640. LIMIT

The group went ahead after that point—according to how they had planned. Lady Edna asked that they take turns between flying and walking.

At times they would take meaningless detours to randomly spread their trails.

She did just to check how accurate the tracking devices would be. In the end, they traveled a few hundred miles during a day before finally camping in a certain location.

According to the expert, they would wait to be found. They would wait a total of three days before deciding to leave if no one came.

She apologized to Noah for the wait, even if he found it convenient.

Those experts had even been elaborate since Noah found that both Elder Velsvon and Yuno carried buildings in their storage spaces.

After a bit of banter, Yuno had been allowed to bring out his structure. He had claimed to possess something far simpler than whatever the elder wanted to reveal, and he wasn't exactly wrong.