I let Harry believe he got me and didn't bother explaining myself. We continued smashing things like we were Paramore in Ain't It Fun.. And it was fun, until Harry decided that we should leave or we would miss the best part of our day.

After changing back to our clothes, I found Harry talking to a lot of girls. Yup, I almost forgot he's famous. I was wondering though, whenever I was with Clarence, I never saw him talking to his fans or anyone asking to get a selfie with him. They used to be in the same team and I believed Clarence was way more famous than Harry.

Then I realized, Clarence and I had never gone out in public. Oh..

When Harry noticed my presence, he already bid goodbye to his fans and took one last photo before walking towards, or more like strutted, while whistling.

"Wow. Superstar." I mocked, elbowing his tummy.

He acted as if he was hurt, but I knew better so I just raised a brow at him. Realizing I knew his tactic, he stopped the drama and just flirted with me by tilting my chin towards him and whispered, "And you are my moon." before kissing my cheek.

"Let's go." He took my hand, intertwined my fingers with his and swayed our hands together as we walked. I didn't know Harry was this sappy and clingy.

He automatically put on another Taylor Swift album on the stereo so I jested. "Swiftie spotted."

"How come I knew you would say that." He scoffed before started driving.

Harry asked me what my go-to foods are and we stopped at a few convenient stores and drive-thrus just to get those foods I mentioned. Yes, he literally bought every food I said I love to eat and some beer. Talk about spoiling-- or bribing.

He parked the car near the beach. I wasn't sure if he knew I love beaches or it was just a coincidence. I started wondering if Clarence told him about it.

Carrying the foods that we bought, Harry still managed to find a way for me to cling my arm on his and insisted that I should. So I did, and it surprisingly felt good. The wind wasn't that strong-- thank God I didn't have to keep on fixing my hair every second.

Harry found a perfect spot for us to sit. He put down the takeouts and snacks that we bought on the sand then he removed his shirt. For a second I thought we were going to swim but then he laid it down on the sand and asked me to sit on it so my pants wouldn't get dirty.

I shook my head at his sudden act but I sat on it though. Harry being a gentleman that's a first and I wasn't going to let his effort go to waste. On the second thought, let him have his shirt. Girls were swarming cause his body became the main attraction in here, plus the fact that he was pretty known.

He did some selfies with them and I was asked to take some of those-- I know, right? I know! Harry somehow felt that I started to feel out of place so I heard him talk to the girls and introduce me as his date.

"We're.. Kind of enjoying our private time right now, so if you, pretty girls, wouldn't mind.." He trailed off, letting the girls get the picture one last time. "But if you guys watched our game and I happened to spot you there, I'd willingly take selfies with you." He added, trying to console their dejected hearts.

Luckily, the girls just asked for a groupie-- at least that's easier than taking one after another selfie, then they left us alone.

"Finally.." He chirped once the girls were nowhere near us. "I'm sorry you had to go through all that. I thought you were kind of used to it since you're close to Clarence."

"We don't go out on dates. We're always at home watching Netflix and pigging out." I explained, not realizing I was smiling as I speak so I immediately try to cover it.

"I love sunsets." He said out of the blue, changing the topic. "Do you?"

The sun was starting to set and turning orangey, giving me a sight of how Harry would look when he got tanned, making him look hot and serene at the same time.

"I'm more of a sunrise person cause usually I'm at school when it sets." I answered.

He opened the box of pizza and handed me a slice, then he opened a can of beer and placed it on my side. He made sure I had everything I wanted or needed before he started eating. People still kept on trying to get a picture with him, but at least not as many as earlier.

"Does it irritate you? I mean.." I gulped from my can, "It was like you guys don't have any privacy at all because of them." I continued when the girls were already gone.

He just shrugged his shoulder, "Are you uncomfortable? I can talk to them." He offered.

"No! No." I immediately answered. "It's okay. I was just asking. I wanted to know how you feel. Cause I know for a fact Justin Bieber always wants his privacy, he even goes to the extent of coaxing his fans so he and Hailey could enjoy their time."

"Well, JB and I have different approaches when it comes to dealing with our supporters. Most of the time I just let them, cause I'm also a fan of someone and I couldn't.. You know.. I couldn't also let the opportunity pass when I saw Beckham or Messi, unless they want their privacy."

"Hmm." I acknowledge. "I don't think I could get used to it. Somehow I'm thankful I ain't a public figure or what."

"You'll get used to it, especially if you decided you wanted to date me again." He shyly said, looking directly at the sun with a sly smile on his lips.

"Well, let's see." I teased. "If I'd want a second date." I zing, looking away, but was peaking sideways.

He looked at me bewilderedly and I chuckled at his funny reaction. "You enjoy killing me, aren't you."

"Sort of.."

We stayed like that after we ate. He put our thrash on the paper bags and put it beside us to make sure we'd see it once we go back to the car.

We played 20 questions and ever since we were done eating, Harry didn't stop talking. We didn't even have any moment of silence cause he never ran out of topics. I guess he really wanna get to know me.

His favourite color is blue, he likes action movies, sometimes romcoms and hated horror movies-- Funny, I know. He's afraid of cockroaches and lizards-- Again, Funny, I know. He also play other sports like Basketball and Hockey since he was from Minnesota, though he focuses more on soccer, cause that's his father's favourite sport.

Most of his exes were cheerleaders, he said because of popularity he was able to score them, even though he was younger with some of them. He also has a lot of girl-friends but most of the time, they hit on him, so he decided to keep only a few. He likes the chase, may I add and it somehow concerned me, especially if I decided to go out on a date with him again.

Harry asked if he could go on a restroom, like who am I to stop him from using the restroom. While he was out, I took my phone to text Clarence. Surprisingly, I didn't receive any text from him.

You knew Harry better than I do, he asked me if he could pursue me. What shd I say?

I waited for his response till Harry showed up, but I didn't get any so I brought my phone back inside my bag.

"The sun is setting." He said and we both looked at him. He excitedly sat beside me, closer than he was before. His arms were brushing on my shoulders, so I turned to him.

He was focusing on the sunset and that was my chance to focus on him. He's handsome.. And the sunset somehow made him look vulnerable, especially when he closed his eyes and smile as the sea breeze blowing on us.

Because of this beautiful distraction, I forgot to cover my eyes, enabling the sand to blind me. I squeaked as it started to sting. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't.

Sensing my panic, I felt Harry turn to me and hold my face. "Try to open it."

"Can't you see that I can't?" I hissed.

"Shh." He shushed, holding my face closer to him. He forced my eyes to open with his fingers before blowing on them. He kept on doing it until it somehow lessen the pain.

I opened my eyes slowly when I felt that It was already fine. Not minding the distance, I saw Harry watching me intently. We just kept on staring at each other, making the sunset our wonderful background.

Harry slowly leaned towards me with my eyes following his lips. I closed my eyes and felt his lips land on it, gently dabbing a kiss. I met Harry's eyes the soonest I opened mine.

And this time, his lips aimed for mine.