Father And Daughter Talk.

Suddenly the light turn on, and then two people were visible to Nova's eyes, she widened her eyes with shock, one was on the floor while the other one was on the floor, maybe dead or maybe alive, Nova was even terrified to even know, when or how did these people get into her house and how?

"Who are you?" Nova asked as she cautiously went down the stairs, careful she doesn't fall when she missed a step, the man in a grey tight top with short knickers scratched the back of his head wondering about what to tell her, but then since they came to this he decided to answer.

"Oh am just a passerby, saw this guy enter into your house and decided to tank him down, how was I, like a superhero right?" Nova didn't find it funny she rolled her eyes and then approached him with little steps, she was in her nightgown she normally wears on a cold night.