*Knock Knock*

"Milady?" Fannie said while opening the door only to find Sabrina fast asleep.

"Milady!! It's so late!! Why are you still sleeping?!" Fannie said as she drew the curtains.

'Fannie!!! Let me sleep please!! I couldn't sleep at all last night! I can't right now!!!!' I thought as soon as I woke up from the commotion Fannie was causing.

"Hmm?...It's still morning though" I said while pulling the duvet up my face. But soon Fannie threw the duvet off of me.

"Fannieee~!" I whined.

"It's not morning, It's almost noon!" she said as my eyes widened.

"What?!" I said as she nodded.

"Then what about Mommy and Daddy? Did they leave?" I asked as she shook her head.

"What? They didn't?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, I don't know the details but maybe their meeting got postponed." She said as I sighed in relief.

'What's this wave of relief?' I thought.

"Okay now! Let's freshen up and then you can ask them for the details later." Fannie said as I nodded and got off the bed. I got changed and rushed to Daddy's study where he usually is.


"Sire, What do you think is the reason behind this?" Mr. Dylon asked.

"I also don't know. Maybe there is a purpose behind this or else something like this never happened before and the only way to find out is to go and inquire myself" the Duke said as his assistant nodded.

"So do you plan on anything else?" Mr. Dylon asked as the Duke looked towards him and said,

"No additional changes. Prepare t-" but before he could complete a knock on the door caught his attention.

"Come in" he said as the door opened revealing Sabrina. A smile formed on his face after seeing his beloved daughter in his study.

"Do what I told you earlier. Everything should go accordingly, okay" the Duke said to Mr. Dylon as he nodded and turned to leave.

After knocking on the door I entered Daddy's study and saw him talking to Mr. Dylon, his assistant and he is Sir Ryan's younger brother as well, also one of Daddy's trusted aides.

'What are they talking about?' I thought while looking at the elders.

"Good Morning, Mr. Dylon" I said as Mr. Dylon smiled and said, "Good Morning, Milady. Have a nice day" and left.

" too?" I said awkwardly, looking at his disappeared figure.

"Good Morning baby. What are you doing here so early?" Daddy said coming towards me.

"I wanted to visit you. Can't I?" I said, wiggling my eyebrows. He picked me up and placed a peck on my cheek making me giggle.

"Of course you can. Anytime" he said as I smiled. He placed me on the couch and sat opposite of me while analysing some papers.

"Daddy?" I said after a long silence. He hummed in response as he was really focused on the papers.

"Weren't you supposed to leave today with Mommy and Shane? Is something the matter? You look tense?" I asked as he paused for a second and looked at me before passing a small smile.

"Yeah, we were supposed to but...some urgent matter came up here so, we delayed it a little and I'm fine, it's just some business matters" he said as I nodded.

'He looks like he is hiding something' I thought, looking at him with suspicious eyes.

"Okay so, If everything is fine then I'll go now or I'll be late and Grandpa will add three more laps to my run" I said getting off the couch as shivers ran down my spine just by the thought of additional laps.

"*Chuckle* Okay then." Daddy got up and came towards me before engulfing me into a hug. He bent down on his knees and said,

"Good luck, be careful and be safe"

"*giggle* Daddy you are acting as if we're parting ways forever. We will meet at night, won't we?" I said as he smiled.

"Yeah. But still I wanted to say that. You have to be careful and safe all the time!" he said with a straight face.

"Yes yes" I said.

"Now shall I go? Or you want me to sacrifice my legs today?" I asked as he laughed and nodded. Soon I left from there and headed towards the training grounds.


"Knox!! Hey!!!" I exclaimed as I ran towards Knox, who was practicing swinging his sword.

"Hey, Took you long enough to complete only ten laps" he said as I scoffed.

"Ten laps!! It's ten laps!! Okay?! I finished one minute earlier than my usual time!" I said in my defence.

"Yeah yeah, you weakling" he said and left from there.

"W-Weakling? Me? Really?! That stupid idiotic lobster!!! STOP RIGHT THERE YOU MEATBALL!!!" I exclaimed and ran behind him. I jumped on him causing him to lose balance and we both fell on the ground. He was under me as I was hovering above him.

"Ouch! don't you know how to balance! Stupid!" I said as he widened his eyes.

"How am I supposed to know that you are going to jump on me like a monkey!" he said in defence.

"Monkey? If I'm a monkey then you are a sloth!" I exclaimed.

"Okay I am! Now get off of me!" he said.

"I won't!" I exclaimed as his face started to turn red. Soon I felt myself being lifted up in the air.

"Who the he- Grandpa?" I said as I looked at the face of the person holding me in mid air. He raised one of his eyebrows as I said, "Sorry M-Master, hehe, I was just you know..."

"Lady Sabrina Niam" he exclaimed as I gulped.

'He called my full name! Ahh! No!! Am I gonna die?!! God save me please!!!!' I begged internally.

"Five more laps for the disturbance you created" He said as my eyes widened.

"Five?!" I yelled in shock as he nodded.

'God...looks like we have an appointment today' I thought, looking towards the sky.

After five laps of intense running and one and a half hour of sacrificing my muscles, the training was finally over.

"Sabi? Has Uncle and Aunt left yet?" Knox asked, coming towards me, as for me? I was relaxing on the bench after an intense training session.

"Daddy and Mommy? No, they haven't! They had to leave today but something urgent came up which is why they postponed it." I replied.

"I know that. Dad told me that instead of going early in the morning they were going to leave in the afternoon due to some delays and it's almost afternoon" he said as I frowned.

"Daddy never told me that..." I mumbled to myself but audible enough for Knox to hear.

"Well maybe they didn't want to worry you. Anyway, they have to be careful since our enemies are trying to plot many conspiracies against us" he said and soon a wave of realization hit me. I stood up and held Knox by his shoulders and asked desperately,

"What date is it today?"

"Sabi, what's wrong? You look-"

"Just tell me the goddamn date!!!" I cut him off as he flinched. He gulped and said something that was enough to turn my whole world upside down.

"I-Its the twenty fifth"