352. HAVOC

Noah stored his daggers before exhaling, he might have just killed someone. But her insult had been annoying. There hadn't been any reason to start throwing any and he had been polite throughout their meeting, but she had to begin hurling insults at him.

He couldn't or wouldn't take it, especially when she was weak compared to him.

Noah began his search for the black-haired lady at that point, but she found him instead, and her eyes blazed with fury.

Unfortunately, the event with her partner had put him in a bad mood, and he wasn't in the mood for any action.

He prepared to take her out since her aura flared with ferocity and she revealed a similar whip. But Noah wasn't having it.

His figure shot forward with his sword at hand while she began to rapidly crack her whip at random spots around her, and before Noah could reach her, he felt his skin suffer injuries, even if her whip had not touched him.