"I don't think this is right," Duchess Ruminah said.

"We can't do anything. Do you think I'm happy with this? It's a royal request, not even an order. It will be hectic to refuse a Royal request" Duke Carlos said.

"But still, it's too early. I'm not ready for this. I refuse. Do something and postpone this somehow. I'm absolutely not in its favor. I'm not wrong, right Rosaline?" Duchess Ruminah said.

"Um...I don't know. As a mother, I understand you but as Carlos's friend as well, if you refuse a Royal request, it will put him through quite a lot of trouble" Duchess Rosaline said.

"Finally, someone with a brain" Duke Carlos said, receiving a death glare from his wife.

"My wife has always been smart,'' Duke Syle said.

"Will you shut it? I told you to quietly drink tea earlier, if you don't want to get kicked out of the room" Duchess Ruminah scolded, causing Duke Syle to quietly sit back at his seat, sipping on his tea since he got punished for causing unreasonable disturbance earlier.

Duchess Rosaline just controlled her laugh upon seeing her Lion husband turn into a scaredy cat in front of the Duchess Ruminah.

"I know this will cause trouble for him but how can they request something so unreasonable? And not even me, even Sabi and Shanie won't agree to this, especially Shanie" Duchess Ruminah argued.

"Well, that's a point" Duke Carlos said.

"Rumi, I think you should calm down a bit and think with a cool mind, Okay? Don't get so worked up. Come and Sit. Here" Duchess Rosaline said as she made Duchess Ruminah sit and offered her tea.

"Rosie, this isn't right. Engagement? That too with the Crown Prince? No no, it's not right." Duchess Ruminah said, sipping on her tea, trying to calm her mind down.

"I think so too. It's too early and the main thing is that not a normal child. The Royals are not aware of her power yet and revealing her powers now will only bring danger to my baby" Duke Carlos said.

"That is a valid point" Duchess Rosaline said.

"Rosie, just imagine. If you are in my place and Anne is requested to get engaged to Prince Aiden, What would you do?" Duchess Ruminah asked, looking at her dear friend who got taken aback by the question, not knowing how to answer.

"I would turn the whole Empire upside down to even think about my baby as a Royal subject!"

Duke Syle exclaimed fiercely, standing up from his chair but again sat down quietly after earning a silent glare from Duchess Ruminah.

"I'm sorry" he said and sipped on his tea.

"It would be hard to agree," Duchess Rosaline said.

"See! I'm not the only one!" Duchess Ruminah exclaimed, looking at her husband.

"Well, I'll try to postpone this topic as far as I can but I can only drag it till Sabi's return on the upcoming holiday after a few months. And after that, the decision will be in Sabi's hand" Duke Carlos said as others nodded.

Duke Syle slowly raised his hand, asking for permission to speak from Duchess Ruminah.

"What is it?" Duchess Ruminah asked.

"Today is their orientation, right?" he asked to which they all nodded.

"I heard that the Crown Prince will be joining the ball to welcome the freshmen since he is now a part of the teaching staff" Duke Syle added, whereas all the eyes widened.

"WHAT?!" the other three shouted, making Duke Syle flinch.

"This is an issue. The Crown Prince might have been informed that we have already talked to Sabrina since this topic started three months ago" Duke Carlos stated.

"WHAT?!" the other shouted, making Duke Carlos to flinch.

"And you're telling this to us today?" Duchess Ruminah complained in disbelief.

"I was dragging it as much as possible so as not to worry you too much. But it was all I could do by myself so that's why I told all of you" Duke Syle said innocently.

"Oh my God" Duchess Ruminah said, dropping on the couch whereas Duke Carlos was standing innocently like he didn't just hide such a big thing for three months.

"Um...Guys" Duchess Rosaline spoke.

"What? Now you also have an attack ready?" Duchess Ruminah asked, helplessly.

"No! Relax, Will you? I'm just saying that Sabrina is a bright child. She will not do something that will bring trouble upon the Duchy. She is a friendly and sweet kid" Duchess Rosaline said.

"That is why I'm worried. She is way too friendly and sweet" Duke Carlos said, gritting his teeth upon thinking how the Crown Prince can be manipulating her precious daughter.

"And she is dumb and naive too in this category" Duchess Ruminah, said massaging her temples.

Both Duchess Rosaline and Duke Syle passed each other a helpless look upon witnessing their friend's condition.

"I wonder how many pests are around my adorable daughter," Duke Carlos said, clenching his fists.


"Oh my! This strawberry pastry is so tasty!!" Sabrina exclaimed.

"Hah~...Sabi this is the seventh time you are saying this after eating the same pastry seven times" Knox helplessly said.

"So what?" I said, enjoying on my pastry, "It is so good. I just can't have enough of it *hiccup*" I exclaimed to which Knox sighed.

"*hiccup* What's *hiccup* going on *hiccup*?" I said, hiccupping hysterically.

"See? I told you to eat slowly. Look, now what's the outcome?" Knox said.

"Who's *hiccup* missing me *hiccup* so intensely? *hiccup*" I managed to say in between my hiccups, unaware of the fact that my parents were the reason behind these hiccups.

(Ps: In South Asia, it is said that if you are having constant hiccups then someone is either talking about you or missing you really bad.)

"Gosh, Brother. Stop irritating her. Here, drink some water" Anne said, passing a glass to me.

"W-What? I-Irritating? I'm irritating her?! Me?!" Knox asked in disbelief.

"Stop it you guys. Phew, thanks Ann. That really helped" I said, thanking Anne for the water.

"No problem. I'm always here for you" Anne said, clinging on to me as I smiled at her.

"Oh wow. Lucky you" Knox said with an irritated expression whereas Anne just showed him her tongue, only adding fuel to the fire.

"By the way, Ivy still hasn't returned? It's been a while since she went to meet her brother." I said looking around for Ivy.

"Oh, there she is," I said, looking towards Ivy who wasn't alone. She was coming towards us, followed by...her brother!

'Oh no, Ivy. No, no, no. Don't come here. Don't!' I screamed internally, praying for not to come in our direction but who was I kidding.

"Attention please"

Suddenly a loud voice was heard, it was the man who was calling out names earlier, standing beside the huge gate.

"What now?" I said, helplessly, still stealing glances at Ivy who also stopped in her tracks upon the announcement.

"The person you've all been waiting for has arrived. One of the most important figures of the Paizi Empire" the man exclaimed.

"Oh My God!! He's here! He's here!" a few girls squealed.

"Is someone important also coming? I thought everyone was done?" I asked, looking towards Knox who also didn't have any clue.

"I heard someone was coming, but I don't know who?" Knox stated.

All the attention went towards the gate. I too was curious.

'What's this? Is it a celebrity or something?' I thought.

"The Empire's Sun, Crown Prince, Dion Moore and the Second Prince, Aiden Moore have arrived!"

And with that every person present in the hall bowed in courtesy, leaving behind only one person...

'The Crown Prince?...So this was the bad feeling?...Shit...'