The War has Just Begun: WAR II

"He seems to be more calm better than before, it all depends on him now," Eru said while opening his eyes, his dark shade of blue eyes were no longer dark as before, it was now sky blue ones that flickered now and then, he looked weaker than before after he looked at Allerick for a long time he entered the water and transformed into his dragon form, the whole water glowed blue immediately he transformed.

Allerick laid still on the stone bed, his brows twitching continuously, and groans escaped his lips, small little blood trickled from the side of his lips, seemed like the bottle going on within him would cause him a lot, it depended on if he would die with his soul, or he would live without a soul but the only thing that kept him going is the image In his head, his pet, the woman he left to fend off the dangerous world.