"Go on a date with me."

He might have seen my confusion, so he continued, "I think it's pretty fair. You would owe me a date if I agreed to this switching of dates." He looked at me pleadingly with his puppy eyes, making me chuckle. I wasn't used to seeing him cute. Always the bravado, like I'm-the-man look.

"Fine. I'll go on a date with you--" He cut me off.

"I'm not yet finished." He said, raising a hand at me. "I.. Want you to take the date seriously." He added, looking down towards the end of his speech like he was shy or uncertain.

I liked the idea of Harry losing his confidence, so I tried to play innocent. "What do you mean?"

"I.. You know. I.." He started before feigning a glare at me, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?"

I laughed at him again. "Okay, sorry sorry.. Please continue."

I could see the embarrassment on his face, and he was totally red. "Come on.. Your friend's time is running. The longer we talk, the more time we're wasting." He shrugged, pointing at Mariel, who was still trying to break the awkwardness between her and Clarence.

I chuckled. "Okay, Harry. I promise to take it seriously." Then we pinky promised. I was about to withdraw my finger when he pulled me towards him, causing me to lean against our table. He met my face and landed a kiss on my cheek.

"See you on our date, sweet cheeks."

The next thing I knew, Clarence was already in front of me, quizzically looking at me. "What's up with switchin' dates?" He asked.

I turned to him after checking Mariel's table. Found her giving me a thumbs-up, away from Harry's sight. I found Clarence looking at me with confusion, especially after seeing Mariel's reaction.

"Well, you see.. Mariel is into Harry." I said in an 'fyi' tone.

"Yeah, so what was I doing there?" His confusion continued

"She was bidding for Harry, but I maxed her out."

"So you guys are into the same guy." He scoffed, "Interesting!"

"That's not it!" I protested. "I was just

teasing her, but I accidentally maxed her out." I explained.

"So I was only her second option?" He concluded, putting a hand above his chest. "Ouch."

I raised my brow at him, scoffing, "As if you like her." Mariel was pretty, don't get me wrong. Although, I was pretty sure she wasn't Clarence's type of girl. His ears would literally get tired listening to Mariel all day if ever they got on a date.

To my surprise, he chuckled at my response. He pinched my cheeks and stretched 'em slightly until I growled at him. "Don't be so jealous, girl-friend." He teased, emphasizing his endearment for me.

I just rolled my eyes at him. "As if!"

Our food arrived, putting a stop on our little argy-bargy. But once the waiter went out of the picture, Clarence started again. "So.. How were you able to coaxed Harry into it?" He leaned towards the table, with his chin leaning on top of his clasped hands.

Deciding it's a perfect time for a payback, I just shrugged my shoulders innocently and shoved a piece of meat in my mouth. "I just agreed to go out on a real date with Harry."

"You what?!" He questioned, voice slightly raised in disbelief.

"I said.." I paused to chew my food, taking my dang time to make him anticipated. When I saw him started to get impatient, I wiped the corners of my mouth with the napkin as I hid my smirk. "I agreed to go out on a date with him."

He snorted. "Wow." Nodding his head while gnawing his lips.

I nodded my head as well, feigning excitement. "I know, right? Who would've thought Harry Hilton would ask me out on a date." I was expecting an answer from him. Unfortunately, I got nothing but the sound of him chewing his food. Wow.

Unsatisfied with his nonchalance, I continued talking as if I was actually into the idea of dating Harry. "So.. What does Harry like in a girl? Does he like a skirt-girl or more of a jeans-girl?"

"I don't know, ask him." He maundered.

"Ha!" I huffed and snapped my fingers. "Someone's jealous." I zinged, nudging his foot under the table.

"Am not." He croaked.

"Whatever floats your boat." I continued zinging, making him glare at me, so I laughed at him. My phone suddenly dinged, getting our attention. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw a text from Mariel. I could feel the intense stares of Clarence as I was reading it.

"Thank you so much! You made someone very happy. You still owe me $150, though. Enjoy the night with your date."

The smile I had on my face as I read the text widened when I heard Clarence feigned a cough, "I assumed that was Harry, based on the goofy smile you have."

"Ah yeah.." I answered while replying to Mariel, not even looking at Clarence. "He asked me to dance, and I'd say yes--" I was cut off when he suddenly stood up and walked towards Mariel and Harry's table. I immediately stood up and ran after him.

He turned to me with a scowl on his face when I reached his arm. "I was just kidding." I exclaimed, trying to stop myself from laughing at him. I didn't wanna upset him anymore. I turned to Mariel and Harry when I felt their gazes on us. "You guys, can you look after our table? We'll dance."

"Sure." Mariel answered, wagging her brows at me.

I dragged the reluctant Clarence on the wooden stage. He somehow warmed up when the new song started. It was kind of familiar to us cause it was the song Clarence played when we were lying on a tree trunk here in the field before I left him waiting for me in the rain. What a fate.

He put his hands on my waist, so I placed mine on his shoulders. We slowly swayed into the music while looking away from each other. I somehow felt awkwardly comfortable. I didn't know I'd be able to feel contrasting feelings at the same time.

His breath fanned my face, so I turned to him, only to find him staring down at me.. Then we both looked away. I wanna chuckle at how childish we were.. But I couldn't, instead, I found it cute and I didn't know why.

That night was the longest yet shortest night ever. Longest cause we started at 7PM and only got home at 6 in the morning after we park on a cliffside, with a convenient-store coffee in our hands, talking about stuff while waiting for the sunrise. Shortest, cause everything felt so fast.. Like I wanted more time with him, but it was already morning, and we had to rest since we've been awake for almost 24hrs.

Once we reached our floor, we were both out of energy, walking like a laughing zombie along the hallway. Good thing today's a Saturday. We stopped in front of my door, so I turned to him to bid my goodbye.

He was towering over me, looking down at me with his sleepy eyes-- He was still rocking it, though.

"So.. This is it." I mumbled. Enjoying the final awkwardness for today. "Goodnight." I said, flashing him a toothless smile.

"Yeah. Goodnight." He reluctantly said, with a hand on his nape.

I nodded my head as my final response before facing my door. But then he called me, so I turned to him again. "Yeah?"

"Can I.." His ears were red, and so was his face, but I decided to shrug it off.

"Hmm?" I replied, wanting him to continue.

"Can I kiss you?" He asked. Shocking the both of us, though, I recovered fast and chuckled before nodding my head.

He was taking his time leaning towards me, and the anticipation was killing me, so I leaned towards him to meet his lips with mine. When my lips brushed on his soft lips, I knew I wanted more. So before I could embarrass myself, I reluctantly let go of him.

I got scared for a moment when I saw the shock on his face, telling me he meant something else..

He meant a kiss on the cheek.