We never talked about it anymore and everything's well.. Like nothing really happened. I was bothered by it, but I didn't wanna open the topic anymore, especially if I was the one who said it was nothing. So he was showing as if it was really nothing-- or was it just an act? Maybe it was really nothing to him.

We still had breakfast together, but barely ate lunch together this week. He said he has another research in one of his subjects and they were doing it during lunch break since he wasn't comfortable having other visitors in his place-- I'm the only exception, of course.

Although today, he was with us. We were eating our NY Deli when a few trays were placed on our tables. Looking up, I saw the soccer guys. They greeted Clarence and they did their handshakes or whatever they call it. I noticed Harry nodded his head to Mariel and Mariel acknowledge it by smiling at him.

I still didn't know what happened to them, but ever since that night, Mariel started teasing me with Harry for an unknown reason while Clarence would just shrug his shoulders about it. Jen on the other hand was still into the idea of me and Clarence together.

Today was Friday-- Yes, time ran so fast.. Like everything happened in a blur. Harry sat in front of me while I was between Jen and Clarence.

"So.. About the date." Harry started, getting the attention of everyone in our table. "Are you free tomorrow?"

I didn't know I was gripping Clarence's knee under the table. I just realized it when he placed his hand over mine.

"Woah.. So you guys are going out on a date?" Elrey reacted, looking simultaneously at Harry and I. "I thought Clarence and Alex are a thing."

I felt Clarence's grip on my hand tightened, so I turned to him. He was stoic, devoid of any emotions.

"They're not." Harry interjected, "They're just friends, right Alex?" He looked at me, raising a brow as he waited for my answer. Everyone's attention was on me now, including Clarence.

I discreetly nudged Jen's knee. Thank God she understood my non-verbal message and changed the topic. "How about you Harry, dating anyone?"

"I was a bit busy these past few weeks with the game but.." He trailed off and shrugged his shoulders before turning to me. "Alex still owes me a date, and I was still planning where to take her."

That answer made everything more awkward, or was it just me, Clarence and Harry. Although, Clarence didn't react, he was silent during the whole lunch until he decided it's the best time to leave us all in the cafeteria because he had some errands.

I was waiting for Clarence at the parking lot, leaning against Clarence car while scrolling through IG cause obviously he was late-- which was a first, might I add. Some students greeted me as they pass by.

"Alex!" A familiar voice shouted so I turned around to look at him-- Harry.

I smiled at him, "Hey. Don't you have a training, Green Archer?" I teased, acting as if I was dribbling the ball with my feet, and passed it to him.

He chuckled but received the imaginary ball and kicked it towards the imaginary net. We both laughed at our silliness while the other students were just looking at us like we were some crazy.

"I do. But I have to tell this beautiful girl that I'll pick her up at 3 tomorrow." He flirted, winking at me, and pressed a finger at the tip of my nose.

"Now that you already informed her, I guess you can now go back to training." I said, feigning authority.

He just chuckled at me and kissed my cheeks before jogging away while still facing me. "See you tomorrow sweet cheeks." He chirped, before finally turning his back to me.

He was pretty far from me, as big as a dwarf when I heard him shouted "I landed a date with The Alexandra Imperial. YEEEAH!"

I was chuckling when my attention was caught by loud strides going towards me.

I looked at the approaching Clarence. He was panting once he reached me. "Sorry." He said. "Sorry we were kind of busy, I forgot to check the time." He then took my hand and gave me his car key. "You go home first, we still have a lot to do." He continued.

I handed him my bottled water cause he looked like he needed some, which he took and drank all of its content. "Thanks. Please drive safely and text me once you got home." He said, giving me back the water bottle and squeezed my arm.

"I can just wait for you in the liby while doing my homework--" I suggested, silently hoping he would agree but he cut me off.

"No!" He realized his high-pitched voice so he toned down a bit, "Sorry-- No. I mean.. It's pretty late. You should be resting at your home."

"It's fine. It's weekend." I reasoned out, still trying to convince him. "Besides who would give you a lift?"

"No. You have to go home and get some beauty rest. You have a date tomorrow, right?" His face somehow hardened towards the end of his sentence but he quickly got it covered and smiled at me.

I sighed in defeat. "Sure. You take care." Then I turned away from him to go to the driver's. Once I keyed in the door, he opened it for me and let me in. He fastened my seatbelt, checked the rearview and the side mirrors.

After checking if I was comfortable, he met my eyes. We were both silent while looking at each other. He smiled at me as he stuck some hair strands at the back of my ear after. His hand rested on the side of my neck while his thumb was caressing my cheek. "You drive safely."

I chuckled and ruffled his hair before caressing his cheek. "I'll make sure to not hurt your car, don't worry."

"Don't care about the car. I care about you getting home safe."

I couldn't answer. I started having this uncanny feeling in my stomach and in my heart. Everything stopped like it slowly faded and all I could see was him. His blue eyes, those deep blue eyes that slowly drowning me. I started to feel like there was something around us, pulling me to him as he slowly did the same.

His hand on my face, just how mine was on his. Eyes locked at each other, as we both leaned in. The desire on his face didn't go unnoticed when his eyes traveled down to my lips for a second.

We both got startled when his phone started blaring, making us looked away from each other. He ignored the call before turning to me. "I uh.. I gotta go." He bid giving me a tight smile and I just nodded, still looking down.

"Take care." He then slightly pulled my neck and kissed my head. "Don't forget to text me once you got home." I watched him as he closed the door and jogged away until I couldn't see him anymore.

As he requested, I texted him once I got home. Now I was laying on my stomach while doing my homework. I dropped my book in the bed and groaned. I'm not used to studying alone anymore. I'm starting to miss Clarence's presence nowadays, especially after they started their research in Economics.

I mentally slapped myself when I realized I was starting to become clingy and that's a major turn-off for a guy like Clarence. I'm pretty sure he wouldn't be so thrilled once he found out.

I stood up and started pacing back and forth in my room, I had to think of a way to stop this toxicity I feel towards him. I turned on my speaker to listen to Manic Album. This Album of Halsey was one of those two albums I saved. I don't usually like the whole album of an artist. I just like a few songs out of it, but Manic was a different story.

I flapped myself back on the bed and looked at the ceiling while listening to a music when my phone suddenly pinged. I immediately crawled over to my side table to check the notification with the thought of Clarence texting me. Instead, it was from Mariel.

"Did you go home with Clarence?" - Mariel

"Yeah, did you?" - Jen

My brows furrowed reading their messages.

"I didn't. Drove his car home though."


"Someone took a photo of him with a girl in a car." - Mariel

"..alone" - Mariel

Then they sent me the said photo. The girl was leaning towards him and it seemed like they were kissing. I didn't know I was grasping my pendant for an unknown reason while looking at the picture for quite a while. My mind started pacing out for a minute until my phone pinged again.

But this time it was from a different person..


He must've really had a good night.. with Lairi.