Xu Yuan's Rebirth

Pine Tree Mountain was once the site of one of the greatest righteous sects in the martial world but a great battle 50 years ago turned the Mountain that was once filled with pine trees into a land of death.

Over the past decades, this place has been neglected and even changed its name to Corpse Mountain because so many bodies are buried in this place.

After a long time of being uninhabited, today the Mountain became the scene of another great battle. Seen beneath the blue horizon, a middle-aged man was being surrounded by dozens of other people.

"Senior Xu, hand over the Eternal Heaven Scripture then we will keep you alive."

"Senior Sword Saint don't be stubborn, you can't possibly win against all of us in this place."

"Xu Yuan! You think with the Eternal Heaven Scripture you can do whatever you want? If you don't obey then I will take revenge for the sects you destroyed!"

One by one people tried to persuade the middle-aged man in front of them, everyone was aware that even though there were far more of them but at least tens of people would lose their lives if a battle really broke out. That was why no one was the first attacker knowing they would lose their lives if they did.

The middle-aged man only smiled faintly at all these words, his name was Xu Yuan who was also known as the Sword Saint. Even though at first glance he looks like he is in his 50s and only part of his hair has turned white, he is actually 92 years old.

"If only I had ten… no, five more years then I would have no trouble escaping them all." Xu Yuan thought as he checked his surroundings.

Everyone present in this place were high-ranking Martial Artists of both righteous and heretical sects, not the least of whom were Sect Master. All of them gathered together because they wanted to seize the Eternal Heaven Scripture, which was the most powerful scripture of martial arts in the martial world.

Xu Yuan took a deep breath as he recalled that all of this started 70 years ago, the martial world was in an uproar because of the reappearance of the Four Peerless Scriptures and the Seven World Heirlooms. All of that became the beginning of something called the Era of Chaos.

So many humans died in the Era of Chaos and at the same time talents emerged in the martial world, people who were called Heroes or Great Villains but Xu Yuan was not one of them.

Xu Yuan closed his eyes, he understood that today it was impossible to get out of this place alive. Even though everyone saw him closing their eyes but none of them tried to attack him.

One by one the memories flashed through his mind, he was actually an ordinary child who came from a simple family. One day when he was 5 years old, his village was attacked by robbers, he was arrested and intended to be sold as a slave but he managed to escape to the forest where he met someone who changed his life.

Xu Yuan met someone who became his Master and brought him into the martial world. He has good talent in sword arts, but unfortunately due to childhood trauma, he is reluctant to study martial arts and chooses to spend his time studying like a scholar. His master never forced him and let Xu Yuan behave as he wished.

When he was 17 years old, His Master died from a long-standing illness. It was then that Xu Yuan realized he should have learned martial arts, but it was too late. Five years later the Era of Chaos ensued and the sect he belonged to became one that perished in the early years of that Era.

"Come to think of it, things were really weird…" Xu Yuan thought as he shook his head.

Xu Yuan being one of the few people who managed to survive the destruction of his sect, with the intention of taking revenge, Xu Yuan spent all his time studying martial arts. In the end he never got something that is actually easy for most people like love, someone's face popped up when he remembered that.

"Come to think of it, I've never even held a girl's hand…" Xu Yuan suddenly felt like shedding tears but he couldn't do it in front of all these martial artists.

At the age of 72, Xu Yuan felt that he had spent his life in vain, despite having high achievements in swordsmanship after 50 years of training but in fact he could not take revenge. Never did Xu Yuan expect that he would be lucky enough to find the Eternal Heaven Scripture, when practicing according to it not only did his inner power improve greatly but his body also became younger.

Indeed in the martial world Xu Yuan had seen some great masters with high inner power able to still look young, he didn't expect himself to be able to experience the same.

He shut himself in for more than ten years before reappearing in the martial world to seek revenge. His swordsmanship and great inner power made him famous in a short time and earned him the nickname of the Sword Saint, one of the foremost Martial Artists in the martial world.

Many wondered because Xu Yuan appeared suddenly and was unknown before but possessed such great abilities. That's why many investigated him and finally found out that he actually had the Eternal Heaven Book.

All of that brought him to the situation he was now in. Xu Yuan opened his eyes and looked at all the swordsmen in front of him coldly.

"Today the heavens and the earth will witness the spilling of blood on this mountain again…" Xu Yuan then took out a book from his clothes, all the Martial Artists reacted immediately because they believed that the book was the Eternal Heaven Scripture, "This is what you want? Take it!"

Xu Yuan threw the scripture into the sky, before the Martial artists had time to react, Xu Yuan drew his sword and released a sword energy that was aimed at the scripture.


"Are you crazy?!"

The Eternal Heaven Scripture is indeed the greatest book but still the scripture that stores the knowledge is made of ordinary paper. The sword energy that took the form of a blue light immediately pierced through the scripture, shattering it into pieces.

All the Martial Artists drew their weapons and became furious at the action while Xu Yuan only laughed loudly in response to them.

"You guys want the Eternal Heaven Scripture? I won't even let it in your dreams!" After saying that Xu Yuan charged forward with his sword.

Thanks to his immense inner power, Xu Yuan had the ability to lighten his tall body making his movements so agile and agile. Within a few breaths, he had arrived among the warriors and managed to release several slashes.

Everything happened so fast, two high level Martial Artists had been killed by his sword. Even though the two of them had held back Xu Yuan's sword, it was just that the stab of the sword destroyed their swords so easily.

Xu Yuan's sword was not an heirloom sword, but the inner power that flowed into the sword was so great that it had tremendous destructive power and easily cut through steel like cutting paper.

The Martial Artists no longer stood still, they attacked at almost the same time. A fierce battle ensued between Xu Yuan against dozens of formidable Martial Artists. In the face of so many enemies, Xu Yuan was not the least bit afraid and could even fight with a big smile no matter how badly his body was covered in wounds.

The fight didn't last long, about fifteen minutes passed before the Martial Artists moved backwards away from Xu Yuan and looked at him with a sense of dread.

Xu Yuan's condition was so bad, he lost his left arm, his entire body was covered in wounds but he was still able to stand after losing so much blood. His breathing was heavy, but he looked like he could still kill a few more people to die with him.

"My master once told me to be careful with elders in the martial world, because in this world most people die young... Today my eyes are really open." Someone said while chuckling in admiration.

Xu Yuan and the remaining martial artists looked to the source of the voice and found a young man who looked to be in his 20s. They all immediately recognized him as the most talented young swordsman in this generation who belonged to one of today's biggest sects.

The young man looked around him which was now filled with the corpses of high-level warriors, he was sure that even with his abilities it was difficult to do what Xu Yuan did.

"Don't get me wrong, I came here because I heard the Ice Island Lord came here, isn't it a rare opportunity to witness the Ice Island Lord?" asked the young man with a broad smile.

The expressions on the faces of the warriors including Xu Yuan immediately changed, almost as the young man finished speaking, the air around them all felt colder.

Xu Yuan looked in one direction and saw a girl approaching quickly from a distance, at a glance the girl seemed to be floating in the air but Xu Yuan knew it was a technique that someone with such high power could do. As far as Xu Yuan was concerned, people who were able to do it in the entire martial world could be counted on the finger.

When the girl finally landed in front of everyone, they could see her face clearly. Everyone chuckled in admiration but no one dared to stare at him for too long other than the young man who was the most talented young Martial Artist.

"The Ice Island Lord's beauty truly lives up to the legends. Today my eyes are really open." The young man laughed out loud and full of pride.

The girl of divine beauty put on a cold face and said nothing, other than suddenly raising her hand.

One next breath, the talented young man's body was flung several meters before falling to the ground. His body froze and his breath stopped for a moment.

Seeing that all the remaining warriors did not dare to take a breath, some even immediately left the place.

Xu Yuan chuckled, that young man was probably the most talented of his generation even being able to learn the sect's high-level martial arts.

The problem was that this girl who looked to be in her teens was actually the same age as him.

Nalan Yu, The Ice Island Lord and the only martial genius from the Chaos Era who is still alive today. Not only did he master one of the Four Peerless Scriptures but Nalan Yu also possessed one of the Seven World Hierlooms

"In three breaths, those who are still here will stay here forever…" Nalan Yu said quietly, but everyone could hear her.

It didn't take three breaths, before she finished she said more than half of the remaining warriors immediately left the mountain. Xu Yuan chuckled again when only he and Nalan Yu were left.


"I am not married." Nalan Yu cut in.

"Ehem… Miss…" Xu Yuan choked on his own saliva when Nalan Yu cut him words, "Miss Nalan, I don't know the reason for your being here but if what you want is the Eternal Heaven Scripture, you're too late."

Nalan Yu shook her head slowly, "I only want to help people who are from the same generation as me. I heard we were from the same era, but it seems I'm late…"

Xu Yuan raised his eyebrows, not expecting Nalan Yu to intend to come to his aid but he was right, she too late. If not for his great inner power, Xu Yuan had long since died even his vision was starting to blur.

"Miss Nalan… Thank you for your good intentions. If there is a next life, I will retaliate…" Xu Yuan couldn't finish his words before vomiting blood, his inner power couldn't hold the wound any longer.

All Xu Yuan could do was smile as wide as he could at Nalan Yu, before breathing his last breath. Nalan Yu's eyes widened slightly when she realized Xu Yuan had died in a standing position using his sword as support.

Nalan Yu remembered her Grandfather's words that she had almost forgotten, "Only a true martial artist dies in a standing position, no matter the number of injuries he has." Nalan Yu didn't pay much attention to the sentence considering that her grandfather had died on the bed.

"To think I'd see a true warrior here..." Nalan Yu smiled faintly, she couldn't remember the last time she smiled. Nalan Yu took off the necklace she was wearing and then wrapped it around Xu Yuan's neck.

"This necklace is an Ice Island heirloom, it is said to have the power to change destiny…" Nalan Yu never discovered the secret of this necklace, in the end she felt that this could be a form of regret that she couldn't save Xu Yuan.

Nalan Yu then used her inner power to create ice around Xu Yuan's body, trapping his body in an ice coffin. Nalan Yu lowered her head once before leaving the Mountain, not realizing when she turned around that something had happened to the necklace she gave Xu Yuan.

Something that changed Xu Yuan's destiny in the most unimaginable way.


"This is what death feels like..."

Xu Yuan could feel his gaze gradually darkening, for him his last sight of the face of the most beautiful girl in the martial world could be said to be an accomplishment as well. Xu Yuan was at least able to avenge his sect before he died, leaving no regrets.

"Is it true that there are no more regrets?"

Xu Yuan felt like laughing, because he felt stupid.

Who was he trying to lie to?

There were so many regrets in his life that he couldn't fix but now regretting them was useless.

"It's too late, unless I can turn back time… What kind of stupid thoughts do I have."

Now that Xu Yuan felt like he was in the dark, the pain in his entire body was also slowly disappearing indicating that he was starting to head to the afterlife.

"Master… Father, Mother… I'm coming…"

When he began to choose to surrender and give up everything suddenly a bright blue light appeared in front of him.

"Oh, is this the door to the afterlife?" Before Xu Yuan had time to think further, the bright blue light grew bigger and closer to him. He wanted to observe the light further but when the blue light hit his body, it seemed to enter into him.

His body then emitted a bright blue light before his vision went dark again, but this time his whole body was in pain again although not as bad as before.

"Ouch! Ouch! What happened?!" Xu Yuan was trying to struggle from the pain he was feeling, shouldn't he be dead already? Why does he still have to feel pain like this?

When Xu Yuan struggled further, he realized he could open his eyes and found himself lying down staring up at the night sky full of stars.

"I'm not dead yet?" Xu Yuan couldn't believe it, he tried to change his position to sit down but his whole body ached and it was hard to move. Xu Yuan was sure he had died and this place also felt foreign to him, could it be that the afterlife was different from what had been said in the notebooks he thought.

"Oh, you're awake? I think it will take a few more days."

Xu Yuan then found someone sitting in front of the fireplace not far from him, a young man wearing an iron mask to cover most of his face. Even though all he could see were a pair of eyes and a mouth, Xu Yuan could recognize the person.

"Master Meng, why are you still wearing a mask in the afterlife? Does master's good looks still bring trouble in this realm?" Xu Yuan immediately recognized this young man as Meng Hao, someone who had brought him into the martial world.

Meng Hao who was originally approaching Xu Yuan with a gentle smile now stopped his steps and became alert, "How did you know that I'm surnamed Meng, little boy? Who are you?"