The Crown Prince slowly walked through the door and stood before the stairs and spoke,

"Please raise your head. This an orientation ball not a Royal ball, please treat me as one of you"

He announced as everyone lifted the heads up and gave a round of applause, except for one single person.

'Why's he here? No one told me about this! But why are his eyes closed?...Anyway I don't want to see him!' Sabrina whined in her thoughts.

"What is he doing here?" I asked Knox.

"Oh! I remember. Someone told me that a new professor will be joining us for this session. So, he is the one? I see now." Knox said, leaving me dumbfounded.

'He will be teaching here? Isn't he like eighteen? Scratch that! Do I have to see him everyday?! Why him? Uwahhh!!' I thought as I closed my eyes in frustration.

"Why are you making that expression? It looks like you're going to cry" Knox said, elbowing me making me break out of my trance.

"Huh? No, nothing! I'm just thinking about my doom ahead" I said without realizing.

"What?" Knox asked, confused.

"Nothing" I said, unbothered.

The Crown Prince was making his entrance while walking slowly down the stairway.

'Is this a movie or something?...And where the heck is that spotlight coming from?!'

I thought while looking up, finding the source of the spotlight that was on the Crown Prince but found nothing. I again looked towards the Crown Prince and found his gaze on me.

We had a slight eye contact before he slightly smiled at me and the library incident suddenly flashed in my head, causing me to break the eye contact.

'Gosh, that was really embarrassing' I thought.

"Sabi? Are you okay? You're all red? Do you have a fever?" Anne bombarded me with questions as she placed her hand over my forehead, gaining Knox's attention as well.

"Are you okay?" Knox asked, concern written all over his face.

"I'm okay. It's just the heat" I said, softly pushing Anne's hand off.

"Really?" Anne asked as I nodded.

I again diverted my attention to the crowd that was surrounding the Crown Prince, probably to introduce themselves and then I saw Aiden walking towards us with his usual neutral face.

"Hey Aidi~" I said as I slapped his back, causing him to stumble a bit.

A few gasps could be heard of the people around us since I forgot that we were in public. Aiden passed me irritated look before speaking,

"Is this how you greet people? I'm the Second Prince of the Empire, if not in private but at least show some respect in public since I have an image to maintain...And don't. Call me. Aidi!" He whisper yelled at me.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. My mistake" I said, surrendering to him as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Hey, Bunny boy! How you doin?!" Knox said as he placed his arm around his neck.

"For God's sake! How many-"

"Hey Aiden!"

Aiden was speaking but got cut off by Anne.

"*sigh* You all will never understand, will you?" Aiden asked as the three of us shook our head side to side in unison, earning another sigh from him as he dropped his weapon in defeat.

"Um, Sabrina?" I heard Ivy's voice from behind causing me to turn around but my eyes widened upon seeing the handsome young man standing behind her staring at me with a God knows what expression.

"Sabrina, this is my brother, Roan. I wanted to introduce you to him so here he is" Ivy said in her usual sweet soft voice.

"Oh? Haha, that's so nice of you" I awkwardly said as she passed a heartwarming smile.

'Don't do that! My heart will explode' I thought, looking at Ivy.

"Greetings Young Duke, Roan Folls, I'm Sabrina Niam from Niam Duchy. It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance" I said as I bowed at him.

He nodded his head and bowed back but didn't utter a single word.

'That's rude' I thought as I regained my posture.

"He does not speak that much so please don't mind him" Ivy spoke for him as I nodded.

Soon Ivy introduced him to everyone else as he gave the same reaction to others as well, even to Aiden as well but Aiden looked like he didn't mind that.

The great thing was that the Crown Prince was so busy handling the other Aristocrats that he wasn't even able to spare a glance over our side.


"Is it fun here? Does it feel different?" Celimine asked.

"Nau ae aww (Not at all)" I said as my mouth was stuffed with the delicious dessert.

"We just arrived today. It's too early to judge whether it's fun or not?" Anne replied to which Celimine nodded.

"Where is Mr. Augustus?" Anne asked.

"Oh Augustus? He must be somewhere around the dessert table. He really loves sweets just like Sabrina" Celimine replied.

"Exactly opposite of his personality" I said as I took another bite of the dessert whereas the other two laughed.

"Where did the others go?" I asked.

"Ivy went to get some refreshments, Knox, Aiden and Young Master Roan went to greet the Crown Prince" Anne replied.

"The Crown Prince?" I asked as she nodded.

'Well at least they'll keep him away from me' I thought while enjoying my dessert but stopped my actions when I heard a voice from behind.

"Greetings Lady Sabrina, it's been a while"

Shivers ran down my spine as I recognized to whom the voice belonged to.

'Please let it be a mistake. Please don't be him. Please don't be him. Please don't him' I chanted as I slowly turned around and to my was really him.

"Yo-Your Highness? Yes, it's been a while…Oh? Where are my manners? I greet the Sun of the Empire, The Crown Prince." I said as I bowed.

"Please don't be so formal. It doesn't fit right after our last meeting" he stated as I turned blue.

'This Mother!@!$!'

"Haha, that's right. Our first meeting was quite a memorable one. I didn't think I'd take down a well-built man who is six year older than me" I said with a little sarcasm ofcourse.

'You think I'll keep my cool just because you're the Crown Prince? Not a chance Dion Moore, not a chance!' I thought with a sweet smile plastered over my face.

"Haha, Well you sure are quite strong. If it weren't for your appearance, I might have mistook you as a man" he replied with the same sweet smile.

"Oh really? I thank you for comparing my strength to a grown man, it's an honor to be complimented by the Crown Prince of the Empire" I said.

"The pleasure is all mine," he replied.

'I really want to whack his face' I thought, maintaining my smiling face.

"By the way, Your Highness? If you don't mind me asking, why are your eyes closed? How are you able to see? It's a surprise you haven't fallen straight on your face" I said.

"Sabrina, have you finally lost it?"

I heard Aiden's voice as I saw him walking towards me with a smile on his face, followed by the others and Ivy had also returned by this time standing beside Anne, all confused.

'Why do I see a flaming Aiden behind his smile' I thought.

"Nope, just asking, you know" I said as he pressed his temples.

"It's okay, little brother. I guess she is curious and also has all the rights to know" The Crown Prince said.

'What does that mean?' I thought.

"So, Lady Sabrina, My eyes are not closed" He said, calmly.

"They are," I replied.

"They are not," he again replied.

"They are"

"They are not"

"They are!"

"No, they are not"

"Seriously! They are literally closed!"

"You are mistaken"



"What is going on?" Ivy asked Anne.

"I'm also trying to figure it out" Anne replied.

"What's going on?" Augustus asked, appearing from mid-air.

Celimine pointed towards a fired up Sabrina and when his gaze turned towards her the dessert he was holding in his hand dropped on the ground.

"WHAT IS THIS DUCK DOING HERE?!!!" he exclaimed.

"Duck?" Anne asked.

"He's referring to the Crown Prince," Celimine said with a straight face as Anne's eyes widened.

'They're exactly like Sabrina' she thought before focusing on Sabrina.

"How can you see if they are closed?" I asked.

"This the fourteenth time I'm telling you Lady Sabrina that my eyes are not closed" the Crown Prince said, calmly with a small smile on his face.

"But still-"

"I'll explain!"

Aiden cut off the bickering Crown Prince and Sabrina.

"So my stupid friend! His eyes are not closed but they look like they are close! And for why they are close? I don't know either! Understood? Happy?" Aiden explained. Irritation was written all over his face.

"Um, not quite but, okay" I said as I turned towards Anne before walking towards her.

"Oh? The dance has started! Sabrina, who will you dance with?" Ivy asked excitedly.

'Dance? Oh yeah, there is a dance at the ball~ I totally forgot about that.' I thought.

"Um...I haven't thought of it yet. What about you? Your brother will be your partner right?" I asked.

"Huh? No, that's not-"

"Go ahead and dance then"


"Just go~"

I said pushing her towards her brother not even giving her a chance to speak.

'Ivy is set to go but what about Anne? I can't let her dance with any other male. Aiden?...No! Never!...Then Knox? Yeah, he treats her like his sister and there is no romantic approach right now so yeah he'll be good' I thought.


Knox called me as I turned around, "Sabrina...Will you have this dan-"

"Oh, Knox! Great that you are here! Here! Go dance!" I cut him off as I placed Anne's hand in his and pushed them off to dance.

"But Sabi-" Anne protested but I cut her off, "Just go!~"

And they both had no choice but to surrender in front of my stubbornness.

"Good job, Sabi" I said proudly while patting my back, "They are so cute" I said as I looked at the dancing duos. Ivy and Roan, Anne and Knox, they looked like they were enjoying or should I say that I thought.


"Why did you agree with her? I don't want to dance with you" Anne said.

"Do you think I want to? She pushed me off with you" Knox replied.

"Do you really have to compete with me? Why don't you leave her alone? Sabi is mine" Anne exclaimed.

"Oh really? Have you bought her? Do you own her?" Knox exclaimed.

"I don't care. I won't let you win!" Anne said.

"Likewise here. I don't have plans of backing off either. I already have too much competition." Knox replied as they both let out an irritated groan.

Both of them then looked towards Sabrina's direction as their eyes widened and they both exclaimed at the same time,



"Brother, I told you to ask Lady Sabrina for a dance." Ivy complained.

"Why should I?" He asked with his straight face.

"Because if you will not get close to her, how will you fall in love with her? And how will she become my sister-in-law?" Ivy exclaimed.

"..." Roan just blankly looked at her.

"She already has so many people around her. Anne, Young Master Knox, Prince Aiden and now the Crown Prince as well. I can't afford to lose now" Ivy said.

Whereas her brother was looking at her blankly.

"Is she your friend?" he suddenly asked.

"Huh? Sabrina?...Yeah. She is the best person I have ever met and because of her I understand the meaning of friendship" Ivy replied and her honesty didn't go unnoticed by her brother.

Ivy then looked towards Sabrina and her eyes widened as well before exclaiming,

"Oh my God!"


"Oh, They are so cute. All talking and laughing like that. They really look like real siblings" I said as I looked at Anne and Knox.

"Now that they are all dancing, shall we go and explore more desserts?" I asked Augustus and Celimine as they nodded.

But before I stepped forward to leave a pat on my shoulder caught my attention and as I turned I stood there frozen.


"Milady, May I have this dance?"