Chapter 7 - WHOSE TYPE

I was in the middle of my sleep when the light hurt my eyes. I grunted and grabbed the blanket to cover my face, but then something heavy thwarted me from doing so.

I reluctantly opened my eyes to see what it was. Faded gray walls greeted me and a picture of a familiar guy in the frame above the bed side table. Then it hit me, I haven't gone home. OMG! It seemed like my senses awaken at the feel of his hard chest against my back. Shiver ran down my spine, but the blood seemed to concentrate up my face, making me feel all hot and flushed.. I didn't like the feeling so I shouted.

"Yreneooo!" I tried to remove his firm embrace on me, but nothing worked. We were fckin spooning! "Yreneo!" I grunted as I slapped his arms.

"Aw-Oh-Aw, Woman! Aw! What the.." He grumbled and yelped as he removed his arms on me. I turned to him and saw him rubbing his reddened arms. "What was your problem?" He spat, still rubbing his arm.

"You and your debaucheries!" I spat back, flipping a finger before standing up from his bed. God we were still so close and he might smell my morning breathe.

"Aren't you crazy? I'm sick and all yet you're accusing me of that?" Then suddenly gone are the frown face, replaced by his wicked grin. "If I know you were the one thinking about it."

My eyes grew wider.. "Of course not!" Then I raised my hand to reached his forehead to feel him. I slapped his forehead once I felt it his temperature was back to normal.

"Aw!" He groaned, glaring childishly at me as he rubbed his forehead where my hand was imprinted. I grimaced internally.. I was too harsh on him.

"You're good as new." I stood up, searching for my shoes under his bed. "I suppose I can go home now." Then started walking towards his door. But before I could even touch the doorknob, a pillow suddenly hit my back.

I stopped and turned to him. Found him looking down as he rub his nape. "Ahm.. I.. Ahm.." He stuttered and stopped. He shut his eyes close, composing himself, before looking at me. "Breakfast?" He asked.

Food! I shouted internally. But of course I have to keep that side of me so instead of smiling, I just raised an eyebrow at him. "Okay."

"Great!" He hollered. "You might wanna do your thing first, then come back here after." He then stood up from his bed, took off his shirt and strutted to his bathroom.. Wearing nothing but his boxers.

I was stunned and still standing beside his door. What the fck did I just watched? I looked at him and noticed that he didn't close his bathroom door. His reflection was fcking smirking at me.

I took the pillow that he chucked at me awhile ago and with my full force, chuck it back at him. His reflex was way too quick or he might've saw this coming so he kicked the door shut, blocking the pillow from reaching the bathroom.

I heard his boisterous laugh from inside and I just growled animatedly to make sure he could hear it from there. I opened the door of his room, slammed it close and stomped my way out of his condo and went to mine.

After an hour, I came back to his place and knocked on his door but to no avail. Maybe he was inside his room. I fished for my phone inside my bag, but just before I opened the zipper, the door suddenly opened.

"Sorry.." He said. My eyes slowly darted from my bag to his foot, making a quick stop on where his towel was tied dangerously low, and up to his face to meet his eyes. "Sorry, was taking a bath." He repeated.

My mouth opened but couldn't find a word to say. Then suddenly a single droplet of water from his hair landed on his chest and trailed down to his abs. I found myself staring at his body maniacally, following the droplet as is go down and stopped when it was absorbed by his towel.

It felt like my brain slapped me internally so I tore my eyes away from his body and focused on his eyes instead. Too late, cause I saw him smirking at me as if he's saying 'Like the view?'

"The food is there." He said, pointing his head at the dining table as he opened the door widely. His tone was teasing 'I'm not the food'. And I knew what he meant.. This is embarrassing.

I went inside and ignored his heckle. He followed me in the dining room, still wearing nothing but his towel. I noticed him drying his hair with another towel as he walked behind me.

I turned to him awkwardly, "Ahm.. You might wanna.. Put on clothes."

"Oh!" He hollered, "10 minutes." Then he ran back to his room.

We reached the school earlier than expected and we still have a lot of time to kill. We used my car this time since his car needed a wash. We made a pact to just book an Uber if something happened just to not have a repeat of what happened the other day.

We didn't have classes together today and his dismissal was an hour and a half earlier than mine but he said he'd still wait for me.

Anyway, we were here now on the bleachers, waiting for Jen and Mariel. We were silently watching the people and those who were in training. Their soccer training's done so we found Harry and his team on the way to the shower room.

I forgot to mention that Clarence had decided to discontinue playing cause he wanna focus more on his studies, besides he was the heir of his family so he couldn't pursue a career in soccer anyway. He started being rebellious so his grades suffered. Good thing he still made it to Dean's list after getting low grades on the last term-- but just as Mr Galagher said, Clarence admitted it was because his parents.

Now he needed to bounce back, with the help of me. That was why he wanted me to become his tutor in Biology-- the subject he hates the most.

Harry and the team must've spotted Clarence and I because they were now heading towards us.

"Captain!" Carl called Clarence. I could see the scowl in Harry's face because of what Carl used to call Clarence.

"Hi, Alex." They greeted me once they reached us, and I just smiled at them.

"Status check: You guys are still single, right?" Jenrelle asked, pointing his hands at Clarence and I.

"Of course, they are." Harry answered for us before putting a hand over Clarence's shoulder and gripped it, "We know our guy here, doesn't date." He said it like I was too plain for Clarence's liking. "We know Alex here ain't his type." There he goes, confirming it.

Then he turned to me and gave me an assuring smile, "Don't worry, though, Alex. You are more of my type." And winked at me.

I just sneered at him, "Too bad you aren't my type. You're more of Mariel's." Then I tapped his shoulder before pointing at Mariel who was-- as if on cue, making her way to the building, passing the field. Ì ran to them after uttering a quick goodbye to the soccer team.

Hearing my footsteps and pants, Mariel turned to me and so was Jen. They narrowed their eyes to where I was before and smirked at me when they spotted Clarence.

"Care to tell us the real score?" Jen teased, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"What real score are you talking about?" I nonchalantly asked as we walk to our room.

"Well.. As far as I remember, you were mad at him yesterday. I just wanna know what happened? The students are talking about you guys arriving together again." Mariel interjected, drawling the last three words, and made an air-quote at the last word.

I just rolled my eyes and walked as fast as I could to run away from their malicious questions and thinking. They were my best friends, yes. But I didn't wanna end up on the University's fan page again. Fortunately, once we arrived in the classroom, the Calculous professor came after.

Once the bell rang, signaling the end of our 2nd class, I started gathering my things and went out of the room when I spotted a familiar face leaning against the doorframe.

"Hey." I greeted him once I made sure he was here for me and not for some other reason.

He discreetly handed me something and my eyes widened once I realized it was my phone. I was about to say something when he beat me to it.

"You left it on my side table." He then strutted his way through the corridor, leaving me here, trapped with my now crazy looking bestfriends who kept on wagging their eyebrows at me like I did a real Biology at work.

I started sprinting my way to the cafeteria. My besties couldn't get any worse. Of course they would follow me to hell just to get some answers. And their questions would be 'Did you do the deed?' or 'How was it?' or 'Is it big?' or somewhere along the line.

Once I reached the entrance of the cafeteria, two hands gripped my shoulders and yanked me out of the door.

"You are not going anywhere, Missy, without telling us how the hell you left your phone on his side table." Mariel warned, tugging my bag.

"Even I, didn't know how I happened to left my phone in his room." I spat, glaring at her. "But I did go there yesterday to take care of him." I continued as I swatted her hand off my bag.

"You and Clarence, in a room together, and you're telling me nothing happened? We were in a cafeteria full of students and I could feel the sexual tension. What more if you guys are alone." She snorted.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Sorry to disappoint, but I'm no maniac, you guys are."

"So you're saying you didn't, you know.. Menage a Deux?" She asked, looking at me incredulously and I just shook my head No. Her eyes widened and she slapped my shoulder.

"Ouch!" I yelped. "Surprise! Turned out I'm not as nympho as you are, Mariel." I sneered and slapped her shoulder with the same intensity.

Her eyes widened in my comeback and was about to give me another speck when Jen stood in between us, raising both of her hands to stop the argy-bargy.

"Enough, kay?" She warned.

When no one dared to speak, because Mariel and I were busy giving each other an exaggerated glare, Jen started talking again.

"Okay, Mariel. Stop. Alex is not that kind of a girl, we know that." Then she turned to me and rubbed my back as if trying to calm me down.

I smiled at her and was about to thank her when she continued, "How 'bout second base? Nah..? Not even a kiss?"

I groaned "Oh Goodness Gracious the guy was sick!" I hissed at them before stomping my way towards the cafeteria..

My friends weren't that wild, weren't the bitchy type either-- but if they were given a chance to jump at their crushes, they'd totally lounge at them the soonest possible. But I love them, nevertheless.

I could feel them following behind me till I reached our usual spot, and as soon as I put my bag on the table and sat on my seat she asked, "So if he wasn't sick, it's a go-go?"

I banged my head on the table, "You guys are impossible."