*Click Clack*

Walking through the hallway of the huge palace towards the garden where everyone is waiting for me.

Yes, now I'm eleven years old, Anne is ten, Nox is twelve and Aiden is eleven as well. In these four years everything was just smooth like silk which is weird and I feel like I'm forgetting something but oh well.

Our friendship grew stronger in these years, we are not uncomfortable anymore with each other, we are still Aiden's study mates but now that the Crown Prince is returning so we won't be seeing each other that often.

A few things changed. Anne is not a shy girl now she is quite confident around us, Aiden proved his genius mind which I doubted at first but he really was a genius since he solved all the difficult problems faced by the Aristocrats, Knox is now getting ready to join the Royal Academy which is for the all nobles and as for me, I am...still the same, nothing changed about me except for the fact that I spend most of the time at the library.

Entering the garden a sudden outburst startled me.

"Brother Knox!! I swear if you call me Goldie one more time I'm gonna make you lose your front teeth right here!" Anne shouted at Knox who was laughing his ass off.

"Can you two shut up?" Aiden said, getting irritated.

"Can't you see? He called me Goldie just because I have golden eyes!" Anne argued.

"Where's the lie?" Aiden said calmly, continuing what he was reading making Anne fume in anger.


"Stop it you guys..." I cut her off walking towards them.

"Sabrina!!!" Anne and Knox shouted excitedly as they saw me while Aiden just glanced at me and again diverted his attention upon his book.

"What's up?" I said.

"Sky" Knox replied and then laughed while Anne and I passed each other the 'Annoyed' look.

After greeting them I went towards Aiden and ruffled his hair.

"Wassup, bunny boy?" I said while he just gave me a glare.

"I told to stop calling me that. And you shouldn't be so close to a boy! it's inappropriate!" he said, fixing his hair.

"You're younger than me" I stated.

"5 months only!" he argued back.

"Okay okay but about your nickname...Sorry but that's impossible! I cannot stop calling you that, it suits you! and as far as all those inappropriate thingies, you all know I. Don't. Care!" I said, making him sigh. Soon after Knox and Anne also joined us.

"Sabi, why are you late these days? We only have a few days together and you are late half of the time. You know we won't be meeting often once I leave for the academy." Knox said while pouting.

"You. it's you, who she will not meet often. Me and Sabi will meet daily! Ha ha!" Anne mocked Knox and they started bickering again.

The plot has quite changed or maybe I think so. Knox and Anne's relation is just like any other sibling relation and I also keep close tabs on them so there doesn't seem to be anything wrong. As for Aiden, he hasn't shown any interest in Anne yet so I don't think there's an issue but I'm still cautious, I never leave Anne alone with him, like never!

"So what's the reason you're visiting the library so often?" Aiden asked, still looking at the book.

"Um...nothing much. I'm just curious about things, you know?" I said, trying not to look suspicious.

"What kind of things?" Anne asked after throwing a book at Knox's face, Aiden's eyes also shifted towards me making me nervous.

" Yeah, flowers! you all know how interested I am in flowers so I was just searching about them...yeah...that's it!" I said trying not to feel awkward which I obviously was and Aiden catches things quite quickly even when someone is lying.

"Hmm...suspicious but okay" Aiden said, turning towards his book again.

"Flowers? Are you planning on opening a flower shop?" Knox asked.

" never know..." I said, trying to change the topic.

"So bunny boy, your brother is returning, how do you feel?" I asked Aiden, extending my hand like it was a microphone, pretending to be an interviewer.

"Again you're doing your weird stuff? What are you doing now?" Aiden asked, looking at my fist which was in front of his face. I realised what I did and retreated my hand.

'Four years! you've been here for four years yet you can't get used to it, stupid!' I scolded myself.

"Um...nevermind, just answer the question." I said while he just shook his head on my dumbness.

"I'm happy obviously, is that even a question. But I'm a little sad that you all won't be around anymore" he said but the last sentence was barely audible.

"Huh? What did you say? I didn't hear properly" I asked.

"Nothing" he said again, reverting his attention towards his book.

"Bookworm" I teased as he just ignored me.

Yes, he is the calm type, not the cold type. The last time he raised his voice was when we met for the first time, to call for me, when we were in the garden. He is comfortable with us but never loses his composure but sometimes he does.

"So everyone is here?" a voice came from behind making us all turn. It was Mr. Smith, our teacher.

"Yes!" we all said in unison.

"Mr. Smith, why are we studying here today?" Anne asked as he smiled and replied, "It's good to feel nature sometimes, it helps relax your mind, am I right, Prince Aiden?"

"Yes you're right" he replied putting down his book.

"So today we will learn about...." and he started his class.


"So that's it for today and if you have any questions feel free to ask me." Mr. Smith said as Anne raised her hand.

"Yes Anne," he said.

"Mr. Smith we won't be here regularly anymore because the Crown Prince will be returning tomorrow so what about our studies?" Anne asked while Aiden sulked a little which went unnoticed by us but not Mr. Smith. He smiled and said,

"Well, it's not the last time we are meeting, Are we? You will be visiting the Palace every now and then to meet the Prince won't you?", we all nodded as he continued,

"So if you have any issue I'm always here and as for your studies. You and Miss Sabrina will continue them back at your home until you all are twelve and eligible to enter The Royal Academy."

"But Anne is younger than me so do I have to study alone for a year?" I asked with clear disappointment which can also be seen on Anne's face as well.

"Haha, no she can join you." he said smiling.

"REALLY?" me and Anne shouted with excitement.

"Yes yes, you and Miss Anne are at the same education level so she can go with you if she passes the entry exam and the same goes for Prince Aiden as well since he is with you all as well" he said, making us jump with happiness. Aiden also smiled which didn't go unnoticed by me.

"So only I have to study alone." Knox said while pouting.

"Aww, so sad" I said, making others giggle and Knox rolled his eyes, "You're really mean, you know that?" Knox said.

"I'll take that as a compliment...wait, what's that on your head?" I asked as others also looked towards his direction.

"What?...What is it?" he said, ruffling his hair.

"Get it off, it looks weird!!!" I said as he panicked more, "WHAT IS IT???!!" he exclaimed while others were as confused as he was.

"Oh wait! You can't take off your hair, my bad, tomato head." I said as everyone except Knox burst into laughter, even Mr. Smith was controlling his laugh.

"You!! I told you a million times not to call me that!!!" he shouted standing up.

"Oh sorry I forgot. I won't call you that anymore." I said, making him smirk in victory as he sat down again.

"I'll call you lobster from now on" I said and again everyone burst into laughter.

"You!!!! Why do you always tease me? Anne also has red hair! Why not her?" he complained.

"Hmm...because she's my cute Ann" I said, making him scoff.

"I miss the old Sabrina," he said, sulking.

"No, you just can't accept the fact that you are not her special friend anymore, it's me!" Anne said, showing her tongue while we all laughed.

"Looks like everyone's having fun." a voice spoke, gaining our attention. We all turned towards the direction the voice came from. It was The Empress. We all stood up and bowed.

"Your Majesty" we all said in unison including Mr. Smith.

"Raise your heads, all of you. Kids, I told you not to be so formal with me." she said smiling.

"We can't, Your Highness" I said, making her chuckle.

"I hate these rules..." she said as she walked towards us and sat with us followed by her two maids who stood behind her.

"You should also sit, I won't eat you all" she said as we giggled and sat on our seats.

"Then I will take my leave, Your Highness" Mr. Smith said, earning a nod for the Empress.

"See you, Mr. Smith!" Me, Knox and Anne said in unison as he smiled and bowed before leaving.

"So from today onwards I won't be seeing you all often" the Empress said, pouting.

The Empress, Eliza Moore, was the first princess of the neighbouring empire. She was beautiful like everyone else in this novel, she had black hair and hazel eyes, no doubt she was breathtaking. She had a kind and fun personality with a mix of childishness which only made her more attractive. The Emperor loved her dearly. He was madly in love with her which made me question why he took in a consort and had a child with her.

It occurs because of the previous Empress, the Emperor's mother. She didn't like the current Empress so she blackmailed his son into taking in a consort that she chose. The Empress, being understanding, agreed to it and a coincidence occurred which was that the girl the Emperor's mother chose was the current Empress's childhood friend who was also forced into all this by her parents.

The Emperor's mother was unaware of this and still is, due to her pressure the Emperor had a child with her. The Consort was also very happy to get back with her friend and also didn't expect anything from the Emperor because she knew he was also forced into this but Empress Eliza being an angel asked her husband to give time to his other wife as well and he treats her well too but he doesn't love her since his only love is Empress Eliza. It was like a tragic happy ending, being forced to marry the husband of her childhood friend but being supported by her friend and handling everything together. So it was like that...

"Yes, Your Highness but don't worry we will be visiting often to meet you and Aiden" I said making her smile.

"You all are so sweet and cute, I really love you all" she said, softly pinching mine and Anne's cheeks as we giggled.

"I wish you all become friends with my Dion as well" she said releasing us.

"Dion? who's that?" I asked and every single head turned towards my direction and looked at me with disbelief even the Empress was looking at me shocked.

"W-why are you all looking at me like that?" I asked, getting uncomfortable.

'Did I say something wrong? I really don't know who Dion is, but it seems familiar. Is he someone important? Was he mentioned in the novel? Am I forgetting stuff now?' I thought.

"Sabrina, you really don't know who Dion is?" Empress Eliza asked me squinting her eyes.

"Is someone...important?" I asked hesitantly as all the eyes went wide making me nervous.

'Why the hell are they giving me such looks? Who the heck is he??? Tell me!!!' I thought, gulping down the lump in my throat.

" son...the First Prince" Empress Eliza said with wide eyes.

"My brother," Aiden said with a shocked expression.

"The Crown Prince!!!" said Anne and Knox in unison.

My eyes went wide after hearing them.

'Oh God, I messed up! How can I forget?!!! Now how should I respond' I was in a shock because of my stupidity.

"Hahaha I was just joking hahaha...Got you!!!!" I faked a laugh to cover up the situation while the others sighed in relief.

"You really got me. I was really shocked, like how she can not know him?" Knox said, making Anne and Aiden nod in agreement.

"Haha you really thought I didn't know who he was? haha. My acting skills have improved haven't they?" I asked to control the awkwardness on my face.

"It sure did." Aiden said, making me fake chuckle.

"I really was shocked when I heard you saying who Dion was. You got me too" Empress said chuckling while I smiled awkwardly.

"Can I join your conversation as well?" a voice came from behind making us turn.