

I kneeled on the ground hiding my face, constantly saying sorry whereas Aiden helped the Crown Prince stand up.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I deserve to die!! Well death is a little too much but I do deserve a punishment. Please forgive me, Oh~ Handsome and kind Crown Prince of the Paizi Empire!" I said in the most dramatic way possible.

'Am I gonna die? Do I really deserve this? Why God why? Is my lifespan so short yet again? I don't wanna die!!!!' I screamed internally.


'Did...did he just laugh?? Is this funny to him? Is he happy punishing people? Is he a sadist? Wasn't he the nice one? I'm dead, I'm totally dead...Uwaaah' I cried in my thoughts.

"Raise your head'' the Crown Prince said.

'He has quite a deep voice at such an age' I thought and slowly lifted my head. When I saw him he was smiling?

'Wtf?? Why is he smiling so sweetly?' I thought.

"Uh...I'm sorry Your Highness, I thought it was an intruder. I didn't know it was you." I explained.

"It's okay. You can stand up." He said.

"Exactly, I deserve to- what?" I asked.

"Stand up," he said, forwarding his hand. I was shocked. I looked towards Aiden and he was gesturing to me to take his hand and I did as he said. I took his hand and he helped me stand up. Anne ran towards me and asked, "Sabi, are you okay?"

"Yeah" I replied, wiping the sweat on my forehead.

Even though the Niam Duchy is more powerful than the Royalty, still Royalty is Royalty. There are some things we just don't have in our control and in this case we were at a disadvantage since I attacked him first. Well...only I attacked! That's the issue.

"Um...I don't think she is the one you should be asking that." said Aiden with a straight face but I could see the irritation on his face. Anne just glared at him.

"It's okay Aiden. She just did what anyone would do. She thought I was an assassin who came to harm you or Lady Anne, so she just did that for self defence and to protect you both" the Crown Prince said, calming down his fuming younger brother.

"You did that for us? Oh Sabi, You are the best! You're so strong." Anne exclaimed, making me embarrassed. Aiden just scoffed while the Crown Prince had the 'sweet smile' plastered on his face.

"Stop it Anne" I whispered to Anne as she pouted. I bowed and again apologized to him, "Once again I am so sorry for what happened earlier"

"As you should be!" Aiden said, glaring at me while I just glared back.

"As I said before, It's okay. But I must say you are quite talented and strong" the Crown Prince complimented me.

"Yes, my Sabi is the strongest!" Anne exclaimed, clinging on to me while I just helplessly smiled at her cuteness.

"Thank you, Your Highness" I said as he nodded.

"Brother, did you find the book you were looking for?" Aiden asked.

"Not yet. I was looking for it but encountered this accident." the Crown Prince replied.

'Wait! Was he here the whole time? Don't tell me- Did he see me dancing earlier? I hope not or else I'll just go bury myself somewhere.' I thought, remembering the dance I did a few moments earlier from the encounter when I was looking for a book.

"Sabi, you're really okay right?" Anne asked.

"Huh? Yeah, Ann. I'm perfectly fine" I said reassuring her. I looked towards the boys who were busy in their 'Royal' talk.

'So, this is my not ever going to be future fiancé. Now that I think of it I didn't notice his appearance before. He has a cute face, I can't say anything about his eyes. His hair was so long and' I thought while looking at the Crown Prince's appearance.

Dion Moore, The Crown Prince of the Paizi Empire who was known to be perfect. He was handsome, wise, kind, caring and sweet unlike the others. His smile could kill a hundred in one go. He didn't like bloodshed at all. He liked Sabrina even before the engagement even though she was a troublemaker and six years younger than him, he didn't mind it because she was a perfect Empress candidate.

It's not like he was madly in love with her but he liked her the best as an Empress candidate. Even if he was perfect in all categories he lacked in one which was "love" and even when Sabrina died he didn't shed a single tear because she was only a suitable candidate in his eyes.

"Poor Sabrina...the thing she always craved for 'Love' never made its way towards her. *sigh* But now that I'm here I will never let this foolish feeling take control of me...never" I mumbled to myself.

"What?" Anne asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You said something?" she asked.

"Nope" I replied, averting my gaze as she suspiciously nodded.

"Okay so, now I'll be taking my leave since my presence is required somewhere" the Crown Prince said, turning to us.

"Take care, Your Highness" Me and Anne said and bowed as he nodded. He walked past us but suddenly stopped in his tracks and came towards me, making me confused. He leaned towards me while I backed a little.

"Your performance earlier was quite an interesting one, Miss Rabbit" The Crown Prince whispered in my ear, making me freeze. He left while I was still in shock.

"What's wrong with her? What did my brother say to her?" Aiden asked.

"Sabi what's wrong?" Anne asked.

"Anne?" I said still in a daze.

"Yeah?" she replied.

"I wish for the ground to open up and swallow me up," I said.

"What? Why?" she asked while Aiden passed a questionable look.

' embarrassing!!' I thought as I hid my red face in my hands while the other two were just confused.