The New Life

It's 20th May 2025 and it's Frank's birthday but Frank has no idea about it. This time Samuel goes into Frank's room and splashes the water on him. Frank was dreaming about a machine that enables them to Time Travel but when Sammy splashes the water on him, he wakes up and Sammy says "Happy Birthday Franky!". But Frank gets angry and says " You don't even have an idea how Important my dream was!". Samuel hugs Frank and apologizes but suddenly Frank realises that he has just turned 18. He tells the same to Samuel and he hugs him and says "Hey, we are Brothers don't you forget that". They have their last dinner together that night and Samuel and Frank decided to go to the same College for studies. Samuel started working in a bar while Frank got him a job at a Car Washing Store. Both Samuel and Frank are the brightest in their class. Samuel finishes his studies and becomes a Scientist and has a degree in Engineering and as well as Science. He gets an offer from the U.S. Government which he accepts. Meanwhile, Frank has no friends and his only aim is to bring his Father back. One year later, Samuel attends Frank's graduation ceremony and they have a dinner together Samuel proposes to him a job at the same place he works too but Frank tells Samuel that he doesn't want to work with anyone and he just wants to work individually. This disappoints Samuel and he asks Frank "Why? Why are you doing that? It's not good for you". Frank doesn't respond to Samuel and Samuel says " Wait! Is it about Dad? Frank, he's dead. There's nothing you can do". Please grow up and accept my offer and live a life that others only dream of". Frank stays quiet and Samuel gets angry and leaves the restaurant in rage.