"WTF??? THE CONTEXT CHANGED!!!!" I yelled in shock. All the words and content of the book changed...every single thing!!

"What? How? ugh, I'm gonna get mad at this rate...." I said holding my head but this was just the beginning.

"WHAT IN THE-???" I exclaimed as I saw some words appearing on the page in front of me which was empty before.

"What in the world of strawberries is going on???" I said as the words kept appearing and without wasting any more time I started to read those words to find what was written, setting aside the fact that I was shook to the point that I might faint any moment.

"A-an Agnola will be born in the coming years but she will be unknown....and it's up to your deeds whether she will awaken or not....-wait isn't this the oracle??" I questioned as I read those words but to my surprise more words appeared.

"What? There's more???" I said and continued to read those words.

"The journey to find peace will not be facile...,the God's chosen one's fragments will be segregated into two and need to arouse with the warmth of the spirit, The road to success will be full of toil and pain, but the chosen one will...conquer it" I read those words with full concentration and as soon as I read the last word, all the letters disappeared.

"What the heck? Wait? Where did they go????" I said, looking at the book in shock.

I was running around the room to find a paper to write down before I forgot it, ignoring the fact that both the paper and pen were placed on the study table.



I was staring at the words that I just wrote down in my diary trying to figure out what the hell they meant.

"So...what is the meaning of facile?...Uwaaa, I cannot even decode a single word. How can I understand this whole damn oracle, Arghh..." I groaned in frustration.

"Should I ask someone?...No no that's a bad idea...then should I go to the library? But then Mommy will get angry that I left without telling her. Let's move on to the next line and leave it for later, okay?" I said to myself and moved on to the next line.

"God's chosen one's fragments will be segregated into two...hmm...segregate means divide and the chosen one must be Agnola. Agnola's fragments? What was the meaning of Agnola again?" I pondered for a bit where I remembered, "Sol and Luna! Which means the sun and the moon. It is divided into two so...does the moon and the sun separate? Are their two Agnolas?" I said, thinking about my own theory.

"Is it even possible? It was never mentioned that two Agnolas ever co-existed." I said going through the book.

"Yup, I'm right there is no such mention...but it is also not written that it is impossible. And if I think about my theory about this oracle, it might be possible for two Agnolas to exist at the same time...Why do I feel like I'm a genius?" I was amazed by my own capabilities.

"Let's take notes then...Now, what was the Agnola appearance like?" I asked myself and again went through the book.

"Aha! Here it is!...

~They had fire in their eyes and a silk like texture,

The addicting scent of a flower,

And deepness hidden in every gesture,

The Sun flared in those orbs,

And the Moon gleamed in those hair,

The features that made every heart flutter,

Had the whole world in their care~


"What In The World Is This?? Who wrote this book? Bro, are you okay?! Are you describing your lover or something? What the heck? Can't you write in normal human language that everyone can understand? What the hell are you trying to interpret?" I said as I got frustrated after reading the poetry type thing.

'Gosh! Are ancient people this dramatic??' I thought.

"Okay so their eyes resemble the sun? Is that what it's supposed to mean?" I said again reading the description.

"What else can this mean? So is there anybody I know who has sun shining in their eyes?" I said and started thinking and the only person who popped up in my head was...Anne.

"Anne? She has golden eyes and it definitely resembles the Sun. Wait? She is a saint as well so...don't tell me...Is she the half fragment of Agnola?" I said, getting shocked.

"Maybe that's why her divine power was unstable till the end...But...the problem is still the same, I don't know where the other half fragment of Agnola is and Anne has yet to awaken her are we at phase one again?" I said plopping on the bed disappointed.

"What's the point of knowing this much and still can't figure out anything...*sigh*" I said and looked out of my window, it was already night time.

"It's night already? Mommy must have returned....I don't have the energy for anything right now....not even the energy to eat dinner" I said to myself.

"Tomorrow Knoxy will leave and we won't be able to see each other for the next six months until the holiday season comes around....I will miss him" I said staring out of the window and suddenly my eyes started to feel heavy and drifted to my dreamland.

"...How can she be so clueless?"

"She is intelligent but still an idiot"

"Yeah she's intelligently idiotic hahaha"


"*ahem* sorry"

"We have to wait till she figures it out.."

"You're right"

And with that both the presence disappeared...

Next Morning:

"FOR GOD'S SAKE ANNE, LEAVE ME!!!!!" Knox shouted whereas Anne was clinging to him like a koala while crying like a baby.

"NO I WON'T!! DON'T GOOO!!!!" She shouted between her sniffles.

Knox is leaving today but Anne for God knows what reason is not letting him enter the carriage. If this goes on the whole neighbourhood will come out to see the commotion.

"MOM!!!!" Knox looked towards her mother for help who was sitting on a chair smiling weakly at her kids.

"Ann, baby, your brother has to go. He will be visiting us in six months for winter holidays right?" She said and gestured to me to ask for help. Whereas I was standing in front of my house gate with my family, enjoying the show infront of me.

I understood her gesture and quickly went towards Anne and tried to get her away from Knox.

"Ann...get…off of him..." I said struggling to get her off of Knox but all my struggles were going in vain.

'What the heck? Did she use super glue or something?' I thought, as Anne wasn't budging a bit.

"Anne look, you and Knox are fighting like 24/7 and weren't you the happiest person when he told you that he was leaving?" I asked as she replied, "I was *sniff* and I still am *sniff* because after he leaves I will be Sabi's only friend but...."

"But what?" I asked softly.

"....*sniff*....WHO WILL I BLAME ON FOR EATING ALL THE SWEETS IF HE'S GONE? I CAN'T EAT MY SWEETS THEN!!!!!" She suddenly burst out.


After hearing her response, I was just controlling my laughter including everyone present while Knox became like a stone statue.

"I thought she was attached to me which is why she is not letting me go" Knox said blankly, not accepting what he just heard while I couldn't control anymore and burst into laughter. And after calming down I went to Anne and said,

"*Pfft* are right...*pfft*...but you can blame him when he visits after six months right? Right now please leave him. He will be late if you keep doing this" I said to her as she slowly nodded and got off of him.

"So Mr. Lobster, are you ready?" I asked Knox while he just passed a sad smile.

"Hey, why are you sad? Oh right! there won't be any Sabrina there right? I know, I know, you will miss me but don't worry. You will get used to it and we will be joining you next year so don't worry." I said, trying to cheer him up as he smiled and nodded.

"Anne will take full advantage of my absence." he said sulking and glaring at Anne which made me giggle. I went near him as he tensed up and whispered to him,

"Don't worry, you are still my special friend" I said and winked at him in a playful manner while he blushed pretty hard and jumped inside the carriage.

"What happened to him?" I asked dumbfoundedly as Dad sighed and picked me up.

"You will not understand my baby *sigh*. Right now there aren't many but when you'll join the academy there will be a heap of pests" he said clenching his jaw.

"Huh?" I looked at him confused.

"Nothing" he replied while Mommy and the others were giggling at his statement.

"Same goes for my Ann too" Uncle Syle said while sighing.

Soon after Knox left and we bid each other goodbyes and returned to our home....