"...Miss, are you sure we're at the right place?" Fannie asked.

"I'm 110% sure!" I said with full confidence.

'Come on....We definitely met here!' I thought, looking here and there whereas Fannie and Sir Ryan were just dumbfounded by my actions.

Currently we are at the downtown market where I met the old granny last time. I wanted answers to the questions which have been roaming inside my head since we last met.

"Where could she possibly be?" I asked myself thinking about the possible places we might meet.

"Milady? Who are you looking for? Maybe we can help?" Sir Ryan said with Fannie nodding at his statement.

"Um..." I was hesitant about whether to tell them or not.

'Getting help from them might be useful' I thought.

"Okay! So I am looking for an old lady around her seventies. She has white hair and doesn't have that much of a really wrinkly face." I said looking at them and they were dumbfounded.

"Miss?" Fannie said.

"Yes," I replied.

"The description you literally every old lady present here" she said gesturing to the surroundings.

"! She had a mole on her left side of the face near her chin, she was pretty to be honest and she had blue eyes" I said, specifying her characteristics.

"Blue eyes?" Sir Ryan asked and I nodded.

"Why? Is there a problem?" I asked.

"No but usually blue eyes are the characteristics of the Royal inheritors," he said, confusing me.

"But she definitely had blue eyes! I remember perfectly...or do I?" I questioned my memory.

"We will still try to follow your description and find her" Sir Ryan said and Fannie also nodded.

"Okay then. Let's split up!" I said with full enthusiasm.

"No." Both of them said in unison with the same enthusiasm, ruining the zest atmosphere.

"What? Why?~" I whined.

"Miss you...did you forget what happened last time?" Sir Ryan said, making me shut up.

"What happened?" Fannie asked, confused.

"Nothing!" Me and Sir Ryan replied at the same time making Fannie flinch. We didn't tell anyone about the last market incident.

"Suspicious but okay" Fannie said, eyeing the both of us.

'Why did I get Deja vu?' I thought.

"But if we stick together it will take the whole day and we don't have that besides, I can protect myself" I said but they were still not budging a bit.

'What should I do to make them agree?....Right!' I was thinking for a reason when an idea popped up in my head.

"Look! Let's meet up here after one hour and if I get late for more than ten minutes come find me. How's that?" I suggested.

They were hesitant at first but as I said we don't have all day so they agreed. Soon after that we split up into different directions to find that granny.

"Where are you?" I said to myself looking here and there.

"Can she be here?" I asked myself but soon realized the stupidity I was presenting. I was looking under the stall lifting it's cloth while the shopkeeper was giving me a strange look. I smiled at her and ran from there.

"Gosh Sabrina! You've totally lost it. Why would an old lady possibly be doing under a stall? She is not a cat. Stupid!" I scolded myself for my foolishness.

I was walking around when suddenly.

"Go left."

"Huh? What was that?" I asked, looking here and there questioning where the voice came from.

"That's weird? I definitely heard something...Leave it! Now, where should I go now?" I asked, looking at the two directions in front of me.

"Left we go!" I said before moving on towards the left route.

It's been half an hour and I'm still on the hunt but didn't find any clue. I also asked around but none of them saw any lady like that. At last I got tired and sat on the ground giving up.

"What did I even think? That she will be waiting for me saying 'Oh, Sabrina will come to visit me. I will not move from my spot until she arrives. I will have tea and strawberry pastry with her and tell her everything she needs to know!!!'" I mimicked and sighed.

"What if she was?" someone said. I paused for a moment and shot up my head just to find that same old granny smiling at me.

"You!!!" I shouted getting up.

"Oh my, that's not how you address elders, young lady." she said, flicking my head.

"Ow!...I'm...I'm sorry" I said, rubbing my forehead. She shook her head and started walking

"W-wait for me!" I said and followed her.

She was not saying anything and just walking while I was just following her like a lost puppy.

"Um....Can I ask where we are going?" I asked. She looked at me for a second, smiled at me and continued walking leaving me confused.

After a walk of ten minutes we reached an alley with almost no living being present. It felt creepy. The old granny walked in that alley and I also hesitantly followed. After a few steps we reached in front of a door. It was a little shabby. The old granny opened it and entered after gesturing me to follow up and I did.

When I entered through the door my eyes widened witnessing the room in front of me. It was filled with books and potions as if I entered a science lab. The interior was the complete opposite of the was antique as well as beautiful.

The old granny sat on the couch and gestured to me to sit as well. I sat on the opposite side facing her.

"So let's have strawberry pastry and tea as you mentioned" she said smiling at me while I was still trying to figure out what was going on.

She flicked her finger and suddenly strawberry pastry and tea appeared on the table between us. My eyes almost fell out.

"WHAT! THIS- HOW? YOU? WHAT IS-" I shouted and due to the shock but correct words were not coming out of my mouth. The old lady giggled at my perplexed expression and said,

"Calm down, calm down. This is just the beginning".

I calmed down a bit and sat back on the couch. After a minute of silence I finally opened my mouth to speak but got off by her.

"Are you-" "Yes." she said, sipping her tea.

"What?" I questioned. She looked at me and said,

"Your thought is correct. I am not an ordinary human." She replied and my eyes widened.

"So you are..." I said and she nodded. "Oh My God! It's unbelievable!" I exclaimed.

The old woman sitting in front of me is a Mage!

'Woah! I never imagined that I'd meet a real mage...but I never read anything related to her? Maybe she is an extra? A special extra? But aren't mages like rare?' I thought.

"You're right. Mages are rare" she said, making me choke on air.

'Can she read minds? Does she know I'm not from this world?' I panicked.

"No, I can not read minds. I judged from your expression. Just my experience" She said, making me sigh in relief.

"Your experience? How old are you?" I asked curiously.

"Guess?" She said to me,

"Seventy six?" I guessed, making her chuckle.

"Right and wrong." She said, confusing me.

"I'm 1576 years old," she said, sipping her tea.


The old lady put the tea down and placed her hands on her ears.

"WHAT?!!!!" I shouted.

"Calm down kiddo, my ears can not handle so much noise" she said again holding her tea cup.

"You, you, you are 1576? Oh my God! But why are you old though? Aren't mages always young?" I asked her, making her chuckle.

"That's true. I am a mage who was blessed with magic instead of being born with it. I was 75 years old when I became a mage. God blessed me with mana in old age because I spent my whole life dedicated to him and guess he liked my dedication so he gave me this blessing. My appearance is like a 75 year old but my energy is no less than a teenager" She said while I made an O-shaped face.

"So did you find what you were looking for?" She asked as I remembered the reason I'm here.

"Yes! I mean no. I mean that's what I'm here for." I said while she nodded.

"Go ahead," she said.

"I wanted to know the whereabouts of the second half fragment of Agnola, The Luna." I said, making her frown.

"The second half?" She asked and I nodded. She smiled slightly and said, "So did you find the first half?"

"Yes. She is Anne Romet. a spell written in that stupid book on her and her eyes shone which was a sign I guess...hehe" I said scratching my neck.

"Book?" she said, frowning.

"Yeah. I found it in the library. When I read the title, I found it interesting so I took it back with me." I explained.

"What was the name of the book?" she asked curiously.

'Did she hear when I said Anne's eyes shone? She is completely ignoring that fact and is interested in the book?' I thought, finding it weird.

"The Chosen Divinity." I said, making her eyes go wide.

"The Chosen Divinity??" she asked shocked and I nodded. Soon after her shocked expression turned into a satisfied one and she mumbled something.

"...Found you."