*click click*

The sound of our footsteps were heard in the silent corridor of the Palace. Currently, Anne and I are at the Palace to visit Aiden. Augustus and Celimine are floating beside me, only I can see them so Anne wasn't able to see them but since she is a saint who is yet to awaken her powers, could sense them. I managed to change the topic but she was still suspicious.

"Sabi? Did he mention in the letter where he will be? He wasn't in his room nor was he in the garden, so where is he?" Anne asked, looking towards me.

"Um...I also don't know. He never mentioned anything like that..." I said looking here and there. We asked a few knights who were on duty but they also didn't know.

"Augustus? Celi? Do you know anything?" I whispered to them.

"We also don't know." Celimine said.

"What do you think of us? A Human detector?" Augustus scoffed.

"Geez, you're really rude…humph" I said before following up with Anne.

"Excuse me?" I called out to the knights who were coming towards us. It looked like they were coming from somewhere.

"Yes, Milady? How may I help you?" one of the knights said.

"We are looking for Prince Aiden. Do you know where he is?" Anne asked.

"Prince Aiden? Oh yeah. He is in the library with-"

"ZEN! HURRY UP OR WE'LL BE LATE!" one of the knights shouted from afar to which the knight we were talking to, who I assume is Zen, nodded.

"Then I'll be taking my leave, Miladies." Sir Zen said and bowed before dashing off to others.

"So...let's head to the library then" I said as Anne nodded.

A while later, Anne and I reached the library and entered inside only to find Aiden sitting on the chair immersed in the book. Me and Anne slowly approached him without making any noise and stood behind him on either side. I leaned close to his ear and said, "What are you reading so intensely?".

"Ahh!!! What!" Aiden screamed as he got startled.

"Sabrina? Anne? Gosh, you startled me! My heart is racing right now." he exclaimed, placing his hand on his chest while me and Anne laughed at his reaction.

"Such a scaredy cat" I said before placing myself on the chair beside him while Anne got seated in front of us.

"S-Scaredy cat? I'm a scaredy cat? Hey you can not insult a Royalty like that!" he said, making me sigh.

"There he goes with his royalty thing" I mumbled to myself as Augustus and Celimine giggled. Celimine came close to me and said,

"Sabrina, If you don't mind can we look around the castle? It's been quite long since we saw one"

'Oh yeah you can go.' I said in my thoughts since they can hear me.

"I'll go with her so she doesn't cause any trouble," said Augustus.

'Look who's saying...' I thought.

"Hey!!! You-" Before Augustus could say anything Celimine held him and vanished in thin air.

"By the way, are you okay? You were sick, right?" Aiden asked, looking at me.

"Uh...Yeah, I'm completely fine, what can possibly happen to me haha" I said, averting my gaze. He hummed and started to read his book again.

'Gosh seriously? This book worm! He called us here and now, he is fully ignoring our existence' I thought and let out an annoyed sigh. I looked over towards Anne and expected the same reaction from her but I saw her immersed in the book not giving a damn about anything.

'Wha- when did she get a book?' I thought looking at her in disbelief. She looked towards me and smiled before concentrating on her book, making me scoff.

"Well...Now that no one has the intention to talk so let me go grab a book as well since we came here to study..." I said, peeking at others only to get ignored by them.

'Gosh, they can't even understand my sarcasm. I was mocking them' I thought with clear irritation on my face.

"I'm going then" I said and stood up, hoping they would stop me but they were so into their books that they didn't even care.

"Agh" I groaned and left from there. I walked towards the shelf hoping to find an interesting book.

"I mean, seriously! You sounded so desperate to meet us, I thought we would be having fun but look, Here I am, standing in front of these boring books trying to figure out how to cure my boredom." I said to myself.


"~Hm Hm. We're gonna find a book~ lalala~ to get boredom off the hook ~ yeah yeah~ I'm gonna move it, move it ~ lalala~ to find an interesting book ~ yeah move it, move it ~ lalala ~ yeah I love it, love it ~ hm hm hm ~" I sang as I did some dance moves while wandering around the bookshelf.

"Hm...let me see. This looks interesting." I said picking out a book from the shelf.

"Floral's see...Oh! It's about flowers. I don't know much about the flowers here so let's increase our knowledge. Shall we?" I said to myself and turned to go back to where we were sitting but halted my steps when I felt a presence behind me. My heart started to race.

'What's this? No one is allowed in the Royal library then, who is it? An intruder? I thought. I felt it getting closer to me and the book also fell from my hands. When I felt that it was really close to me I turned around and...

"Ugh!" the presence or should I say a boy? fell on the floor holding his face since I punched him quite hard on his face.

"Who are you?! And what are you doing here? How did you get in? Are you an assassin?" I asked, furiously.

"Sabrina?! What happened? Why are you shout- what?" Aiden said running towards us but halted his steps when he saw me hovering over the boy and holding his collar. Anne also came and froze when she saw me.

"Aiden! Call the guards! We have an intruder! Anne, stay away! I have him!" I said, looking towards them, still holding the boy's collar.


Aiden said, making me freeze on the spot.


I asked as I slowly turned my face towards the boy I was hovering over. He was staring at me or maybe not since I couldn't see his eyes as he was wearing a blue lace type thing around his eyes which made it difficult to see his eyes. My eyes went towards his clothes and one thing caught my attention...The Royal Emblem.

Only the Royals can wear the Royal Emblem and this boy who was around the age of seventeen, similar to the Crown Prince, was wearing it.

I passed an awkward smile before thinking,

'I'm Dead.