You Never Know: FA Talk

"Uh what do you mean by that dad I am totally innocent," Nova said while gurgling her glass of water while shrinking back into her seat.

"Innocent my foot, who is this derrick guy, and how come you never told me about him?" Nova sighed when she heard that question she didn't even know how to answer it so she just slammed her hands on the table and leaned forward to talk to her father.

"I didn't want to tell you about it because, of your reaction last time to rob Lovender case, but I would like to inform you that our first date was splendid, and I was safe, no-hit me or molested me," Nova said as her voice turned into a slow whisper, she also stole glances at her father to see his reaction but the man just put his full focus on her, as if trying to find something.

But of course, Nova didn't know he was closely observing her, as she wasn't used to people or family staring at her for a long time, she didn't even like the idea of meeting eye to eye to them.