"Milady, May I have this dance?"

"What?...Aiden...Are you okay? You're asking me to dance? Me?!...Did you eat something wrong? *gasp* Don't tell me! Did you drink?!" I exclaimed, whispering the last past.

'This senseless girl!' Aiden thought, trying to control his pissed expression.

"Stop imagining! Now will you dance or not?" Aiden asked.

"I want to, but I'm really bad at this Waltz or ball dance whatever it's called. I might injure your 'Royal' feet" I said.

"If I can handle you for the last five years, I can handle everything, even if it's your dance," Aiden said with a calm face, "Now shall we?" He asked as he forwarded his hand.

'Well that's unexpected' I thought while placing my hand in his.

"That might be my utmost pleasure, Prince Aiden" I said with a little sarcasm as he sneakily rolled his eyes at my comment.

Soon both of us joined the others and started the formal dance.

'Gosh! This is so boring! I miss my era's music' I whined in my thoughts as we slowly danced to the slow boring music.


"Ow! This is the fifth time!" Aiden whispered as he winced in pain since I stepped on his foot multiple times.

"I'm so sorry. I warned you earlier which is why I wasn't dancing" I said.

"I'm an idiot to ask you to dance," he said while being irritated.

"No, you're not an idiot" I said as he looked at me with shock.

"What?" He asked, I smiled at him before saying,

"You're a Royal idiot"

And his expression turned into a 'What was I even expecting' one.

"I'm disappointed but not surprised" he added, whereas I was laughing my heart out.

"Ow! *Sigh* Sabrina, stop fooling around" he requested.

"I'm not! I really don't know this dance" I protested.

"Then follow my lead" he added as I looked confused at him.


I exclaimed as he suddenly swung me to the other side and placed his hand on my waist which was earlier a little beneath my shoulder and he started to move with the rhythm and to my surprise, I was finding it way easier than before.

"Oh my, look at them" "They are looking so cute" "They are match made in heaven"

Such comments started to spread all over the ballroom as the duo kept dancing while giggling, having their fun talk.

"Isn't that the Second Prince with Lady Sabrina? Isn't she your soon-to-be fiancée?" Sir Zen asked the Crown Prince whose attention was already on them.

"Not yet. I guess she is not aware of that yet, according to her behavior. What's wrong with them dancing together? They are going to be in-laws after all" the Crown Prince said with a small smile on his face.

"Wait! Don't tell me! Do you like her? Already?" Sir Zen asked.

"Like, is quite a heavy word...She is a perfect Crown Princess candidate because I have to choose one at all costs because of Grandmother. And she is quite interesting, I must say" the Crown Prince replied.

"That's really fishy. This is the first time you have taken interest in a girl. This will be fun" Sir Zen said as the Crown Prince smiled at his comment, causing the few ladies around him to faint.

No doubt people say that his smile can kill people in one go.

"I'm gonna kill him! Why is he so close to Sabi! And they also look so happy" Anne said while gritting her teeth.

"I know right? They are looking so close" Ivy said with a pout.

"I knew that he would be a threat to me one day" Knox said to himself.

"..." Roan just kept his quiet as always.


"It was so fun. You are a really awesome teacher. I never enjoyed slow dancing before but thanks to you I did today." I exclaimed as both of us ended the dance.

"Thanks" Aiden said as he blushed a little.

"You both look like you really enjoyed dancing together" Knox said while coming towards us with a smile on his face.

"Yeah we did. And Aidi, from now on you are my dance partner for the rest of your life!" I exclaimed as I walked away from there, leaving a shocked Knox and Aiden behind.

"She doesn't even know the right use of words" Aiden said as his ears turned red.

"For the rest of his life?" Knox said in a daze.


I exclaimed as I ran towards Anne.

"Humph" Anne turned towards the other side.

'Looks like she's upset' I thought as an idea came to my mind.

"Oh, beautiful Lady Anne~ Will give me this honor of dancing with you on this special day?" I asked as I sat on my one knee.

Whereas everyone was taken aback by my action.

"Sabi? What are you doing? Stand up! Everyone's watching" Anne exclaimed as she begged me to stand up but I'm the stubborn me.

"I won't until I have this dance" I said in a deep voice as Anne sighed in defeat before passing me a helpless smile and placed her hand in mine.

I dragged Anne to the place where everyone was dancing and we both started to dance and soon I dragged Ivy too with me and Anne as we danced and giggled, unaware of the fact that a pair of eyes were observing me this whole time.

A small smile took over his face as he saw his little sister happy and laughing.

"I wish you would always stay like this. You found a loyal friend" said Roan, witnessing his happy little sister.