*Next Morning*

"Swing it with force!! Sabrina, where is your energy today? You didn't practice yesterday as well." Mommy said as I was swinging my wooden sword with all my force.

"I'm sorry Mommy but it seems I can't focus..." I said, drooping while she sighed.

Currently Mommy is teaching me swordsmanship because I didn't back off from my request to learn swordsmanship and she had no choice but to teach me's a secret from Dad. Why? because he was still against it.

And the reason behind his rejection Mommy told me was that when she was learning swordsmanship by Dad, She one day started practicing without him and injured herself which was a little bad. Due to less friction, the sword slipped from Mommy's hand and as a reflex she tried to hold it by the other hand but unfortunately the part she held was the blade and it left quite a deep cut on her hand. If the blade went in a little deeper that might have been a problem. She showed me the scar on her left hand, it was quite big.

Later she told me when Daddy found out and saw her injury he got a little traumatized since he was head over heels for her and couldn't bear to see her hurt. He didn't let Mommy hold the sword after that day and due to his little trauma he also stopped me from learning since he thought that I might also get injured but Mommy is trying to convince him and he said that he will think about it which is a positive sign.

Mommy said that she will teach me the basics until Daddy is ready to teach me himself. We usually practice at night when Daddy is fast asleep but today he is out for business so we are practicing right now. Mommy also told me her secret that she practiced at night when Daddy went to sleep so that she doesn't forget how to wield a sword.

"*sigh* Come here Sabi" Mommy said sitting on the bench and gesturing to me to sit beside her. I dropped the wooden sword and went to sit beside her.

"What's wrong? Why are you so down lately? Is there something bothering you?" She asked worriedly. I gave a reassuring smile and said, "I'm okay Mommy".

"You're worried about Rosaline, right?" She asked, looking ahead. I looked at her and sighed.

"Yes..." I said my head hung low.

"Why are you worried, baby? She is very strong. She will get through this okay? We have the best doctors appointed so she will...definitely be okay...." Mommy said reassuring me but deep down she was also worried for her dear friend.

In these four years, we have become one big family. On every occasion, happiness, sadness, problems....we have gone through together. Aunt Rosaline has become a very important person for me, the fear of losing her....keeps haunting me....

"Oh I forgot! I have to go there. I promised your Aunt that I will help Knox get packed for tomorrow. Even though there are maids, she still wants me to supervise everything myself so there is no mistake...*sigh* this girl" Mommy said smiling. I smiled and said,

"Then you should go, she must be waiting..."

"Yeah. Shane is coming with me. If you want you can join as well." She asked me.

"Nope. I'll pass, I have to do some research" I said as she chuckled.

"Okay my little researcher. I'll be going then." She kissed my cheek and left.

After she left, I plopped on the grass and stared at the sky.

'What should I do? The book didn't budge a bit. I should go to the library and return the book and get a new one....But before that let's go freshen up first' I thought and got up.

I quickly changed my outfit and went to take the book on my study table. I reached the table but what I saw in front of me made my eyes widen....

The book was open!!!

"What the hell??? How did this open? It wasn't opening last night. How come now?" I said picking up the book and looking at it from every angle possible.

"Wait a this witchcraft? Don't tell me this book is dangerous..." I said, looking at the book with suspicious eyes. I glared at it for a good five minutes.

"No, no...I'm just thinking too can a book be dangerous???" I said reassuring myself.

I placed the book back on the study table and took a seat. I opened the book and saw the first page which was just the logo that was on the cover. I flipped the page and started reading, after reading the first page I was shaken to the core of my soul...


"THIS IS A BOOK OF AGNOLA'S HISTORY!!!!!!" I shouted when the realization hit me. I jumped all over the room as if I hit the jackpot.

"YES! YES! Finally something useful!!" I exclaimed and sat back on my seat to continue reading.

It was a book with the history of every Agnola ever existed. Their whereabouts, their achievements, death, awaken...each and every detail.

"They are the fragments of Sol and Luna which is the abbreviation for partial sun and moon. They are the co-existence of solar and lunar power. They are the ones who are precious to God, who is the Master of this world. They receive special blessings which they use to help the mankind that is precious to the Creator of this world. They are the most divine being to ever exist in this world. Even the Saints who themselves were divine bowed in front of them because of their incompatible abilities and power. They possessed the power to heal the dying ones who had no chance of survival. They had the power to wipe out an entire nation in the blink of an eye but due to their calm and pure nature no such incident has ever occured." I was reading each and every letter carefully making sure not to miss anything.

"They were such peaceful beings...the exact opposite of me" I said, getting amazed by their calm nature as I read about their sacrifices and struggles.

"Hmm...not here....not here either...." I said flipping pages as I was trying to find something related to finding the Agnola in this era because all there was written about their history, sacrifices and their good deeds. I was flipping pages and as I was about to flip the other page a big spark erupted giving me an electric shock and I threw the book on the floor as a reflex.

"What the heck?!!! Did I just get electrically shocked by a book??" I was shocked by the fact that I got electrified by a non-voltaic book.

I slowly regained my senses and hesitantly headed towards the book. I extended my hand to pick up the book but retreated it back. I again built up the courage to pick up the book but again failed.

"Will it electrify me again if I touch it again? Or should I say....electric-fry...Puahahahah" I laughed my ass out on my own joke.

"*Ahem* Get ahold of yourself Sabrina! Did the electric shock mess up your brain? This is not the time to joke." I scolded myself and again started building up the courage to pick up the book that was still on the floor upside down. I hesitantly picked up the book and to my surprise it didn't show any reaction to my touch.

"Phew...I was never scared this much just to pick up a book" I said wiping the sweat off my forehead which was because of the tension between me and the book. I again placed the book on the study table and sat in front of it.

I don't want to lose the only hope I have right now. Even If you shock me a million times I will still not give up. I glared at the book before opening it and soon enough, I froze to my spot.