



The room was filled with awkward silence. I looked up slightly to peek at the other just to find them having an intense staring contest with the floor.

".....I guess you all really like the carpet that you are staring at to the core of it Hahaha" I said trying to make it less awkward but it only made it more awkward.

"Hahaha" Prince Aiden and Anne laughed awkwardly while Knox looked at me with disbelief since my joke was quite lame.

'Sabrina you idiot! shut up!' I scolded myself.

"Sooo....Prince Aiden." Suddenly Knox spoke.

"Yes," Prince replied.

"Now that we are playmates, can we address you normally like call you by your name and stuff?..." he said, making mine and Anne's eyes go wide.

I looked at him with disbelief and the same goes for Anne, then we looked at eachother where I mouthed, "Your brother is gonna die soon" to which she mouthed back, "Isn't that good?" leaving me dumbfounded.

'She is normal right?' I thought looking at her with suspicion while she smiled innocently.

"Oh yes, please do. I always wanted friends who would feel at ease with me but due to my status everyone is scared to get close with me" he said pouting.

'Aww so sad....No! don't melt! He's someone who is a danger to my Ann!' I thought.

"Okay then! we will call you Aiden from now on, okay? You too feel free to address us casually. Call me Knox" Knox said, making the blonde boy nod cutely.

"A-and you call me Anne" Anne said cutely while he nodded and looked towards me who was glaring at him and Anne being all friendly.

When he looked towards me I quickly changed my expression and said, "You can call me Sabrina, okay?" to which he nodded.

"So now that the introduction is over let's go and give him your mansion tour" Knox said looking towards me.

'Oh right! the tour....but how do I give you all a tour when I don't even know what is where? I only know the main places where I go often like the garden, the fountain, Mommy and Daddy's chamber and my chamber obviously. And I also never cared to ask Fannie or Mr. Butler to give me a house tour....Oh this is gonna be a mess...

I was in my thoughts but got disturbed as Knox clapped in front of my face to gain my attention.

"Hello! Earth to Miss Sabrina! You there or not?" he said, waving his hands in front of my eyes. I got irritated and slapped his hand.

"Where will I be if I'm not here you idiot! I just spaced out a bit" I said while he made an O- shaped mouth.

"So let's go?" he asked.

"Where?" I asked back.

"The tour?" he said.

"Y-yeah, the tour! yeah right. Let's go then" I said, avoiding eye contact. We all stood up and went outside for this mansion tour journey.

I was showing them around while they were following me. While me as someone who is not fully aware of all the places in the mansion was just babbling nonsense hoping for them to not question anything.

"This is hallway no. 3 as you can see" I said while showing them the hallway I'm the most aware of.

"Hallway no. 3? where is 1 and 2?" asked Knox.

'Gosh! Aiden hasn't asked a single question while this chimpanzee is the most excited one here like he hasn't seen the mansion before. Stupid. What kind of insect does he have inside himself to be this annoying?' I thought as I was getting irritated by that idiot.

"Knox, are you visiting for the first time?" I asked, looking at Knox.

"Nope. I've been here many times" He replied.

"Then shut up!" I said sternly, making him shut his mouth.

"So as for why hallway no. 3? That's because we have many hallways and I have numbered them to remember each one of them. This one is my favourite one as you can see on the left we have a beautiful fountain which I often visit and on the right these are paintings of I don't know my ancestors maybe? Anyway, this is the same hallway where we met Uncle Syle but due to all the commotion you might have not noticed it." I said while the three nodded.

Then I took them to the other hallway which I really wasn't aware of so I just said what I thought was convincing cuz….what would these kids actually know?.

"So this is hallway no. 2 and this leads's find out!" I said while the others just looked at eachother, questioning me.

We were walking when we came across a door which was obviously closed.

'This looks like a store room, there aren't many maids around and it's very quiet too, so.... yeah let's go with that' I thought while analysing the room.

"This is the storage room as you can see" I said, extending my hands like I was showing a showpiece, but the look on Anne and Knox's face showed something else.

"Sabi..." Anne said.

"Yes Ann" I replied looking at her.

"That's the kitchen," she said, making me stop functioning.

"K-kitchen? this? this deserted room? But there is no sound like, aren't kitchens like...noisy?" I asked while turning my head from Anne to the door then again towards Anne.

'Why does it look different from when I came with Dad? Maybe because it was dark?' I thought, giving myself excuses of why I didn't recognize it.

"Yeah but mostly all the kitchens are soundproof, did you not know?" Knox said, amused by my dumbness.

'Soundproof? Did the soundproofing system exist in this world?' I thought, being dumbfounded.

"With magic." Anne added, making me sigh in relief.

So it's with magic, I suddenly got tensed by how they soundproof it when technology isn't that advanced right now.

"Kitchen? what's that" Aiden asked, making all our heads turn towards him.

"You don't know what a kitchen is?" Knox asked as the blonde boy shook his head as a no.

"It's a place where the delicious dishes you eat are made." Anne said, making the boy's eyes go wide.

"Woah! So food does not come from trees?" he said in amusement.

"You probably don't mean prepared dishes right?" I asked hoping for a pleasant answer.

"Yes those" he said, making me want to hit my head on the wall.

'Is this a genius? Is he really the Nation's Treasure? where the heck is his genius Mr. brain?' I was shocked by his stupidity.

"No silly, the dishes are made in the kitchen while the ingredients for those dishes come from nature, some by trees and some from the ground" Anne said.

'Finally someone with a brain' I sighed of relief but soon regretted as I heard Anne say,

"Like when you play house you have three or four different dolls but you play with them in one game just like that you take different ingredients which make one dish" she completed making me and Knox speechless.

'I really want strangle the person who taught her to make these examples' I thought while planning a murder in my head.

"Who is Anne's teacher, Knox?" I asked calmly.

"I am thinking the same, don't worry, I'll have a talk with her" Knox said, still amazed by his sister's example while I nodded at his sentence.

"Let's go to my cham-" I was saying but got cut off by Aiden as he shouted, "I WANT TO SEE!!!" he exclaimed with excitement as he ran and opened the door.

The door opened and revealed all the maids and chefs working. They got startled by the sudden action and froze at their spots.

"WOAH!!!! IT'S SO COOL!!!!" Aiden said with excitement clearly visible in his voice.

"Miss? What are you doing here?" a maid said, approaching us.

"Oh Alexa, I'm sorry to disturb you it's just Prince Aiden was quite excited as he never saw a kitc-"

"THE PRINCE???" She shouted, cutting me off...again. Everyone dropped what they were doing as they heard the prince's name and bowed in front of him.

"Oh, it's okay, please stand up! I'm sorry to disturb your work, please continue." Aiden bowed and turned to leave as we all did the same.

'At least he has manners....but I still can't see how he is a genius?' I thought while leaving the room, silently judging Aiden. After that we continued our tour which was obviously chaotic.

"This is the guest room!"

"That's the laundry room"


"Now this is the guest room"

"That's the library!"

"So this must be the guest room...?"

"That's the pantry"

"Haha, what's this then? Aaah this is the storage room then"

"That's the guest room..."

"What the Heck!!!"



And that's how the evening went with me messing up and Knox getting blood pressure issues until we all ended up in the garden. Now this is the place I'm an expert in.

"So now this is the last place which is the garden and-"

"Finally you got something right. I thought you were going to say that this is the beach" I got cut off by an irritated Knox, making me shut as I really had nothing to say in defence.

"S-so let me introduce our garden-" I was saying but again got cut off by Nox.

"We know this is a garden, what's there to introduce? Are you planning to introduce us to the plants here?" he said, passing by me followed by the other two while I was frozen at my spot.

'But...but this was my time to shine' I thought, still frozen at my spot but a voice shook me up.

"HEY! ARE YOU COMING OR NOT OR ARE YOU PLANNING ON STAYING THERE ALL NIGHT?" It was Aiden who was standing at the mansion's entrance with Knox and Anne who were looking at him in shock.

"He finally spoke informally with us!" Knox said to Anne and then headlocked him while saying, "You're finally learning soft boy" and walked inside, still headlocking him followed by Anne while Aiden shouted,


"But you're our friend now aren't you?" Knox said.

"I am but...that still doesn't mean you can do this! Leave me!" Aiden fought for freedom as Knox just laughed aside Anne who was also giggling. But they didn't notice something was missing or specifically...someone.

'Did they just forget me??' I was still frozen at my spot until reality hit me.

"H-HEY WAIT FOR ME!!! HOW CAN YOU LEAVE ME BEHIND, YOU IDIOTS!!!!" I shouted as I ran towards them.

And that's how our sweet friendship with Aiden started....