Fallout Of The Disappearance

12 hours have passed since the tragic event and Frank hasn't moved a bit and was still in shock. He still thinks it's a dream. He kept staring at the note and tried to understand it but wasn't able to. Meanwhile, Samuel was gone the whole night and finally comes back in the morning. He enters his dad's room and Frank says " Where were you last night?". " I went to Martin's home" replied Samuel. Frank says "Why did you come back?, our Father has disappeared and you still prefer to stay at your friend's house". Samuel says "He's not my friend anymore!". There's a two-minute silence and Samuel says " Well! It doesn't matter". Samuel sits down and takes the note from Frank and says " What the hell is this? Is this Russian?". Frank giggles and says " It's even more complicated than that". "Hey look there's something in English, " says Samuel. Frank giggles once again and say " It's even more ridiculous than the Russian, It says TIME TRAVEL". Samuel says " But It's impossible ". They never mentioned their Father's last words which were "46". Suddenly there's a knock on the door and it's Mr. Wilson, "Anthony Wilson" is a police inspector and a very old and Good Friend of Tim. He's the Samuel opens the door and sees tears in Samuel's eye. Wilson suspects that something's wrong and goes to Tim's room. He only sees Frank sitting and holding a page in his hand. Wilson doesn't understand the situation and tells Frank to give him the page. Frank refuses and says "How are you even here? You never come here without a reason". Wilson becomes speechless and then Frank says " Oh yeah! You are Martin's father, so you are here because of Samuel". Samuel says " I didn't talk about it". Frank says "Not even to Martin? Stop lying!", Wilson interrupts and says "Wait I just came here to check out, nothing else". Frank sighs and says "So what now?". "Tell me what happened and I will see if I can do anything," says Wilson. They tell him everything and then Wilson informs his mates at the station and when they arrive they take a look at everything and now they need to look at the page that Frank has in his hand. Frank refuses to give it to the police as he assumes that they will never give it back. He tries to run but a cop catches him but he manages to escape. The cop has been called at another site where suspicious sounds from a house are reported. He tries to take the gun out of his pocket and realises that it's not in his pocket. He assumes that Frank had stolen it from him. Frank comes back home an hour later but the note in his hand seems quite old now. It seemed like Frank had no memory about what happened a while ago and was stumbling a lot . Samuel and Wilson didn't question him as they were worried about Frank. The cop comes back and sees his gun on the road and assumes that he had dropped it earlier. Wilson says "Honestly son, there's nothing I can do. Your Dad's gone or stuck somewhere so it's better if you start a new life without your Parents". He then hugs both the kids and then Frank and Samuel decide to stay with each other another year until Frank turns 18. They will part their ways once Frank turns 18 and everyone agrees with that". Late at night, Frank can't sleep and remembers his father's last words "46" and then decides that he no longer will join the army. He will become a Scientist and find his Father instead.