June 18th, Watchtower
I have basically stalled as much as I could but amusingly enough I'm fairly sure this is the same day the side kicks get their first mission of sorts.
I have managed to make a few friends over the last week and some change. Most notably, Black Canary, as she is the future trainer of the younger team, she has also been working with me as I have no real training and was a blank slate so to speak.
I won't say I am any kind of master after only 10 days or so of training but I also found that I am a fairly quick study, though I was under no illusion I would be beating her or really any of the more skilled leaguers in hand to hand combat any time soon unless it was through brute power.
I also had the idea that I might help a few people to, if possible, unlock their own Ki potential, though I wasn't even particularly sure it was possible but if Videl could do it as an above average human, then any sufficiently trained person should be able to as well. Canary would be a good trial run for that, though I didn't want just to teach anyone or let just anyone learn how to gain access to such powers and I'm positive she would basically give a written detailed report to batman and the league and we all know the league if a leaky sieve when it comes to information.
And that brings me back to my current conversation with Diana "So have you figured out if you want to try to teach others if they can access their life energy?" We have been having this conversation over the last few days, she somewhat knows why I don't want to just teach anyone and she also knows about what I think about the league security. She may even agree as she definitely hasn't been pressuring me to teach.
"Hmm… you know why I am hesitant to do such. If I were to do so then it would be conditional. Privacy as such, nothing put in computers or written down about what is learned which means no recording. Do you think the paranoid Bat could ever agree to that?" I asked her, somewhat curious about her answer as she usually agrees that Batman can be overly paranoid.
"Your not wrong that Batman can be paranoid but I think he will agree to those conditions."
"Well I will have to take your word for it, but if whoever i am teaching ends up having to make any reports, I would be ok with it as long as it was only made verbally and only to you. Batman has his own kind of honor I think but privacy isn't exactly included in that and I know you won't break your word, should you give it…"
She looks at me with a smile for a moment. "I find your conditions fair and I honestly don't want your abilities to get out to our enemies any more than you do so I will agree and I also think Batman will also agree, eventually... Soo is your first student going to be Dinah?? I know she is curious about it and I also know that you both have been spending a looot of time training together lately!" She was almost cooing towards the end, and I was sadly an easy target for her teasing as I'm fairly sure I could give the scarlet speedsters suit a run for it's money in color.
"I… don't know? I guess if you can get Batman to agree then I would be happy to spe…train Dinah, she has the potential easily enough all I really at most have to do is help her draw on her natural abilities." I tell my sister? Mother? Not really sure who she is to me right now, but she has been a good friend either way and has helped me through everything in baby steps.
…sigh she is just smirking at me like she knows a big secret, sadly I also know that secret, she knows I'm at least attracted to Dinah. I mean who wouldn't be though, she is stupidly hot. But we also get along really well during and after training. Oh well I'm no trained spy and definitely can't keep secrets to save my life.
"Your new identity is set up, I hope you don't mind, but I had them make you my brother hence your last name, Prince. There is also an account set up with a stipend, you have after all been healing anyone who comes in wounded. And just so you know my mother is going to want to meet you one day. Just a heads up." If she was Kakashi, she would probably have an eye smile but thankfully she is not so there is only a knowing smirk at my look of abject horror at the end of her statement.
"Don't give me than look Alex, it won't be that bad!" Damnit she is back to cheery! Wonder Woman is supposed to be stoic and shit! Her personality has thrown me off since I basically met her. "..sigh ok Diana! But in the future!" I may have muttered in the distant future after and from her look she may have heard me.
Either way I had more important things to think about at the moment. I would be meeting the young justice cast in a hour or two. More specifically after red tornado goes there to inform them.
"So do you want to talk about the other things that you have seen?" Ahhh that. I may have possibly told her that one of my abilities is to see possible futures. It wasn't really that card of a concept for her to accept, as the Amazon's aren't exactly strangers to prophecies and crap like that.
Though it was difficult to explain as these weren't exactly prophecies, more possible futures(read different DC universes)I tried to explain it that every vision is true, or real, just maybe not in this universe.
Once that was explained I told her that most likely that either speedy or Arsenal are clones and turned into spies who don't know they are spying. I'm sure the Batman loved that, he would probably spread disinformation. I also told her that it was basically a one time thing, that I had a lot of visions while I was asleep in Cadmus but haven't had any since, and shouldn't rely on them overly much since they simply may not be relevant to our reality.
I hope Thea isn't the spy because I met her a few times, she seems fun and we had a few spars. She is also somewhat of a candidate for training but not until I know she is a spy or not, and if she is, it would have to wait until her programming is removed.
I always found the idea of clones interesting. I mean, I'm usually picturing 5 or so Dinah's when I think about it but whose counting right?
"There really isn't much to talk about. You already know all of the relevant points(about speedy/Arsenal and a little about the light as an organization. Only told to her and Batman) so not really sure what else to add. Sure I may know more but I won't really know if it's relevant until I see a situation brewing in which case I have a direct com to you and will inform you. If I can't get in touch with you I will even contact the Bat." That conversation took forever, giving information when I'm not sure it's useful is annoying though I made sure to explain in detail the fact it might not be relevant and to not jump the gun too much.
These unknowns are some of the biggest reasons behind my desire to keep my training and training of others closely guarded.
Well anyways it's basically time to say my goodbyes there are only a few people who showed up to see me off but they are the important ones in my opinion, at least important to me. Obviously Diana and Canary, but also surprisingly Hawkgirl, the justice league version it seems, so I have to wonder if there is a Thanagarian invasion in the works? Only time can tell. Like I said, a freaky version of DC verse. Hard for me to figure out what to expect with so many open doors.
I just gave Diana a sisterly'ish hug followed by a most decidedly less sisterly hug from Dinah and what amounted to a bro hug from Shayera. Weird I'm sure but ah well. Off I go to the joys of Mount Justice, yay me!
"Good bye brother, I will try to visit at least on a weakly basis but if you need me, you know how to get in touch" she tells me before waving and walking off. Shayera also waves good bye and quickly fled behind my Amazonia sister.
"Sooo you know I'm going to have to bug you about training right? The let's call it enhanced training? And also to keep up our normal training as well. So I may have to come down to Mount Justice and bug you from time to time." She informed me with a small smirk.
"I talked with Diana and she agreed that the Bat would likely agree to my conditions to be able to teach anyone, well you know. So yah, just come down and join whenever, even if you just need an ear." She smirked at that, gave another quick hug and sashayed to the control panel for the zetas.
"Good, in that case I will likely see you in a few days or as possible, until then Alex, take care of yourself ok?" I just gave a nod and like that I disappeared in a flash of light.