It was the Royal Consort, Freia Geore. Her short length, soft blonde hair and light brown eyes were shining in the setting sun, she was beautiful with innocence on her face like she was innocently beautiful and the setting sun's light made her look like an angel descending from heaven.

"Of Course. Tia, can you prepare a seat for her please." The Empress ordered her maid to bring a chair. The maid nodded and left to get a chair.

"I was passing by but heard your giggles which made me wanting to join you" Consort Freia said while walking towards us followed by her maid,

"Good evening, Aunt Freia!" me, Ann and Knox greeted her.

"Good evening. How are you all? We didn't meet for the last two days, sorry for that." she said as she sat down.

"We are fine and it's okay, you are also busy" I said, making her smile go wide.

"It's so unfair~ They can call you Aunt and not me" the Empress complained as we chuckled.

"Well, I don't make the rules" Aunt Freia said while shrugging.

"You lucky blondie" Empress said, crossing her hands over her chest while pouting as we all giggled over childness.

"*giggle* well I sure am lucky, right blackie." Aunt Freia said with a little smirk.

"Hey! don't call me that! At least not in front of the kids!" The Empress opposed.

"Blackie, blackie, blackieeee" Aunt Freia teased her.

"Freiaaaa~!" Empress Eliza whined while we were enjoying the show.

After a while both of them calmed down while laughing. We all were also laughing watching their cute argument over nicknames.

'They are so cute. Fighting like kids in front of kids' I thought while chuckling.

"So kids, now we won't be seeing each other this often right?" Aunt Freia said, pouting.

"Yes. Now that the Crown Prince is returning, Aiden will be busy with his older brother and won't be easy to meet from now on so we will not visit daily but it's not like we will never visit. We will drop by sometimes..." I said, earning a nod from her.

"Oh right, how's your brother? He turned four recently, didn't he?" Empress Eliza asked, facing me. I smiled remembering my cute younger brother.

"Yes! He recently had his fourth birthday. He is fine, it was just a slight fever because we got wet in the rain. I got scolded by Mom because I intentionally took him with me hehe. I mean where's the fun in dancing in the rain alone? Right?" I said while the Empress and Aunt Freia chuckled.

"Yes yes" Aunt Freia said while chuckling.

We were chit chatting but Sir Ryan and Sir Brian, who is Ann and Knox's Escort, came and interrupted us.

"I'm sorry for my rudeness, Your Highnesses but we have to leave now, it's getting late." Sir Ryan said as Sir Brian nodded.

"Yeah it's getting pretty late and it's getting dark I guess we bid farewell here" Empress Eliza said getting up as we all also stood up.

"It was a very fun four years with all of you. There was not a day which went boring because all of you. I will miss you all very much..." Empress Eliza said while fake crying. We all just chuckled on her cuteness.

"Your Highness, you are acting like we will never meet again." Anne said while me and Knox nodded at her statement.

"But still, we won't be seeing you daily from now on so we feel a little sad, isn't it, Aidi?" Aunt Freia said turning towards Aiden as he turned red because of the nickname his mother called him.

"Mother~!" he whined while we all just laughed. After a while we bid our goodbyes and left the palace.

Me, Ann and Knox were sitting inside the carriage whereas Sir Ryan and Sir Brian were on either side of the carriage on their horses. I popped my head outside the window, startling Sir Ryan.

"Miss!!? What are you doing? It's dangerous! Get your head inside!" He scolded me as I just laughed awkwardly.

"Brother Ryan, I have a request..." I said showing my famous puppy eyes, making him sigh.

"And what is it? Do you want to stop by the library again?" He asked as I nodded.

"*sigh* What do you do there? You visit like every other day" he asked as I just thanked him and quickly got inside avoiding the question.

"What? today again?" Knox asked in disbelief while I just smiled. "You went to the library before coming to the palace and now you want to go there again?" Knox asked.

"It's just important business" I said as he just shook his head in disbelief.

"We have arrived, My Lady,'' Sir Brian announced, indicating that we had arrived at the Paizi's National Library.

"I will be back in ten minutes, okay?" I said and was about to get off but Anne held my sleeve and asked,

"Can I come too?" to which I replied, "No Ann, you are already tired, you have to walk a lot in there. I just have to go and grab a book, that's it. It won't take long, okay?" she pouted and nodded. I left followed by Sir Ryan.

I went inside the library and as I entered the Attendant greeted me, "Good evening Lady Sabrina, Are you here for another book?" I greeted back and replied, "Yes I'm here to take the book I asked for this morning."

"Oh right! The book you asked for is in the second aisle. I'm sorry I didn't keep it before your visit. I'll bring it right now" she said but I stopped her telling her that I will grab it myself and she doesn't have to apologize.

"Sir Ryan, wait here, I'll be back in sec" I said to him and before he could say anything I dashed from there.

'Hehe Sir Ryan, I know you have a crush on Miss Aria. the library attendant, go ahead I gave you such a big opportunity don't mess it up, okay?' I rooted for him. And as soon as I arrived at the second aisle I started looking for the book I wanted.

"Hmm...Liz's journey....Tropical fairytale...Element's history...nope...where is it?" I said to myself since I couldn't find the book I was looking for. Suddenly a book fell off the shelf gaining my attention. I went towards it and picked it up.

"How did this fall?" I wondered.

"The Chosen Divinity" I read the title.

"Hmm interesting...let's take this one since I can't find the other one, I can't take too much time since Noxy and Ann are still waiting." I said and turned to leave but suddenly bumped into someone we both fell down.

"Hey! Are you blind?" I said, rubbing my butt.

He just gazed at my face for a second and instantly stood up and started running. He was a kid around my age, he was dirty at the moment and he was looking...scared. He just ran and hid at the end of the aisle. I wanted to ask him but I just shrugged it off since there are many kids out there who steal stuff from shops and get chased by the owners.

"Well it's none of my business so..." I said and left from there.

"Where did he go?" I heard a deep scary voice and as soon as I turned towards the voice, I again bumped into someone but this time it was a man, a big scary man.

'It was his voice I guess' I thought, getting a little scared as I'm still young and undertrained to protect myself. He was standing there, staring into my soul and I was on the ground looking at him, praying for my life.

"Hey kid! Did you see a dirty brat coming near here?" he asked in his scary voice, making shivers run down my spine.

'A dirty brat? Is he talking about the kid from before?' I thought, looking at the direction of the aisle the kid was hiding at.

"A-are you talking about a kid with dirty hair and wearing ragged clothes?" I asked standing up bravely as I didn't want to appear weak.

"Yes, yes, that kid! where is he?" he asked, smiling creepily.

'Should I tell him or not? It's not my business anyway.' I thought while shrugging.

"I bumped into him a little while ago in the aisle" I said and he asked restlessly, "Which aisle?".

"It was aisle number...."