"Ugh, talk of the devil and he appears" Anne said with an annoyed expression while looking at Knox who was walking towards us happily while being followed by servants who were carrying his luggage.

"Knox!" I exclaimed and jumped off the chair before running up to him and engulfing him in a hug.

"Woah woah, relax, Sabi. I know you missed me but this is a little inappropriate, you know..." Knox said, making me confused.

"What?" I asked, confusingly.

"Nothing" he said he looked kind of irritated by my comment.

"Ann!!! My baby sister!!! How are you?" He exclaimed and walked towards Anne with open arms. As he was walking towards Anne, a ball came out of nowhere in front of him, making him fall on his face.

"Oh My God! Brother! Are you okay?" Anne exclaimed while jumping off the chair and running towards Knox who currently looked like he was...not in a good state.

Whereas Sabrina was just standing there too shocked to react to anything.

'What did I just witness?' she thought while looking at Anne who currently had a worried expression on her face.

"Did I see it wrong? Or was it really?" I asked, looking at Augustus and Celimine, who were equally shocked.

"Yup. Definitely! I also saw the same thing" Augustus said as Celimine nodded her head while agreeing.

'Did...did she really just kick the ball from beneath the table?' I thought looking at Anne in disbelief.

Anne secretly kicked the ball which was near her foot beneath the table and it somehow managed to come in front of Knox, making him fall on his face. Anne thought that she succeeded but to her luck Sabrina witnessed her evil actions.

"Sabi, you are really mean. Not even asking me whether I'm okay or not?" Knox said, sitting on the chair while holding his nose, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Huh? Oh? A-are you okay?" I asked while going towards him while peeking at Anne, whereas Knox pouted.

"Does it look like I am?" he said while sticking up his handkerchief in his nose.

"Well, you don't and you asked me to ask you whether you are okay or not? And I did" I said as he scoffed.

"So you asked me because I asked you to ask me?" he asked in an irritated tone.

"N-no, t-that's not what I meant." I said while averting my gaze as he was glaring at me.

"Okay stop it. Brother? Shall I call the physician?" Anne said showing concern on her face which I highly doubt is real.

"No need. I'm fine. Thank you for your real concern Ann, compared to someone" Knox said while eyeing me as I just scoffed.

"Knoxy!!" Aunt Rosaline exclaimed while rushing out to the garden.

"Mom!!!" Knox exclaimed and ran to hug his mother. Both of them shared a heartwarming hug before Aunty asked with concern, "What's this? How did this happen? Are you okay?" Aunty showered him with questions after seeing him injured.

"I'm fine Mom. I just tripped over that ball, nothing much" Knox said, pointing at the ball, trying to calm down his worried mother.

"Ball? That ball? Isn't that Anne's?" Aunty asked as Anne gulped.

"Y-yes, it's mine but I don't know where it came from? Mommy are you saying I purposely tripped Brother?" Anne asked with teary eyes making Aunty panic.

'Look at her...look at this devil with an innocent face' I thought while looking at Anne's acting.

"No baby, Why would I say that? You are an angel, you will never do anything like that" Aunty said, trying to comfort the crying girl.

'Aunt? Don't you have a little too much trust in her?' I thought looking at her comforting Anne. Celimine giggled and I also let out a chuckle.

After a while, they went inside since Knox was tired and wanted to rest. I bid them goodbye and returned home whereas Anne was just sulking the whole time. She was looking cute.

"Miss, You have returned." Mr. Butler said as I passed him a smile.

"Marchioness Rois has arrived and is waiting for you in the lounge" Mr. Butler informed me as I nodded.

Marchioness Rois Werrin, wife of Marquis Joshua Werrin, is Anne's and my teacher. She is incharge of etiquette as well. She will be teaching us until me and Anne are eligible to join the Royal Academy. She is really sweet and kind but she is equally strict. If we make any mistakes she punishes us and I swear, her punishments are no joke.

Once she made me and Anne eat green veggies for a whole three days just because we didn't complete our assigned tasks, just the thought of it makes shiver run down my spine.


I closed the door after entering the room where Lady Rois is currently sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Greetings, Marchioness Rois." I said while bowing in courtesy.

"Good evening, Miss Sabrina." she said with a smile as I smiled back.

"So, now that Lady Anne will not be attending class today due to her brother's return, I guess we should start the class" She said as I nodded.

"But before that, did you complete the task I gave you yesterday?" she asked with suspicious eyes.

"Yes! I did! I even memorized the history homework you gave about the incidents that occurred during the Serrin War era, a thousand years ago." I said with a proud expression on my face as she giggled.

"Good job, but memorizing is a bit extreme since I just wanted you to read it to improve your reading skills and vocabulary. Sorry to ruin your proud moment but it won't be quite helpful in your further studies." Lady Rois said as my proud moment crashed in a second.

"W-What?" I asked, looking at her as she hesitantly nodded with an apologetic smile on her face.

'M-My three hours, thirty seven minutes and sixteen seconds...drowned just like that?' I thought, falling on my knees.

"*tch tch tch* Here goes her dramatic ass" Augustus said, appearing from the air.

'Shut up! You can never understand my pain, you carrot!' I said in my thoughts.

"W-what? Carrot?" Augustus said while scoffing.

"Hahaha. Carrot! What a name!" Celimine said while laughing, appearing from the air while Augustus glared at her.

"Okay now, Shall we start the class?" Lady Rois said as I half-heartedly nodded, still not able to accept the fact that I wasted three hours, thirty seven minutes and sixteen seconds on a useless topic.

Soon Lady Rois started the class. It was etiquette class's turn today which I sucked at. After two hours of struggle finally the class ended with a frustrated Lady Rois and me laying lifeless on the ground with Celimine comforting me and Augustus laughing his heart out.

"Gosh Sabrina, You are a very bright child in every other subject but what happens to you in etiquette class? You are the most difficult child ever in this class that I have ever taught" Lady Rois said to me as I passed an awkward smile.

She only addresses me formally when in class other than that we are quite comfortable with each other and why wouldn't be? She has been teaching us right after we stopped going to the Palace to study with Aiden.

"Okay then, I'll be taking my leave. I won't be coming for a week as I mentioned before due to some personal reasons. I have already talked with your mother so don't worry" she said as I nodded.

"Have a safe trip." I said while bowing as she smiled and left. As soon as she left, I threw myself on the couch earning a sigh from Celimine.

"Sabrina, What's the point of taking etiquette class when you are still gonna act this way?" Celimine said.

"It's not like I want to take it? I was forced by Mommy" I said as she just shook her head in disbelief.

"That's all fine but....why were you so stiff during class? As if your whole body is made of wood." Augustus said while controlling his laugh as I just glared at him.

"Shut up!" I said as he started laughing.

"You seem to be really happy when I'm in pain? Are you really on my side?" I asked, glaring at him as he just ignored my question and kept laughing. I just sighed and got off the couch before heading towards the dining room for dinner.

The guards opened the door revealing Mom, Dad and Shane already seated on the table.

"Sister!!!!" Shane exclaimed while running towards me and jumped on me. I giggled and ruffled his hair before putting him down.

"Good evening! Mommy and Daddy! and my Shanie!!" I said while pinching Shane's cheek as he giggled.

"Good evening baby, right on time!" Mommy said as I smiled and got seated as well beside Shane.

"So, your class ended a while ago. Everything going fine?" Dad asked as I nodded.

"I heard that Knox has returned? Have you met him?" Mommy asked while the maids served the food.

"Yup! And an accident also occurred" I said unintentionally while drooling over the food.

"Accident?! What happened? Everything is fine?" Mommy panicked as I realized what I said.

"Oh It's nothing. He tripped over a ball and had a nose bleed. Nothing else" I said while munching on my food as she sighed in relief.

"But still, he got a nose bleed which means he fell quite hard." Mommy said, being concerned.

"Oh don't worry, he is going to be a Holy knight. This much should be nothing for him" Dad said as Mommy just sighed, "Sabrina?" Dad said as I hummed in response, still focusing on my food.

"We forgot to tell you that, Me and your Mom have some business outside the town and we will be out for two days. And Shane will be going with us. Your Grandpa Flyn restricted us from taking you with us since he doesn't want to disturb your swordsmanship class routine, so you will be staying with the neighbours until our return and don't worry we have already talked with them." Dad said as I paused in between eating.

"What? You'll be leaving me for two days?" I asked with sadness in my voice as Daddy's gaze softened while Mommy and Shane pouted.

"We also don't want to leave you but your Grandpa is very stubborn and we have to go since it's important as well" Mommy said while pouting.

"Besides, it's only two days...You can do it! We can also!" Mommy said with full enthusiasm.

"I also don't want to leave Sister" Shane exclaimed while hugging me as I giggled.

"Me too," Dadsaid with a pout, making me laugh at his silliness.

"We'll leave early tomorrow" Dad added as I nodded.

Soon after, the dinner ended and I got off the chair before going to Mommy and Daddy. I kissed their cheeks and said,

"I'll miss you". They smiled and pecked me on my cheeks.

"We will too," They said in unison. We were giggling but a voice interrupted.

"What about me?"

It was Shane. He was pouting with an angry look on his face making us all laugh at his cuteness.

"Oh My God, How can I forget my little Shanie!" I said dramatically and tickled him as he laughed.

After a while we bid goodbyes and left to our respective chambers. I freshened up, practiced a little magic and laid on the bed to drifted off to my dream land. But one thought never let me sleep....

What the hell am I forgetting?....