It's been a few months since Clarence and I started being friends, and I couldn't get any happier. It felt like we were really meant to be friends-- Thanks to Mr. Galagher for that. Also, we became research partners in Biology; we usually do it in his pad cause I started to love his place more than mine. The vibe was just different that I felt super productive every time.

He somehow moved on with football, but of course, it was still a sensitive topic for him. We've been more open to each other and do a lot of things together. Breakfast and tortang talong became really our thing-- Hell, we'd been eating the same thing for breakfast in a month and we weren't even fed up. He was spoiling me too much with his cooking.

As for the issue going on about us, well. Who gives a fck about what other people think? Instead, we even gave them more reasons to believe we were really dating. Mariel and Jen made sure they had the most exclusive details about it-- of course.

Anyway, now we were all gathered in the hall for the auction. I was in the backstage, prepping the auctionees -- or should I say the varsities. They were all so hyped up when I was on the soccer team, especially since Clarence was with them. I befriended the soccer team as well, since most of 'em -- Harry, Lawrence, Jenrelle, Elrey usually eat at our table during lunch.

"So Alex, who are you gonna bid on?" Elrey asked, making the guys whistled.

I flicked his forehead. He frowned at me, making the guys laugh. "Definitely not you." I teased, sticking my tongue out childishly.

"Is it gonna be Clarence?" Lawrence interjected, causing Clarence to glare at him, so he raised a peace sign before continuing, "Or our guy here, Harry." he then head-locked Harry.

I chuckled but scolded them after cause they were messing up their hair and clothes. "I prefer basketball players." I scoffed as I shrugged my shoulders. They all acted as if they were hurt by my comment, and I left them, laughing.

The auction started. One by one, the varsities were being bought. And now we were down to the football team. They started off with the other members down to the most famous ones. Harry was called 5th to the last, and I knew Mariel would be bidding on him.

We started at $15, then in a snap, it was already $70, and Mariel was still in it. Was she really gonna maxed out her money for a date with Harry? I internally laughed as I raised my number.

"$80." I confidently said, smirking at Mariel, and I could see Jen beside her laughing.

She raised her number again, "$95."


This time she glared at me after slapping Jen's shoulder, who kept on laughing at her. "$150." She offered, trying to put an end to the bid.

My phone vibrated from my pocket. I looked at it and saw a text from Mariel.

It's not funny (insert eye-roll emoji)

I laughed my ass off before raising my number and bid for "$200"

People were so amazed watching Mariel and me bidding over Harry. His value increased rapidly because of us. I could see the amusement in other soccer players' faces and a shock on Harry's while looking at me. I started to worry. I didn't want him to misunderstand me. I didn't want him to think I would spend hundred dollars to date him. It was solely for charity and, of course, to irritate my best friend.

I looked at Mariel's defeated face, and I started to panic. Sht did I maxed her out? I looked at Jen, and she swiped her thumb on her neck from left to right, signaling I maxed out Mariel.

"$200 going once.." Our president said, then he started counting down. "Sold to Ms. Alexandra Imperial for $200."


I didn't know what happened. Harry strutted off the stage to kiss my cheek, and I automatically stiffened. "I couldn't be more grateful to have you bid on me."

I forced a smile, "Don't sweat it.." Then I l told him to take a seat on the audience first cause I have to attend to the other varsities.

Before I could even go see the next one, I already heard someone sneered behind my back. "Didn't know you have interest with one of my buds."

I looked at him, but he just passed me by and stepped on the stage. The president started saying something about Clarence and such. And the next thing I knew, he was already in $200. I just couldn't understand why girls would spend money on dating these guys. They could already buy an iPhone using the money they bid with.

I could see the distress on Clarence's face as his value increased reminded me that he didn't want to be a part of this auction. He was an awkward person, so dating wasn't really his thing unless he already knew the person he was dating.

"$210 going once.." Our president called out. "This is Clarence Yreneo we're talking about, girls. Any more bidders?" He added, making Clarence grimaced.

I just found myself calling on Mariel.

"Yes, traitor?" She answered.

I chuckled at her greetings but quickly addressed my matter. "Bid on Clarence."

She snorted, "Are you crazy? You maxed me out at 200, and now you wanted me to bid 215 for Clarence." I could see her eye roll from here.

"Ask Jen for money. She didn't bid on anyone. Now go bid on Clarence." I hurriedly said once I heard the countdown. "Go go! Pls."

I heard her groaned before raising her number. "$215"

"I knew it! I knew someone wouldn't let it slip." The president chirped. "Anyone for $225?"


What the fvck. These girls are pretty damn rich.

"$235," Mariel hollered.

"240," Another girl hollered.

"Three Hundred." Mariel drawled as if she knew the other girl would stop bidding. We both knew she won, especially after seeing the flustered look on the other girls' face.

"That was pretty heated. But anyone up for 310? 310, anyone? Do I hear 310?"

"310." The other girl shouted.

I looked at my friends and found Jen laughing her ass off. Mariel was hysterical, looking at me while mouthing, "That girl's a bitch!" before shouting "350!"

I literally facepalmed. $350 for dating Clarence? That was like buying an iPhone.

Once I heard he was sold for $350, I somehow felt relief. I knew he would be more comfortable with Mariel rather than with some other girl.

We all waited for the auction to finish before we lined up with our dates so we could go to the field where we-- the student council, set up a romantic date for everyone. I was busy assisting the other students when I jolted up cause of a hand intertwining its fingers to mine.

I looked up and found Harry smiling at me. "Let's fall in love." He whispered in my ears, making my eyes widened. What? Sensing my shock, he chuckled. "I mean.. line. Sorry, let's fall in line." He corrected.

Wow, that's lame. I feigned a snigger before telling him to go behind Jenrelle and his date, which was in front of Clarence and Mariel.

Once I was done with what I was doing, I joined him in the line. The glare Mariel was sending me didn't go unnoticed, and so was the cold shoulder of Clarence towards me. Harry greeted me before taking my arm on his.

I could hear the girls gasps and squeal seeing the setup for the date; with all the lightings and such, it literally looked like a night to remember. Plus, we also set up a stage where they could slow dance. Of course, we have to make sure they get their money's worth.

Once we all got settled, I couldn't help myself from looking at Mariel and Clarence's table. They were doing fine, but I could see the uneasiness on Clarence's face, but I knew he was trying to keep up with Mariel. I was startled by Harry's voice.

"So.." He started, but he was grasping for words. I could definitely tell he didn't have anything to say, he just wanted to get my attention. "The.. Setup looked so romantic. I could barely even recognize the field it."

"Thanks! I was also stunned. I didn't know it would look like this at night." I replied. As much as I wanted to entertain Harry, I knew my best friend would be more delighted to do so, but I didn't know how to say it to him.

"Harry.. I uh.." I hesitated on the last minute.

"Go on.." He encouraged, nodding his head on me as he waited for what I was going to say.

"Can you.. promise me you're not.. G-gonna get mad after hearing this?" I stuttered, still couldn't find the words to say.

He feigned a smile before saying, "Sure. What about it?"

"You see.. It was actually Mariel who wanted to bid on you." I admitted, trying to look for his reaction. "But am.. I wanted to tease her by increasing your value, and I happened to maxed her out so.." I shrugged to finish my sentence cause I really didn't know what to say anymore, especially when I saw something in his eyes.

"Ouch." He croaked. Definitely hurt by my confession but still trying to lighten up the mood by chuckling. "That was so straightforward, Alex." He acted as if he was offended by putting a hand over his chest.

"I'm sorry.." I cried, not literally cried lol. "I'm really sorry." I repeated, clasping my hands together.

He just laughed at me, earning the attention of some people, including Clarence and Mariel, who looked at our table way longer than other people did.

"No, it was fine. It's okay, Alex. You don't have to apologize about it. I would do the same if the bidder was my friend.. And if I were allowed to bid." Then he chuckled again, but he ended it with a sigh. "So.. I assume you want us to.. Switch dates?"

I gave him a tight smile before I nodded. He looked away, and I wasn't sure if he was really offended, upset, or what.. He gnawed his lips while still looking away. I started to feel really bad and internally scolded myself for being so insensitive, especially after hearing his deep breath.

"Okay." He said, his face devoid of any emotions. "But I want something in return." He continued

"What is it? Anything." I nervously asked while preparing myself for what I was about to hear. I could feel my heart plummeted with how he stared at me and how intense it was.

"Go on a date with me."