Noah felt unable to answer the hollow. This being his second time in a dungeon he had started to find it normal for the bosses to be capable of speech. But it felt unnerving nonetheless.

"You're a strange one, are you?" The hollows fear but also curiosity-inducing voice bellowed forth, but Noah remained silent. For the time being, at least.

"Let's fight if you have no words to say to me. I'll kill you and be done with this," The hollow threatened, bending its knees to suggest that it had a series of techniques available to it.

"What exactly are you?" Noah found his lips parting to voice his thoughts.

"You're called hollows, but how did that come to be?"

Noah's question seemed to annoy the figure, but it straightened its knees to gaze at him.

A few moments of silence had to go by at that juncture in their interaction, but the Hollow wouldn't leave Noah's question unanswered.