I wished for Clarence to react. I waited for him to question my decision; Scolded me, and tried to change my mind, but that never happened. Instead, he tapped Harry's shoulder and uttered "Congrats" before nodding at me with a broad smile on his face, as if he wasn't really affected at all.

My heart was slowly crashing as we watched him walk back to his room and close his door to give Harry and I some privacy. Realizing I had been staring at Clarence's door for too long, I turned to Harry. Who's been watching me silently, trying to decipher my sudden dejection.

"Good night." I muttered, wanting to get inside and ruminate my life decisions.

"Goodnight." He took my hands and brought them near his lips. While looking at my eyes intently, he promised, "I'd never waste the chance you gave me." He then kissed my hands before placing them over his shoulders, wrapped his arms around my waist, and pulled me into a hug.

He gave me another kiss on the cheek after letting me go and strutted his way out. He was whistling and kept on looking back at me while walking towards the elevator. Reaching the end of the hallway, he turned to me and flew a kiss before disappearing to call the elevator.

The pride and posture that I was keeping suddenly deflated as I sighed and let myself find support from my door. Now it's clear for me.. It was just me who was feeling this way. I was mad at myself for letting my walls down for Clarence, and now he was breaking my heart without even trying.

Holysh8t! I just admitted to myself I liked Josef Clarence Yreneo!

The next day, I decided to go home to my parents. I've never been home since the semester started. It somehow made me feel better, away from everything.. And by everything, I meant Clarence. We've been attached to hip ever since I agreed to be his TUTOR, and now.. I don't know.

I decided to sleep here, so I brought my clothes for school tomorrow. My mom asked me about school and boys. I was pretty open to my mom since I didn't have a sister or cousin that I knew of. Jen and Mariel would just tell me I'm lucky for dating Harry. I thought my mom would say a different thing, and I was wrong.

She told me to give Harry a chance. And that my feelings for Clarence might change something between us, especially if he was too immature to deal with it. That somehow scared me. Clarence doesn't entertain girls who like him, and if he finds out I like him.. He might-- I couldn't even think about it, so I just cried at my mom's lap, and she just let me.

Mom's first and last boyfriend was dad, so I could tell that she didn't experience many boy problems before. She was actually asking me to bring Clarence here to see herself if he likes me too or not. She's not as expert as Mariel and Jen, but she could tell love when she saw it-- Her words, not mine.

Dad saw us and joined. He asked about it, so mom told her. And based on his reaction, Clarence was already on his bad side. Not sure about Harry, though, but he said he wanted to meet Harry to see if he's really serious about courting me. He said Harry should've asked him first. Yup, he's that old school.

The next day, I drove myself to school. I ate breakfast at home, so I didn't bother dropping by the cafeteria. I spotted Mariel and Jen at the bleachers and went over to them. They were glaring at me on my way to them.

"Did you guys fight or something?" I asked as soon as I reached them and kissed their cheeks.

"Were you ignoring Clarence?" Jen asked.

"Excuse me?" I drawled, looking at her quizzically.

Mariel took out her phone and kept on tapping until I felt my bag vibrate. I looked for my phone inside my bag and saw Mariel's caller. I turned to her with my brows furrowed. "Are you guys crazy?"

Mariel ended the call and took my phone from my hand, only to shove it in front of my face. My eyes widened, seeing 9 missed calls from Clarence and 21 texts. Wow!

"So.. What happened?" Jen asked.

I huffed. "I don't know. I went home yesterday. You guys know I don't usually use my phone there."

One thing I love about our home is the view. It was on a cliff, so it's peaceful and away from the city. You'd really enjoy the view and wouldn't even bother touching your phone.. So when I said my phone was inside my bag the whole day, they believed me.

"He's at the cafeteria. You better go to him. He brought you some breakfast." Mariel cooed.

"But I already ate." I replied.

"So? If nothing really happened, why don't you want to go there?" Jen scoffed.

I rolled my eyes at them and stood up, stomping my feet in the process. "Who says I'm not? It's food we're talking about." I feigned excitement before bidding goodbyes. "See you at lunch!"

I made my way to the cafeteria to find Clarence.. And immediately regretted my decision. There he was, on our usual spot-- ON OUR TABLE, flirting with Lairi, eating the breakfast they said he cooked for me. Ha!

Not knowing what to do, I found myself stuck on where I was standing. Wishing someone would drag me with them and take me away from that eyesore.

Sometimes I wonder how much God loves me, cause I found Harry looking at me, and I could definitely tell he would call me.

"Alex!" He hollered, getting the attention of half the people in the cafeteria, including Lairi and Clarence who were now looking at me.

Harry suddenly came to my view, smiling as he kissed my cheek. "What're you doing here? Never saw you eating breakfast in the caf." He asked. "Come join our table." He continued, grabbing my wrist and taking me with him.

I hesitated at first cause I wasn't that close with other football team, especially the Seniors. But I'd rather feel uncomfortable around the seniors than watch Lairi and Clarence flirting in front of me.

I saw Clarence watch us as we walked to the table, so did the other students. Great! Could this day get any better?

Harry introduced me to his team and their girlfriends. Apparently, if you're dating a jock, you're supposed to sit at the jock's table. But in my case, it's either Harry is going to sit with me or we're not eating together at lunch.

He was eating chicken and pancakes and asked me to eat some. I was conscious with every bite cause they were interrogating me and such. Some were even teasing me. Their girlfriends, who were trying to be nice, also joined the teasing and even offered to watch with them every game. They were surprisingly bearable..

The school day ended without Clarence talking to me. Not even in our Biology class, and that's new. Well, if he didn't wanna talk to me, good riddance. At least it'll be easier for me to divert my feelings to Harry. Why does saying it feel wrong? Like I'm using Harry to move on.

Anyway, I was in my car. Sitting on the driver's while waiting for Harry. I think this would be our thing after class-- Him, sneaking out of their training just so he could meet me in the carpark and bid adieu.

I was scrolling through my cellphone when it started ringing in my hands. Jolted up, I looked at the caller and read Harry's name. With my brows furrowed and a grunt, I answered the phone.

"Sorry." He said while still laughing. I didn't know what was so funny about calling me, but then I saw him leaning against my bumper, watching me. He jogged to my side and knocked on my window so I rolled it down for him.

"Sorry." He repeated; this time his laugh faltered, but his smile was still there. "You were cute, though." then he pinched my cheek.

"Anyway, want me to pick you up tomo?" He asked, giving me hopeful looks.

"Then who's gonna drive me home when you're in training?" I asked.

He hooted. "Shoot. Didn't think about that. Sorry. T'was stupid." He looked dejected while shaking his head.

"It's okay. I can just wait for you in the bleachers." I offered. His face brightened up. "But not every day, okay? Just every Friday." I added.

He nodded his head repeatedly like a kid. "That'd be fine. Thank you! Thank you!" He said effusively, as If I was a Genie who granted his wish. "You made someone very happy."

I chuckled at his reaction. Who would've thought Harry Hilton was like a kid.

"Glad to hear. Anyway, I don't wanna hold you for long. Go back to your training." I said, tapping his arm so he would lean away from my window.

"Ouch! You don't wanna talk to me anymore?" He acted like he was hurt.

I scoffed, "I do, but I don't think your coach would be thrilled to know you're here. Now shoo!" I waved him off, sticking my tongue out while rolling my window up.

I turned to him again when he knocked on my window. "What?" I shouted so he could hear me.

He puckered his lips exaggeratedly, asking for a kiss. I laughed so hard and mouthed "No" in the process.

I flashed an impish smile at him while shaking my head no. As a response to it, Harry feigned a glared at me. "You owe me two." He mouthed before jogging back to the gym.

I found myself smiling through the rearview and I wonder..

What would it be like if I was attracted to Harry and not Clarence?