An intense battle unfolded at that point. The field; it didn't matter which portion, saw huge chunks of its ground shattered and destroyed as both figures; barely visible to the naked eyes battled it out.

Noah could barely keep up. He had been close to dying many times during their fight, but by some miracle, he always ended up alive. Even if nasty injuries were sustained.

The hollow wasn't playing around, and Noah knew it, yet he began to suspect that it had not utilized all of its abilities, even if it was already overwhelming him.

To Noah's dismay, he had never managed to get the hollow to absorb his energy. It was quick and incredibly agile. So it always evaded them.

Noah didn't need to guess that if things continued In that trend he would die. He found himself utilizing the second form more and more just to escape its deadly moves.

But slowly his luck began to dwindle.