"Uwahh!!!! Why! Just Why?! Why do I have to embarrass myself like that?!! Aghhh" I whined rolling here and there on my bed whereas Augustus and Celimine are just watching me cursing at myself.

After the library incident, me, Anne and Aiden roamed around the Royal Garden where we met Aunt Freya. We had a little chit chat and soon after we returned home and all this time I couldn't get my head off of what the Crown Prince said.

..."Your performance earlier was quite an interesting one, Miss Rabbit" ...

"He saw it! He saw everything!!! I want to drown myself! I want the sky to open up and throw me in outer space!!!" I kept whining.

"*sigh* Stop it already. It's not like you were dancing naked or something?" Augustus said, getting irritated but only earned a smack on his head by Celimine.

"Hey!! Why did you hit me!" Augustus exclaimed, holding the back of his head while Celimine just glared at him, making him shut up.

"It's okay Sabrina. Things like this happen with everybody, I'm pretty sure he also had some embarrassing moments too. It's just that he didn't get caught by anybody." Celimine said, making me calm down a bit.

"You're right. He must also have some embarrassing stories too. I just have to find them out!" I said with full enthusiasm to which both of them just sighed.

"Yeah yeah do it for your satisfaction, okay? Now, are you okay?" Celimine asked.

"Oh I'm better than okay" I said with a playful smirk plastered on my face.

"Good! But just tell me...what is this Miss Rabbit thingy?" Augustus said, folding his arms.

"Oh yeah....what was that?" I said to myself as I recalled him addressing me as a rabbit, I didn't pay any attention to it since I was so drowned in embarrassment.

"I'm asking you, you idiot. Why are you asking back?" Augustus snapped at me, making me flinch as I smiled awkwardly.

"I...also don't know" I said as he let out an irritated sigh.

"That jerk," He mumbled, which was heard by Celimine.

"Oooh, Someone is possessive for his Master" she teased as he just passed a glare whereas I was just dumbfounded.

"Don't act like it doesn't matter to you," Augustus said, rolling his eyes.

"You're right..." Celimine said and went silent. After a few seconds suddenly she started shouting,

"HOW DARE HE?!! THAT PIECE OF SEAWEED!! THAT @#!%!!! HOW CAN THAT $%@#! SAY THAT!!!" making my eyes pop out whereas Augustus was just calm. She looked like she doesn't plan to stop anywhere near the future so I had to shut her up by trapping her inside my hands.

"What happened to her?" I asked Augustus in shock.

"Oh that? Nothing. She is sometimes a little slow witted. I'm used to it." He said calmly. Celimine calmed down a bit so I released her.

"Are you okay Celi?" I asked as she nodded.

"What in the world happened to you?" I asked.

"Hehe...We are a little possessive for our masters so....And he called you Rabbit!! I mean yeah, you look like a cute white fluffy rabbit, but that doesn't give him any right to call you that!!!" she exclaimed.

'I don't know whether that was a compliment or my insult?' I thought.

"Definitely not a compliment." Augustus said as I glared at him, "Leave it. I'll ask him if we meet again, which I hope never happens?" I said.

"By the way, you did the tour right? How was it?" I asked.

"It was really nice! It changed so much!" Celimine said with excitement. "Oh really?" I asked, chuckling at her cuteness, "And we saw something weird too," she added, making me frown.

"What?" I asked, she pondered for a bit and spoke, "We saw...nevermind. It's nothing important. You have to go to your sword fighting class, don't you?" she asked as I remembered that I'm late for class.

"Oh yeah!! I'm late! shit!!! I'll go then! Bye!!" I said dashing out of the room.

"...Why didn't you tell her?" Augustus asked.

"I don't know...I wasn't sure if I should tell her, maybe what we saw isn't the whole truth, we don't know the whole story so let's wait...." Celimine replied as Augustus nodded.


"Hahhh!! Finally I can sleep" I exclaimed jumping on the bed but today's events flashed in front of my eyes.

"Dion..." I said remembering the Crown Prince's face.

"In the novel he was someone who was known to be the living example of perfection. He was kind, handsome, gentle, sweet, attentive, wise in short, just perfect but he lacked in one department which was emotions, he was far away from the emotion and feeling called love" I said to myself.

"Original Sabrina hated him...why?" I asked and started to think very hard.

"Right! He had a cruel side of him which was witnessed by her. I remember now...." I said.

She thought that he only saw her as a perfect Empress candidate and nothing else and she also believed that his kindness was just a show and his true self was a monster since she once saw him punishing a person really cruelly which traumatized her and that's when the hate flourished in her heart. He had a really mysterious personality which only added fuel to the fire.

One thing more which was strange that he rarely showed his eyes which I too found weird, sometimes he wore a mask that covered his eyes only, sometimes they're covered with a long blue lace strips, and sometimes he doesn't wear anything but still didn't show his eyes which I quite didn't understand what it meant. Due to such actions a rumor spread that he hides his eyes because of a curse and of course she believed it. It's weird but maybe there is a plot behind it?

"He was wearing the lace thingy today as well" I said, staring at the ceiling, "I really want to see his eyes though,'' I said. Soon my eyelids started to get heavy and I drifted off to my dreamland.

Little did the heavy sleeper know that a figure entered her room through the open window. He walked towards her and bent at her level. He stared at her for a few minutes.

"You're really her. I thought I was mistaken. You sure are an interesting being, lady. I know your secret but don't worry, I won't tell anyone. We'll meet again soon and until then...Take care, Miss Fighter" he said in his deep voice before leaving through the same window.


"What's wrong, Sabi?" Anne asked, looking at Sabrina who looked disturbed for some reason. They are currently in the garden of Romet's mansion just roaming around.

"Huh? Nothing, it's just I feel like I'm forgetting something...something really important" I said massaging my temples since I couldn't remember it.

"Don't worry. Maybe it's because you are tired so your brain is playing tricks on you" Anne said.

"Maybe..." I said while sighing for the fiftieth time today.

"Don't worry Sabi. It'll be alright. It's just two weeks..." Anne said as I looked at her confused.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You're sighing because of Brother, right? Because he is returning for winter holidays, right?" She asked, looking at me innocently while I started laughing.

"You thought I'm down because Knox is returning? Hahaha. No, no, I'm happy for his return but it doesn't seem like I can say the same for you" I said as she pouted.

"Yes, because when he comes he will snatch you away from me" She said while sulking, making me smile. I hugged her and said,

"No one can snatch me away from my Anne. I will always be with you. Till the day I die." Anne snuggled into me as I giggled.

"Look at them. They are so cute" Celimine said after suddenly popping up in mid-air out of nowhere.

"I feel like I want to throw up," Augustus said, appearing behind Celimine as I just glared at him. Anne broke the hug and looked at me, confusing me.

"You really don't feel it?" she asked.

"What?" I asked back.

"The hot and cool wave, it is like a lot of energy suddenly appeared." she said looking here and there as I giggled.

'She is a saint. So she'll find out sooner or later, so why not today? Afterall she knows my secret' I thought.

"Yeah, you can tell her since she also has a flow of divinity in her and we don't mind too." Celimine said as I nodded and passed her smile. Anne was so confused when she saw me nodding my head looking in mid-air.

I started telling Anne about Augustus and Celimine as she listened carefully. After a while I completed my explanation while Anne was shocked. She looked here and there and then towards me with the question I knew she'd ask. I nodded as she smiled widely before getting off the bench excitedly.

"Um...H-hello Mr. Aug...Augus-...Agus-"

"Augustus" I said, helping her since she was having difficulty pronouncing his name. She smiled at me and again looked in the air and said

"Augustus! yes! Mr. Augustus and Miss Celim?" She looked towards me as I smiled and said, "You can call her Celi."

"Okay! Hello Miss Celi!" She said looking at mid-air.

"Um...Anne?" I said.

"Yeah?" She asked.

"They are over here" I said pointing to the other side while she got embarrassed.

"O My God!!! She is so cute!!!!!!" Celimine said, swirling around Anne.

"Hi!! Nice to meet you" Celimine said. I looked towards Augustus who was unbothered. I glared at him as he looked towards me.

"What? It's not like she'll hear me?" he said, shrugging his shoulders as I let out an annoyed sigh.

"I feel coolness around me. Is Miss Celi near me?" Anne asked, looking at me as I nodded.

"They are saying hi" I said as her face beamed with happiness and seeing her happy made me happy too. We were enjoying ourselves until...

"Hey you Guys!!!! Miss me?!!!"