351. RAPID

Noah spent the next hour scouring the town in search of individuals to eliminate. He encountered battles at some point and opted to excuse them in search of others. He had even managed to stumble upon his guild-mates, surprisingly they had all reached the town. And each of them had been shocked by his presence.

However Noah had been biased and let them be, he felt bad just thinking of eliminating them.

Nevertheless, he had to rack up enough points to guarantee his spot in the top three, and during that hour he had eliminated three individuals. Allowing his points to reach a beautiful 270.

He didn't know what other so he moved on to search the city even more.

At some point he found someone, but they were a duo, and they looked to be working together even if they were spread about two locations close to each other.

"I might have stepped into an ambush," Noah muttered while he slowly walked down a certain street.