Chapter 3

Watchtower 2 days later with Diana

It's been 5 days since I woke up in the watchtower, I have had to chance to meet a few people in passing, especially after Diana basically legally adopted me, naming me Alexander Prince,(Alex for short)since all I knew was a first name to begin with and Wonder Woman was my favorite hero anyways, who was I to argue with a technical goddess?

Not many would challenge such a decision especially from her, though I could tell Batman wasn't particularly fond of the idea in our brief encounters. I didn't let that really bother me as I wasn't overly fond of his paranoid personality anyways. I liked people more like Barry Allen, the flash, and green arrow, they tend to have more sunny dispositions.

Also I kinda sorta figured out that I'm in some bastardized version of DC, an amalgamation of Young Justice, considering my beginnings and maybe Justice League Unlimited, as iv met several people from that such as vixen, green arrow, black canary, though two of them are also from young justice, there are others iv seen as well.

The main thing that makes me think it's screwy is that some peoples ages are screwy. Iv met a few protégés over the last few days and they are generally around my age. I'm young justice I thought some of them were a lot younger, like Barbara Gordon should be in her early teens not look in her late teens. That's just the best example, iv noticed others.

Then there is green arrows protégé, speedy. Here SHE is green arrows sister, Thea, where as in young justice they were not related. Though it more made sense when I found out Arsenal is also Green Arrows protégé. I guess the Arrowverse is in this dimension somewhat as well.

I have pretty much decided that I wouldn't get overly involved in things unless I was really needed specifically, aside from healing anyways. I'm always down to help but I don't have any real skills in fighting to speak of, only potential.

That's not to say that I didn't shadow Diana a few times just to get used to the concept of such, after I became proficient in flying anyways. I was also working on my ability to sense other Ki signatures but it was nearly impossible for me to differentiate anyone unless it was someone like Diana or Superman, their signatures were simply far stronger and easier to pick out.

Other than that I was mostly just working on enhancing myself with Ki, working on my endurance so that I'm not 1 shotted by a low level gun or something stupid.

The last thing I have been working on is healing. It's not really overly difficult, I'm definitely not dende or anything but all I really have to do is let my Ki flow through somebody's wounds, bruises, cuts and maybe some other internal damage as long as it's not too bad. Diana let me test it out on her as she gets wounded enough anyways.

Why live with bruises when your newly adopted protege can make it go away? She told me it's a warm sensation, like being under the sun on a warm day. The bruises simply just started to disappear after a few seconds of running my Ki through them. All it takes in a few seconds of direct contact. All I really need to do is hold somebody's hand or something along that line to heal anywhere on the body but it's easier to do so if I'm touching the injury as close as possible.

"So what are we doing today Diana?" I asked the tall Amazon curious why was on the agenda today.

"It's about time that you were able to hang out with people your own age, I know you are mature enough and I know you will refuse to go to school but there is a team of young heroes that was formed over the last few days and I want you to join them, not because I don't think you can't make it in the league, simply so you have people your age to be around most of the time. Besides your main role is healing and you will most likely simply be called as needed for the league and the new team that's formed." I just sighed, hiding my grimace as best I could. I knew it would likely happen but oh well.

"..sigh, very well… I assume there is no real getting out of it.." I didn't pout, I most certainly did not because it's not manly.

"I will most certainly pester you until you agree Alex!" She almost sounded cheery.. almost. Her smile was absolutely evil though! "Besides it's not like I won't be visiting often and it's not like the others won't seek you out or if bad enough, ask for your assistance on watchtower. Nobody likes to stay bruised and battered after all, makes it hard to wear nice clothes!" She ended with a wink and smile at the fact pretty much every female on watchtower has asked me to heal them at least once over the last few days, with Diana's support people weren't overly shy or worried about asking as she is a good judge of character.