"Who knew you had such skills?" Lucifer smirked as soon as his sword clashed head on against Nesrin's, she smirked too and made a slashing motion again making Lucifer to release a little, Nesrin shoulder blade was already bleeding so much that it trickled down her hand.

"Who knew Lucifer ever trained, am so proud of you Lucy" Nesrin said smirking, her face as white a sheet, but she still stood strong, she need to keep going till he comes then she would have her final plan!, nobody knew of this plan except Nesrin herself, if it was that easy to kill Lucifer she would have done so since..

"why would I not train for this big day" Lucifer said as he attacked her again, and Nesrin using her vines to deteriorate the attack, her powers were decreasing little by little but she still stood strong which angered Lucifer, he didn't know that she was this strong.