously, I was asleep. I was just startled by your sudden grumbling."

Oh my God.. I just wanted to press myself deeper in his couch and fully sank myself until he can no longer see me. That was fcking embarrassing. He might think I was attracted to him.

He kept on teasing me until I couldn't handle the embarrassment anymore. Good thing he stopped when he noticed I started to feel uncomfortable and changed the topic. He told me some of his embarrassing experiences as well to call it quits. Jumping from one story to another.

"So the escalator was moving up when a guy in front of me dropped his wallet. Of course, as a nice girl, I bent to get his wallet and return it. But as I took it, my bum suddenly hit the face of the person behind me like.. OMG! I died trying not to laugh but then--" My story was left hanging when I heard him snored.

I turned to him and found him sleeping. I smiled. "It was nice getting to know you." I whispered, making sure not to wake him up again.

I sat up and carefully removed his hold on my arm. I stood up and turned to leave when his hand grasped the space in his bed where I was laying awhile ago. His eyes slowly and slightly opened when he noticed I wasn't there.

"Please." He begged.

I sat back and comb his hair with my fingers when my hand suddenly grazed on his forehead. "You're hot." I flushed, remembering his sly retort when I said the exact phrase to him awhile ago.

But instead of smug smile I'd expected, he just frowned and closed his eyes. Gone was the silliness. "I'll be fine. Don't worry.. Just don't leave me here alone." Then he took my arm and embraced it.

I used my other hand to caress his head as I hummed to a melody until his grip on me loosen. His breathing became steady and this time I make sure that he was really sleeping before I started speaking.

"I'm sorry you got sick because of me. You could've gone home but you didn't cause you thought I was still there. I'm sorry." Then I pecked the top of his head.

He didn't take shower, but he didn't reek. He didn't smell good, but didn't smell bad either. Actually he smelled like a baby, there was a faint baby smell on him and I didn't know why. I immediately looked at his face to see if he was feigning sleep again but nothing changed.

I decided to stare at him longer, this way he would feel uncomfortable if he was just faking it and started laughing anytime soon. I hover my face a few inches above his, enough to make him feel uncomfortable.

I didn't get any reaction from his face, aside from his reddened ears. Fck this conman! "I have to give it to you. You're good at dissembling sleep, JC. I hate you." I hissed as I moved away from his face.

His eyes opened, mischief were now back in his eyes. "You were so dewy-eyed for a nerd, do you know that?"

"I'm not a nerd. Plus you're a conman! How the fck were you able to fool me twice?" I grunted hitting his bicep. He was about to tease me again when I warned him, "Tease me again, and I'll punch the crap out of you."

He bit his lips, but then he couldn't suppress his laugh and continued pestering me. "So.. Were you trying to kiss me? Are you attracted to me now?"

My eyes grew wider in embarrassment.

"Don't worry I find you attractive either." He then wagged his eyebrows at me. Somebody stop him, I'm already hyperventilating. "If you want we can give it a try--"

I cut him off. "Never, Josef Clarence Yreneo. Never." I raised an eyebrow, and crossed my arms above my chest. "Shave your head and I might."

He bobbed his head slowly while giving me a naughty look, "Ooh someone have fetish for balds." He then wriggled his brows at me. "But I wonder what makes you not wanna give love another try?" He asked, eyes full of curiosity while waiting for my answer intently.

I sighed as I started remembering my previous relationship, and he might've noticed that so he insisted that I tell him about it. My ex-boyfriend Michael Evans was my bestfriend. He was so gentleman; opened doors for me, gave me flowers, surprises and such., He even used to listen to my rants about every thing.. And he was everything I could've ever asked for. But then I found out he was just sticking around to get my innocence.

Good thing my ex-bestfriend Lairi saved me from him by throwing herself at him. Yup! They were doing it behind my back. My bestfriends! It was so hard that I even started doubting Jen and Mariel. It was pretty impossible they didn't know about it since Lairi was also their friend. It took them a lot of assuring they weren't apart of it-- not that I didn't trust them but it was just really hard that time for me to believe in people. Not after two of the people I trusted the most ruined it.

After I told him what happened, I could see his gritted teeth and fisted hand. "That was so fcked up.. I'm so sorry you have to experience that."

"No, don't be." I said, patting his head. "Not your fault.. I didn't even know your existence that time." Then I smiled at him, assuring.

He took my hand that was in his hair and enclosed it between his palms before looking at me with soft eyes, "I'd never ever treat you like that."