He moved his lips, but I stood still and let him kiss me for a second. I was taken aback, but I didn't want him to feel sorry for doing so, so I didn't show him how uncomfortable I was with this. When he finally felt my lack of response, he pulled back, looking at my face for a reaction.

I just gave him a tight smile before I ducked my head.. "I.." I breathed, leaning away, "I don't kiss on first dates."

Shocked by my response, he pulled my body for a hug. "Oh my God. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I should've known." He kept on rubbing my back with his hand. "I'm really sorry."

"It's okay." Tapping his shoulders, I said.

He pulled away from me and apologized again, "I'm sorry. I couldn't take back what happened, but I promise not to kiss you again if you didn't tell me to."

I nodded my head as a response. I didn't want him to feel sorry anymore. Besides, I was also partly to blame for not doing anything to stop him.

"But I can always give it back to you, if you want." He kid, trying to lighten up the mood. I just laughed at it, appreciating his effort for at least trying.

"I'll get it myself." I replied, making him chuckle.

"Anytime." He said, winking.

We talked for I didn't know how long till we decided to go home cause it was already dark. He did most of the talking; he just had a lot of things to share. When we returned to the car, he opened the door for me and made sure I put on my seatbelts before he jogged to the driver's.

I put on LANY's playlist on the stereo, and I could finally say At last, something we could both enjoy.

"I thought the only songs you knew were Trap songs." I jested.

"Welp, turned out I don't." Then he turned to me, "I was once in love, you know?"

He was shocked by his own words and looked away when he thought I'd ask him about it, giving me an idea that he wanted to dodge the topic, so I didn't bother.

We kept on singing to LANY, and the fact that Harry couldn't sing made it more enjoyable. He sounded terrible and looked cute at the same time. I didn't know terrible and cute could be used in the same sentence, and Harry just proved it.

"Now I know why you only listen to trap songs." I blurted while waiting for the next song to play. "You can rap.. Not sure about singing tho." Then I chuckled.

"At least I know another skill aside from soccer." He defended himself. "Making me wonder, what else could Alexandra Imperial do?"

"I used to do theatre." I said confidently, "in high school. I sing, as you can see. I sort of dance as well."

"What a total performer we have here!" He chirped, looking at me and the road simultaneously. "Do you cook?"

"I do. I do my laundry as well. I iron my clothes if needed. I clean my house. I can say I'm a wife material if that's what you were trying to ask." I smirked towards the end of the sentence, making Harry laugh.

"You got me figured out." He replied. "I can do those too." He confidently said and quickly added, "Not sure about the cooking, though. I'm more of a baker, hence the creme brulee."

"Oh yeah! I remember." I looked at him in awe. "That was so good. Thanks again for that."

"My pleasure. I'll bake other goodies again and have you taste 'em. If that's a faster way to your heart." He was smiling while tossing me a sideways look.

"I'm afraid you couldn't use food to bribe me into saying yes to you." I challenged, pouting my lips like Regina George.

He scoffed, and as if on cue, the stoplight turned red, so we stopped. He then faced me and smirked, "Let's see."

Our topic went from my dream dates to our greatest fear; life goals, and so much more. We hit my building's parking lot at around 9:15, and he insisted on walking me to my pad. I was thinking of an alibi if he ever wanted to come in for coffee or what. I don't wanna be rude, but I wasn't really comfortable having him inside my pad..

I looked at my phone while we were inside the elevator, remembering I was waiting for Clarence's response to my question a while ago. Unfortunately, he hadn't responded, and I started panicking when I realized I needed to give Harry an answer.

I don't like Harry, but I don't not like him either. I couldn't just turn him down without giving him a chance, especially if he didn't do anything wrong and showed how interested he was in me. But I also couldn't waste my time figuring out if he was in it for real or if he had hidden agendas.

This is why I hate cheaters and heartbreakers. They leave people scarred and scared to try and date again. Like you always have to doubt if people would also do the same thing your exes did to you.. Stopping you from being happy again.

The elevator dinged, a sign that we had reached my floor. We walked side by side, not bothering to speak and just letting our thoughts consume us both. My hand suddenly bumped into Harry's cold and clammy one. I looked at him, but he didn't look at me.

When we reached my door, I could feel the awkwardness. Not because something wrong happened, but because Harry couldn't look at me, and he looked tense. I wanted to chuckle, it was cute. But I couldn't belittle him for something he was dreading.

"So.." I started.

"So." He repeated.

Trying so hard to make him feel better, I asked.. "Do you want to stay for a cup of coffee?" I mentally slapped myself for asking him a question I was actually trying to make an alibi for a while ago.

Luckily, he rejected my offer. "I just.." he started, but hesitated to continue. He turned away from me and let out a breath with a 'whoo'. He tried to calm himself before facing me again.

Seeing the ghost of a smile on my face, he was dejected. "I know it's funny, but I couldn't help it. I never asked a girl out. They just usually ask me out or ask if I want to ask them out on a date."

"It's okay." I assured him, tapping his shoulder.

That somehow lifted him up and gathered himself to finally ask me, "Would you let me take you out on a date again and.." He stopped.

"And.." He continued, but still grasping for the right words, "And this time as date-date?"

"Date-date.." I repeated the last word. I'm fine going out on a casual date, but courtship is another story.

Suddenly, I felt myself waiting for Clarence to open his door and save me from this question. Or hug me and try to be possessive of me, even though he thought he didn't have the right to.. Cause I would definitely let him.

As if on cue, his door opened. Revealing someone wearing a rib-knit halterneck body con dress. She looked surprised seeing Harry and I. Then Clarence wearing nothing but a robe, suddenly appeared behind her, sharing the same reaction with the girl.

So this is why my text was left unanswered.

"Alex." He gasped. Clearly not expecting me in front of his door, like my pad wasn't located in front of his. He pushed past Lairi and walked towards his door frame. "She uh.. She's here to borrow some books." He explained.

"Oh." Harry replied, "Hey there, Lai." Harry greeted her, and she smiled. I suddenly felt his arms snaked around my waist-- woah there, young man.

"Hey, Har. Hey.." She trailed off, not sure whether to mention my name or not. "Xands." The nerve. That was what she used to call me when we were still best of friends.

Not bothering to greet her, I just bobbed my head. Harry and I were stuck there like we were supposed to watch them.

"I.." She stuttered, "Better get going." You better do. Then turned to Clarence, "Thanks for the book, Rencey." Then kissed him on the cheek before turning back to us, nodded, and left.

We were all left dumbfounded, didn't know what to do. Clarence was surely reluctant to close his door, so he was just there standing.. While I, on the other hand, not sure if I should tease Clarence or ask Harry again to stay for a cup of coffee I did the latter.

"As much as I want to.. It's pretty late, and I'm sure you have other things to do." He said, somehow making me feel relief that he didn't say yes.

"Thanks for today." I said. Still aware that Clarence was watching us.

"No. Thanks for today." He corrected.

Then we just smiled at each other for a while, not knowing what to say next. Desperate to end everything so I could lay on my bed already, I found myself uttering something I was sure I'd regret later on. "My answer is yes."

"What?" I heard someone mutter, but it wasn't Harry.

As if he didn't hear Clarence's sudden response, Harry asked. "You mean.." He trailed off, wanting me to continue, assuring his understanding was correct.

"I'm letting you court me."