I didn't stop him from crying. I didn't even bother speaking, cause I know he didn't need those. He just wanted to burst, so I just rubbed his back and we stayed like that for quite a while.

After his outburst, we left the field cause he said the soccer team would be there any minute now for training. We decided to eat since he hasn't eaten anything yet since our breakfast. He apologized to me for lying that he had some errands to do at lunch and left me with Harry. He said he didn't wanna talk about him quitting soccer but he knew Harry wouldn't let it go.

We were in the car singing and jamming to Maroon 5 on the way to the drive-thru. We ordered 2 large cokes, burgers, fries, and sundaes. We weren't done eating yet when we reached the parking lot so we decided to stay in the car for a while as we eat.

We talked about things once we were done eating and I couldn't be any more satisfied with this setup. Who would've thought parking lots were a great place to kill time? I chatted Mariel and Jen to say I just got home when a flash of light struck me.

I immediately turned to Clarence and found him taking a photo of me, so I did what most of the people would do when they weren't ready yet-- block the camera with my hand.

He looked at the picture and was surprised. "Woah. This looks good." He leaned towards me and showed me the picture. The camera focused on my hand while I was pretty blurred in the background, smiling.

"Didn't know you were good at taking pictures." I complimented him, earning a laugh from him.

"Seriously? I wasn't even sure what I was doing." Then he continued chuckling, "Just a lucky shot, I guess."

We decided to call it a day around 10PM. He turned off the engine of his car and we both went out of the car. He wanted to open the door for me, but I beat him to it. He was my friend, not my chaperone.

"Sorry. Didn't know it was past your bedtime. Do you have any assignments? I can do it for you.. Just not in Science." He offered once we reached the elevator.

"Nah, it's okay. I finished mine at the library." I answered, "But I think I have one in Physics." I teased, knowing he hated Science subjects.

"I trust your intelligence." He chuckled and petted my head.

I couldn't keep the smile out of my face, once I was done performing my ablutions. We've only been friends for what? A few days? But I felt like we've known each other for years. He was a great breather from everything.

I was awoken by the blaring doorbell. I already knew who that was and couldn't be more excited to open the door for him. Brushing my hair as I rushed to the door, checking my breath. "Hey." I greeted, biting my lips to hide my excitement.

"Breakfast!" He chirped while entering my pad and put the-- what I assumed was a tortang talong, on my counter. He was so at home, he already set everything and even helped himself with my coffee maker. He asked me to sit on one of the stools when I realized I haven't brushed my teeth yet.

"Where you going?" He asked while re-heating the foods.

I pointed my thumb at the bathroom, "I'll go brush my teeth."

He grabbed my hands as I was about to start walking. "I don't mind." He answered then pulled me to the nearest stool to sit.

"You don't, but I do." I protested, getting out of the stool.

He tsked. "I haven't brushed my teeth either." He chuckled then tried to breathe on my face through his mouth.

I was quick to dodge him and mocked a punch on his face. "Do that again and I'll punch you--" I stopped cause he suddenly leaned his face on me, sniffing my-- who knows how bad -- bad breath.

He moaned as if he just smelled some strawberries. "Hmm.. Not so bad for a 'just-woke-up breath'." He teased, chuckling at my glare.

I grabbed his face using my right hand, squeezed his cheeks hard to force his mouth open. I sniffed his breath and.. Fck! I frowned and immediately let go of his face. "I thought you said you haven't brushed yours either?!" I questioned, with my arms crossed above my chest.

He shrugged his shoulders. "Not my fault even my morning breath smells good." He said confidently while making his way to my bathroom.

"Where you going?" I asked, following behind him.

"Pee. Wanna join?" He teased, wagging his brows at me.

I stomped my way back to the kitchen and rolled my eyes at the sound of his boisterous laugh.

"Hey." He called out.

I turned to him and found him peeking from the bathroom door. "It'll do the job." He laughed again before throwing me the mouth wash--which I was able to catch mid-air. Thanks to my fast reflexes.

I went to the sink and gargled. I was startled to see him right behind me, leaning against the counter with his arms crossed while watching me.

"Happy?" He asked.

I gave him a sly smile as I walked towards him, "HAAA-ppy." I said, holding the 'HA' longer, making sure he could smell my breath.

He frowned, "I think you need to drink it." He teased then laughed, earning a glare from me and a slap on his shoulder.

After prepping myself for school, I sat down in the living room to wait for him when I saw his phone resting on my accent table. The wicked plan of taking a selfie on his phone came up to my mind.

I took his phone and decided to go on with my plan, but before I was even about to swipe on his cam, I noticed his wallpaper. It was the picture he took of me yesterday in his car. I was clearly blurred since the camera focused on my hand, but you could tell it was me.

I waited for him to knock on my door. I was planning on taking a picture of him as soon as he entered. Of course, his reaction would be the same as mine last night. I was still busy thinking about how I would push through with my plans when I heard his knock.

I stood behind the door, preparing my camera and waiting for the right timing after I opened the door. Good thing I was faced by a smiling Clarence on my door, took advantage of it, and pressed the shutter. The flash came on, blaring at his face. And as if on cue, his hands automatically blocked the flash from my phone. Making the camera focus on his hand and blurring him in the background. GOTCHA!

I laughed as I left him in my doorway. I sat back on my couch, looking at the picture, and smiled out of satisfaction when I saw I got the same outcome. I immediately edited the photo and used it as my wallpaper.

He was standing in front of me with his hands on either side of his hips as I grinned devilishly at him. I took my bag and my things before standing up and showed him my wallpaper.

"Just so you know.. Two can play the game." I mocked, before handing him his phone with its screen open so he would know that I knew who was on his wallpaper. Then we both started laughing as we head out of my place.

We landed in Stylus safe. We were jamming to Russ on the way here so we both had that good vibes surrounding us. The whole ride was superb, making me wanna have another 45-minute road trip-- or longer, with him.

As soon as I was sitting on my chair, Mariel already started blabbing about her latest update on the article. Jen wasn't our classmate in this subject. Yes, I know our schedules are kinda confusing.

"So how are you guys doing? Do you wanna know how many visited the page after our articles about you? It went rapid high. Crazy, right?" She chortled while clapping her hands like she just discovered a vaccine for a pandemic. "It took us years to work on the numbers. Who would have known a single article about you guys would blow it?"

I rolled my eyes. "Should I be happy you guys find it beneficial? What if my parents found out? I'll literally drag you in my house once they go hysterical. You and Jen." I threatened.

"Trust me. Your mom would even ask us about the guy you are dating." She snorted.

"That's the problem!" I spat the turned to her, "He's not even my boyfriend."

She just gave me an apologetic smile before shrugging her shoulders, "Then make him. End of story! Don't make it complicated."

I shook my head in disbelief and slumped down on my desk. She's crazy! They're crazy! How come I'm besties with these two?

I was about to thank God Mariel decided to stop talking but then I heard the gossip girls not a few seats far from me.

"I so totally heard the soccer team talking about Clarence and Alex together." One of 'em yammered. I could hear the eye roll at the end of her words without even looking at her.

"I know, right? I mean.. Why Alex? She's pretty smart, let's give that to her but girl.. Have you seen her body? She's not even that sexy!" The other one spat.

Wow! These plastics are getting into my nerves. If it's harmful to the environment to burn plastics, trust me, I'd find a way to burn these girls without harming the environment.

"Oh, girl, I can't even!" She growled. "Have you seen Harry with her yesterday at lunch? Gahd, don't tell me Harry is also hittin' on her." She continued, and I could literally feel the hard stares behind me.

"There must be something she's doing. Was she even good in bed? Remember when Michael left her for La--" This time, I lost it.

I quickly turned to them "Don't!" I threatened, pointing a finger at her. I tried to calm my raging self at the sudden mention of my failed relationship. "Don't even start with me. You wouldn't like it." Before facing the board again.

But I decided I couldn't just let them look down on me like that.

"If you girls think those boys you want are after me.." I chuckled, "Then there must be something about me, YOU girls are lacking. I couldn't help but to.." I paused to look back to them again, feigning an apologetic look, "Feel sad for you" I could see and hear their gasps, served them right.

"Anyway, study well." I winked at them before chirping, "Toodles!"

After I said those things, a grinning Mariel was looking at me. "That's my bitch." Then we just both laugh.

We were in the middle of our class when someone came in, looking for me. It was the Student President Kenedy, but she preferred to be called Kendry cause she's gay. Yes, I was a part of the Student council and so was Clarence, and I was assuming he was summoned as well.

Once I got to the Student Council Office, I found Clarence smirking at me, as if he knew I would be here as well. He took his bag on the seat beside him and tapped it, wanting me to sit on the chair he reserved for me.

I shook my head as I snicker, walking to the seat that he reserved. "Thanks."

"Don't sweat it." Then he winked.

Our president discussed their plans for the upcoming fundraising of our University. We've been doing fundraising annually and donate them to orphanages that our school supports. It was a lot of work, but it was all worth it.

So they've decided to have an auction. But instead of items, we would be auctioning the varsities and that includes the football team. I could already hear the squeals of the girls on my head, including my besties.

Since Clarence's decision to quit football still wasn't known by everyone in our school, he was still included in the list for auction. I could see him fidgeting on his seat so I put a hand on his knee and squeezed it to somehow calm him.

He turned to me and smiled, mouthing, "I'm okay."

We parted after the meeting. I wasn't able to bid goodbye to him, cause he said he wanna talk to the President, regarding the matter.

I was already in front of my class when my phone rang so I took it. I looked at the time before answering the phone. 10mins before the dismissal, so I decided to just wait outside for Mariel.

"Hey, how was it?" I asked Clarence as soon as I pick up.

"He was so adamant about me joining the auction, saying we'd earn more if I'm there." I could hear the defeat in his voice and I couldn't help but feel bad.

"He has a point though. Just think of the kids that we could help with the money girls would use to buy you." Then I chuckled at my choice of words, luckily it somehow lightened the mood when I heard him chuckled too. "I'm pretty sure they'd be spending quite a lot on you. You're a hot item."

"Look who's talking." He jested, earning a laugh from me.

"So you find me hot?" I teased.

"Who says I don't?"